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Props to Sonic Fox, Who May Currently Be the Most Consistent Player in Injustice


Administrator and Community Engineer
So I was thinking about recent tournament results after ECT.. And I realized that, while he didn't win, Sonic Fox has now been in the Grand Finals of 4-ish majors in a row. After going up against KDZ at WB, he came down and won Final Round, and then he he made it to the Last Stand two more times at CW and ECT.

In a game that can be as unpredictable as it gets, that's a pretty amazing feat. Not to mention that he also casually made the Grand Finals of Skullgirls at ECT, which he won, as well as the Grand Finals of DOA, where we was stopped by his brother and training partner. That's pretty cool.

The thing I like about about Sonic's story is that it hasn't all been an easy road for him. Like a lot of players, he had his early struggles in IGAU. But rather than being distracted or deflated by coming up short at earlier tournaments, Sonic has been one of the hardest-working players in the game. I've never seen someone so dedicated to coming up with new tech, new setups, and squeezing every last bit of juice out of practice mode. People often talk about his 'talent', but if you Skype with him you'll see that it's backed up by a good deal of grinding, and that's neat to know.

And as far as I can see, this last string of appearances makes a case for him being the most consistent tournament player at this point in the game.

So here's to @SonicFox5000 -- 'preciate the fact that you don't let the talk get to you and you keep working hard. Peops to both you and your bro -- and please don't break any more top tier characters with game-breaking glitches or find Martian Manhunter infinites ;) It warms my heart to know that you'll be able to spend all this money on milk.

Also on a related note, props to Jupiter who has now notched two tournies in a row, and DarthArma who is still steadily adding to his list of Top 8's.

And props to the other guys who seem to find themselves on the main stage a lot these days (Noobe, Harold, Bit etc).

This summer is going to be awesome and I'm looking forward to it. Sonic, MLG is calling you!
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Its not fair to only think of this kid as a "tall ass version of Webster" but he should be recognized.

I mean , didnt @SonicFox5000 make it into like 5 or 6 seperate TOP 8's in seperate games at WB ?

That shit is bananas !

To be honest SonicFox can be talked about in the same conversations as Justin, NYChrisG, Rico, PR ROG as being a "Top 8 or better threat" in every game he plays... Sounds crazy cause he's so slept on in the FGC as a whole...


Monster Island Tournaments
I was emo to not get a props thread. Thanks Crimson! Going into the lab for days on end and finding new tech is all I do. I guess people aren't seeing the road I am paving for myself. I feel people are still sleeping on me!
Let them sleep and crush their dreams!


This mean you don't like me?
I was emo to not get a props thread. Thanks Crimson! Going into the lab for days on end and finding new tech is all I do. I guess people aren't seeing the road I am paving for myself. I feel people are still sleeping on me!
Psssht! Stop lying, you weren't emo. Last I heard you made a killing in money matches. You cannot deny, we have proof of you going to collect


Psssht! Stop lying, you weren't emo. Last I heard you made a killing in money matches. You cannot deny, we have proof of you going to collect

Thats him behind the lady who's behind that fox right ?

mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn lol... I <3 sonicfox tho

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
I was emo to not get a props thread. Thanks Crimson! Going into the lab for days on end and finding new tech is all I do. I guess people aren't seeing the road I am paving for myself. I feel people are still sleeping on me!
im not sleeping on you i just know how good your batgirl is so i get emo at the char select screen lol


Who else won an Mk and injustice tournie at the same tournament? This kid did! Massive props for all your accomplishments!


cr. HP Master
I think we're at the point where we all expect Fox to do well. It's no longer a surprise, but an assumption. So, I'm not surprised to see a lack of props.
Sonic has always, and will always be AMAZING. Seriously talented kid. And if you think his talent is just video games.. You're wrong. The kid plays the piano.. The violin.. God knows what else. He's just genius and a beast. He will change the FGC for years to come. Get used to it.. Always 1st place in my book.
I was emo to not get a props thread. Thanks Crimson! Going into the lab for days on end and finding new tech is all I do. I guess people aren't seeing the road I am paving for myself. I feel people are still sleeping on me!
You should describe how your thought process works.


see you at the top.
So I was thinking about recent tournament results after ECT.. And I realized that, while he didn't win, Sonic Fox has now been in the Grand Finals of 4-ish majors in a row. After going up against KDZ at WB, he came down and won Final Round, and then he he made it to the Last Stand two more times at CW and ECT.

In a game that can be as unpredictable as it gets, that's a pretty amazing feat. Not to mention that he also casually made the Grand Finals of Skullgirls at ECT, ehich he won, as well as the Grand Finals of DOA, where we was stopped by his brother and training partner. That's pretty cool.

The thing I like about about Sonic's story is that it hasn't all been an easy road for him. Like a lot of players, he had his early struggles in IGAU. But rather than being distracted or deflated by coming up short at earlier tournaments, Sonic has been one of the hardest-working players in the game. I've never seen someone so dedicated to coming up with new tech, new setups, and squeezing every last bit of juice out of practice mode. People often talk about his 'talent', but if you Skype with him you'll see that it's backed up by a good deal of grinding, and that's neat to know.

And as far as I can see, this last string of appearances makes a case for him being the most consistent tournament player at this point in the game.

So here's to @SonicFox5000 -- 'preciate the fact that you don't let the talk get to you and you keep working hard. Peops to both you and your bro -- and please don't break any more top tier characters with game-breaking glitches or find Martian Manhunter infinites ;) It warms my heart to know that you'll be able to spend all this money on milk.

Also on a related note, props to Jupiter who has now notched two tournies in a row, and DarthArma who is still steadily adding to his list of Top 8's.

And props to the other guys who seem to find themselves on the main stage a lot these days (Noobe, Harold, Bit etc).

This summer is going to be awesome and I'm looking forward to it. Sonic, MLG is calling you!

yeah, yeah....he's alright.



PTH|RM Relaxedstate
Sonic fox is okay I guess...if you want to call making grand-finals at 4 regionals in a row an accomplishment.

But seriously, Sonicfox is ridiculous and the fact that he has made GF at 4 majors in a row, and GFs in two other games consistently, probably makes him a contender for a top5 best fighting game player of all time. Hold dat Chris G


I was emo to not get a props thread. Thanks Crimson! Going into the lab for days on end and finding new tech is all I do. I guess people aren't seeing the road I am paving for myself. I feel people are still sleeping on me!
I'm only sleeping on your ability to grow facial hair, but it's ok, I still love you.


Ive seen the leprechaun
Good character or not sonicfox os an awesome player! I'm waiting for the day where he keeps picking random and still gets into grand finals