Why are we talking about MB back 3, jump back 3 as talking points in this match up as if those aren't universal counters to Hawkgirl's mace charge? MB mace charge beats MB back 3 too, which is something people forget. The entire roster can use these options. I don't think some players provide an accurate gauge of options or tech she has available.
For example, Hawkgirl can wing evade out of down 1 push/down 1 martian grab and full combo punish. 3 Wing evade tech blows up his wake ups.
She can full combo punish back 2,3,3,3 MB orb with wing evade. Hawkgirl can also do this to 2,2, MB orb and various other options. Strong patience and footsies are absolutely required and I don't see a lot of that when I've seen the match up play out.
Her pressure and safeness is a huge asset not to mention her cross up corner oki after combos using wing evade 2. She can wing evade MB orbs and nullify them too. 1,1, 2 she can wing evade out of as well.
And that's just some of the tech she has available to her, not all of it. I don't care if it's listed as 7-3 or 6-4, but she is not anywhere near as bad as Cyborg and this is coming from a Hawkgirl/Martian Manhunter player who has played them both for a long time.
This character is more than mace charge, down 1 and wing evade despite what a lot of people think of her.
When we played a bit ago (it's been a little bit), the scores weren't hugely far apart(if I recall 16-8 your favor) and we had quite a few close games, I'm not here to debate the number just chiming in with my opinion above so don't mind me

I do not at all think scores matter more or less tech and what works is important at the end of the day.
I only really care about this match up because I feel like I've done my homework on it from both sides.