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TYM Tattoos thread


It's not that it doesn't hurt, but your brain gets flooded with endorphins and feel-good hormones in response to the pain making it really tolerable. Some people can even start to like it.

I pay by the hour to have mine worked on and can just zone out watching streams and texting or playing on TYM under the needle until my time is up.


It's not that it doesn't hurt, but your brain gets flooded with endorphins and feel-good hormones in response to the pain making it really tolerable. Some people can even start to like it.

I pay by the hour to have mine worked on and can just zone out watching streams and texting or playing on TYM under the needle until my time is up.
It does start to feel good after a while lol
I saw your tattoo in one of the threads. Very artsy and original!


Stay Puft
What's the point of a tattoo thread if most people just describe their tattoos instead of posting pictures. You're killing me guys!


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
If someone wants to get a tattoo then let them get one. Its really not that big of a deal. Unless they get a stupid tattoo. Also im not posting mine because i actually have no pictures of them. :/


aka - RM_AtK !
Usually original and meaningful go hand in hand. If it truly does mean something other than being a typical hipster then go do it, I'm all for it.

Just because you'd do it doesn't mean he should when he risks not being able to find a job because of it and especially at the age of 16. Next time use your brain a little and don't call people cock suckers.
oh are you his father?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Nice! I hope it'll look good on my abs lol
lol if you're a chick hell yeah but if not hey whatever you like man lol.

But mine is on my right shoulder, I want Scorpion, Ermac on thinking my back or other arm something.


Noob Saibot
Oh my. If you don't mind me asking, what was your motivation for getting them done?

I just wanted something different than the typical stuff you see done. I listened to a lot of Deicide and was also inspired by some of Paul Booths stuff that I've seen.

The ONLY regret I have is not havong the one on my forearm up on my biceo/tricep area, but since I wear a lab coat at work 99.999% of the time I guess it doesn't matter. When I have to get dirty and do CPR, play in blood, or open someones chest bedside usually nobody notices in all the wxcitement.


@AK TylerLantern would love this thread lol
I tried to make a thread like this a while back, but it seemed like hardly anyone had tattoos. I will post some of the tattoos that me and my girlfriend, @ShannonLantern, have.


Here are some of Shannon's:

First, is one she got re-worked. She got it done by a crappy artist and had it redone and it turned out really nicely when she got it redone.

Here is her drunk panda bear she got on her left hip

For some reason that is one of the coolest tattoos ever to me lol.

She has a lot more tattoos, but we do not have pictures of them. She has a pretty nice chest piece, I don't have a full picture, but some of it can be seen here in these pictures of us, you can see the dove at the top of her chest.

You can see more of it here in this picture of us also

Anyway, her tattoos are bad ass, she is covered in them. I do not have near as many as she does.

this thread has no pics
A tattoo thread NEEDS pics, so I am glad some of you guys started posting pics of your tattoos, but the rest of you that are just describing them, come on, POST PICTURES! Its like people say, post pics or it didnt happen lol.
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Magic as easy as 1 2 standing3

These are on my upper arms, unfortunately the image quality of my peacock lady isn't great.

These pieces are on the insides of my lower arms

This is my favourite though, again the picture quality isn't great. For anyone who says tattooing isn't painful I challenge you to sit for 6 hours while having the back of your rib cage worked on lol.

I have others but these are the biggest