"I am Alpha And Omega, the beginning and the end." -god
Two (pretty much) gods that oppose each-other, Kyogre and Groudon--
Kyogre is alpha, the beginning, the life-creating element that is water, and Groudon is Omega, the end, delivered in fire.
The title for these games is by far the best title for any Pokemon game. Certainly makes a lot more sense than "Heart Gold, Soul Silver"
Breh, Hoenn is the greatest Pokemon region of all time.
So much more to explore than anything before, or after. Greatest musical soundtrack I've ever heard to this day. (So much variety in that soundtrack, all of them being top tier.)
Coolest character in Steven Stone, your dad Norman, and those starters and legendaries? Rayquaza, Blaziken, Sceptile, others?
Never been more stoked. The remixed music is coming, Get fucking hyped, or get the fuck out of my way.
I'm only a bit disappointed in Emerald not being the go-to remake version, as it addresses Ruby and Sapphire's relative weaknesses, which was there evil team motivations.
Putting htem both into one game was the only thing that made sense-- making the teams rivals.
And Emerald having world-changing flooding and life ending drought at the same time in different places, for that long of a time in its story, was/is one of the coolest apocalypses I've ever seen in a videogame: and Emerald was 2004.
Man, elementary and middle school was the perfect time for Emerald to come out for me, mannnn. My friends and I were playing these past gen four.