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Zod the hero


Neptune's Beard!!!
Except his "selfish goals" was to reincartnate his home planet and his people. If he's selfish then so is Supes.
Not because he wanted to. But, because he was chosen at birth to do whatever neccessary to "protect" Krypton. Without Krypton, his life basically had no purpose.

Also, let's not forget one of his goals was to kill the last BABY of Krypton. Let's be real, you go around threatening babies, you ain't a hero.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Not because he wanted to. But, because he was chosen at birth to do whatever neccessary to "protect" Krypton. Without Krypton, his life basically had no purpose.

Also, let's not forget one of his goals was to kill the last BABY of Krypton. Let's be real, you go around threatening babies, you ain't a hero.
Maybe, but Supes isn't any more heroic than he is.


Neptune's Beard!!!
Maybe, but Supes isn't any more heroic than he is.
How so? He could have stayed hidden from Zod. He could have fought Zod right off the bat. Instead, he chose to surrender himself to the people of Earth and then to Zod to protect them all. He literally did all he could to prevent any kind of violence while still keeping people safe till he was left with no choice but to fight.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
How so? He could have stayed hidden from Zod. He could have fought Zod right off the bat. Instead, he chose to surrender himself to the people of Earth and then to Zod to protect them all. He literally did all he could to prevent any kind of violence while still keeping people safe till he was left with no choice but to fight.
Exactly, he could have taken the fight elsewhere instead of destroying Metropolis


Salt Proprietor of TYM
What makes Zod such a great character is the fact that he actually believes he is a hero, but is quite the opposite. A lot of my favorite characters are kind of portrayed in that same light...like Lex Luthor or Green Goblin. (But they take that shit to another level though) Zod sure as hell thought he was a hero for trying to destroy an entire race to bring back a dead one...but think about that and just realize how crazy that sounds. Know why it sounds crazy? Cuz it is...because Zod is crazy. :p


Play Monster Hunter!
All Zod had to do was agree to use the world builder on another planet, either Mars or Venus, and everyone could have walked away happy.

But no, he had to be a dick about it because Jor El punked him, and now he and his entire planet are dead forever.

I don't know why he wanted to make Earth like Krypton anyway, it took Zod like ten minutes to adapt to Earth. Plus fucking super powers!


Neptune's Beard!!!
There were multiple instances where Supes could have fought Zod where no one would get hurt.
He had 3 people to deal with. As well as the US military who also had no problem blowing up the city as well btw.

I don't know how you expect him to just lead Zod somewhere else. This was a full on war. Krypton vs. Earth. There were going to be casualties and there's little Superman could do to prevent that.

Groove Heaven

I guess if we look at the movie through the scope of relativism Zod's goals could be argued to be moral on the basis of being selfless and loyal.

My honest opinion is that he is a megalomaniac piece of shit who actually did it so he could rule a new Krypton, and he was to morally stunted by his own fascist ideals to consider Earth's inhabitants as people with natural rights. Superman tells him over and over that they're people and he loves them, and Zod can't even understand that. He's definitely not heroic.


In Zoning We Trust
If you really think Zod was a "hero" in ANY sort of way then you obviously didn't pay attention to the movie. Some people enjoy arguing just for the sake of arguing.