Yea Freddy is def broken bad atm, even when his damage gets toned down, I still don't think he should be allowed. The other 3 DLC should be allowed for SB4 tho.
I played Kenshi alot & considered switching him to my main, but started to have a 2nd rebirth for Nightwolf now I figured out ways around issues I was having with him (Thanks Check
) Nightwolf is more of a complete char where as Kenshi is good not great once u figure out ways around his gimmicks. If you never played against a good Kenshi, he will tear u apart bad, but learn the char & you will see his weaknesses become very apparent.
Now that EVO is over, I see no reason not to allow the 3 DLC chars (most tourneys followed EVO rules up until event). I know I wanna get matchup exp against them all & nobody will take them serious until they are allowed at tourneys. I hope I get blown up bad by a good scarlet player so I can have some motivation to hit the lab & learn how to fight her, otherwise I feel like I wasted $15/$20 on FUN DLC.
PS.. that's why we all get together on Friday nights to help everyone level up in NJ area. No one keeps secrets or has an elitist attitude towards others. I flat out tell people what my strategy is if I see your having trouble against me, so u can understand it & adapt to it. That makes me level up as well cause the shit I was doing ain't gonna work anymore, so I need to adapt as well. Match-up exp is such a big part in helping you grow as a player & trust me, you wont learn it online!