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[May 12, 2014] BLTB #4 Special Announcement! HYPE! (Sacramento, CA)


Have you guys been enjoying the BLTBs so far? Well, we've probably been enjoying them even more...

Here's just a sample of what's happened so far:

Bi-weekly just does not provide enough hype for us, so we are VERY happy to announce that we are now a weekly series! We are still going by BTLB, but now we are Blocking's Low Tier Battles!

Entree fee is $5


Sign-ups at 6:30pm
Bracket starts at 7pm

Console - Xbox 360

Bring a PS3 stick/pad too if you can in case there are PS3 setups for casuals!

  • Matches are 2/3 with Winners Finals, Losers Finals and Grand Finals being 3/5
  • First stage is double random
  • Winner must use the same character
  • Loser can opt to rematch on the same stage or go double random
  • Loser can also change character, but if they decide to, the stage must be double random'd again
For those of you that are planning on attending, make sure to PM @NRF Everlast so he can give you instructions on how to get into the venue.


@Dark Kent
@AK/RM GamerBlake
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I really gotta make it out to one of these man :(
Sac being an hour and a half away and not having a car is fucking me over.


Is it me or does the "Watch YouTube.com" button does not work? I am running it on Firefox 29 and Chrome.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
Is it me or does the "Watch YouTube.com" button does not work? I am running it on Firefox 29 and Chrome.
Same problem here. Thought it was the wrestling forum I go to, but it doesn't work on TYM either. Must be the new update for Firefox.