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East Coast Throwdown 2014 Pools Released


The stream situation is garbagio, hope people are at least on capture duty so we can catch it on youtube.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
How am I supposed stream monster if there's no stream...:(
There is a stream. Face Palm. How hard is it to go to the Website and look to see the Stream Schedule. Or to look at the front page and see the Stream Schedule DMS Posted. Not even trying to Lass out at you. But everyone is asking about a stream yet it takes about 1 minute to search for the site and find the Stream schedule.
There is a stream. Face Palm. How hard is it to go to the Website and look to see the Stream Schedule. Or to look at the front page and see the Stream Schedule DMS Posted. Not even trying to Lass out at you. But everyone is asking about a stream yet it takes about 1 minute to search for the site and find the Stream schedule.
I know lol but I'm used to watching all the pools. The ladt couple of majors i watched from start to finish the whole day lol. It isn't the same mannnn


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
i agree with oxygen on how good lobo is, maxter also believes hes almost op 10 or top 10. maxters footsies with lobo are godlike man.
I think Lobo is pretty good as well. Cool Character. As For Placing on the Chart. Idk. We may find out this weekend though.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
You don't know this? this was in the New york times this morning. The T.O.s are limiting the ENTIRE event to two streams. Team sleepy Spooky and stream....I forget, but its not KN, and its NOT injustice dedicated. I think we're gonna get 2 hours on that secondary stream. So itll most likely be 2 pools and NO top 16. then top 8 sunday morning on team sleepy's stream....at least we have that going
according to the stream schedule we have 2 hours on spooky's stream at 2 and 2 hours on deadly bison at 6. saturday's stream schedule is here

sunday top 8 will be at 1 pm on spooky's stream

personally i think they did an awesome job splitting up stream time with the 2 streams. i think being on spooky's stream for pools is cool for a change of pace because EVERYONE watches spooky's stream and it will show the game to people who normally wouldn't see it. also, there is no mention of when top 16 is so idk whats the deal with that. however, like always, i will bring the resources so we can have off stream shit recorded. however this time around im gonna need someone to help me cuz im playing an asston of games this time. im gonna see if we can get some more lgps and cover as much as possible.