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Death of Wolverine

The Great One

"I Always d1 Lif-" SHUT UP
Would he actually stay dead though?

Cause this is a bold move and I applaud Marvel for doing it but there's money to be made


Kytinn King
I agree this will be bold, but it may end up like a Gouken situation where they think he's dead, but he's just in a sleep induced coma. But If they kill off Logan I applaud them, time to try something new I guess. I will be reading when it comes out.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I know there are many I mean many comics fans here and I know you will all read what I am about to say and say to yourselves "yep pretty much"

Marvel wants people to buy an ass load of books, how do get that kind of interest, kill off an amazingly popular character that nearly everyone and their moma likes. So Wolvie will finally die, people will snatch copies of these books off the shelves to the point that Marvel is just printing money, because you will have retard investing collectors that wanna hold that book until its worth much more and then the comics enthusiasts will just have to have it, and finally don't forget dem fanboys they are a strong spending bunch. Marvel make ass tons of money on ass tons of books sold and then 3 months,6 months, maybe a year later, bam Wolvie isn't dead at all, which will involve some BS like he was in a coma all this time or they buried him and slowly he healed in the pine box in the ground, a crazy ass time travel paradox BS scheme brings him back, or Marvel finally does what DC did and re-boots every damn franchise they have and starts fresh to get a new better take on the universe and again ass tons of books sold, ass tons of money made, and the peasants rejoice. ;)

In seriousness Wolvie should never be killed and this will truly be a sad day when they do it...


Kytinn King
I know there are many I mean many comics fans here and I know you will all read what I am about to say and say to yourselves "yep pretty much"

Marvel wants people to buy an ass load of books, how do get that kind of interest, kill off an amazingly popular character that nearly everyone and their moma likes. So Wolvie will finally die, people will snatch copies of these books off the shelves to the point that Marvel is just printing money, because you will have retard investing collectors that wanna hold that book until its worth much more and then the comics enthusiasts will just have to have it, and finally don't forget dem fanboys they are a strong spending bunch. Marvel make ass tons of money on ass tons of books sold and then 3 months,6 months, maybe a year later, bam Wolvie isn't dead at all, which will involve some BS like he was in a coma all this time or they buried him and slowly he healed in the pine box in the ground, a crazy ass time travel paradox BS scheme brings him back, or Marvel finally does what DC did and re-boots every damn franchise they have and starts fresh to get a new better take on the universe and again ass tons of books sold, ass tons of money made, and the peasants rejoice. ;)

In seriousness Wolvie should never be killed and this will truly be a sad day when they do it...
Yup seems legit. Maybe I should snatch a few of those books for later ;)

The Great One

"I Always d1 Lif-" SHUT UP
I know there are many I mean many comics fans here and I know you will all read what I am about to say and say to yourselves "yep pretty much"

Marvel wants people to buy an ass load of books, how do get that kind of interest, kill off an amazingly popular character that nearly everyone and their moma likes. So Wolvie will finally die, people will snatch copies of these books off the shelves to the point that Marvel is just printing money, because you will have retard investing collectors that wanna hold that book until its worth much more and then the comics enthusiasts will just have to have it, and finally don't forget dem fanboys they are a strong spending bunch. Marvel make ass tons of money on ass tons of books sold and then 3 months,6 months, maybe a year later, bam Wolvie isn't dead at all, which will involve some BS like he was in a coma all this time or they buried him and slowly he healed in the pine box in the ground, a crazy ass time travel paradox BS scheme brings him back, or Marvel finally does what DC did and re-boots every damn franchise they have and starts fresh to get a new better take on the universe and again ass tons of books sold, ass tons of money made, and the peasants rejoice. ;)

In seriousness Wolvie should never be killed and this will truly be a sad day when they do it...
Yep pretty much

The Great One

"I Always d1 Lif-" SHUT UP
Wait but what about the other supposedly cannon stuff?
Xmen children of the atom he has a child with mystique
what about the future stuff with age of Ultron? Is that all just gonna melt away?
Cause i'm pretty sure it's cannon


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Yup seems legit. Maybe I should snatch a few of those books for later ;)
Believe me I will likely buy them I maybe a DC fanboy now, but X-Men got to DC and I will always be a X-fan. Wolvie though was never my absolute favorite (Psylocke), but he comes in a close second next to Gambit.

I like to call it the Superman Scheme, its how DC was able to reinvigorate the SM franchise. Seriously I couldn't believe that people honestly though that SUpes was truly a goner in the DC universe.


Ive seen the leprechaun
DONE!!! Im 100% getting this I'm not a fan of wolverine but i LOVE Charles "give me all your money" Soule he's an awesome writer


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Wait but what about the other supposedly cannon stuff?
Xmen children of the atom he has a child with mystique
what about the future stuff with age of Ultron? Is that all just gonna melt away?
Cause i'm pretty sure it's cannon
In comics there are a lot stories that occur outside the main theme, kind of like the IGAU game and comics series. IGAU takes place far outside the DC universe which is partially why it was successful, because the writers and artists were able to literally do whatever they want without fear of destroying the characters.


A spaceman
Wolverine is one of my Favorite comic-book characters. But I'll probably won't pick this up because tbh..he's getting kind of annoying. So with Marvel doing this, I think is very bold but also really smart! People are starting to get tired of him and killing him off will then help Marvel focus on other characters along with the fans doing the same!
They eventually bring him back of course. It would be SUPER-BALLSY if they didn't tho!

The Great One

"I Always d1 Lif-" SHUT UP
When they said they would kill Peter Parker they literally did it.

DC and Marvel have very different goals comic wise...

(economically though...)


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
When they said they would kill Peter Parker they literally did it.

DC and Marvel have very different goals comic wise...

(economically though...)
Parker is still in the Marvel verse, they may have killed him but there are still books with him in there. MArvel won't kill Wolvie for good. This typically what happens when they know a character has grown very stale and isn't selling as much as it use to. They kill the character and that alone generates interest in the character again and them back, then people want start reading those books again. Wolverine is a good character and unfortunately it ahs come to the time for him to die off and resurrect as well. Hell think about how many damn times they have killed off Xavier and Magneto in the comics!!!


killing off wolverine for good is LULZ.. Wont happen, he's to iconic.. This is just a ploy to take youre money to see how he dies, then taking more money upon his return.


Confused Thanagarian
I'm under the impression Peter is back now (only on issue #5 of Superior Spiderman, sitting on up to right before the Venom arc). Read a description for Issue 30 and it heavily implied it. I wasn't cool with the Peter thing, is Wolverine dead or following a guy as a ghost watching his life be destroyed?

Anyways, don't buy this shit for a minute. When not as huge characters get killed for good, it's buyable (Bucky for all of 5 minutes, Jason Todd maybe?, lot's of JSA members and villains, Kotor Hol to throw in a Hawkman reference). Arguably Marvel's Fan Favorite? He'll be back


Confused Thanagarian
did they really kill peter parker? Spiderman?
Think there's another current storyline, but in the Superior Spiderman (current Spiderman run, just ended), Peter got his body stolen by Doc Ock and was then shot and killed in Ock's body. Ock took over as Spiderman, but see my above post if you don't care about spoilers
*Reads title*
My first thought:


Seriously though, anyone who reads comics knows this has about a snowballs chance in hell of sticking. First off...pretty much every one of the x-men has died at least twice already. Even aside from them though: remember when Superman died and it made national news? That lasted how many issues? Captain america stayed dead for a few months. Bruce Wayne didn't even stay dead past the event. Last time I can remember them killing off a major character and it sticking is Ultimate Spider-man....and the only reason they've been able to make that stick *this* long is because its an alternate universe book. Wolverine is too iconic and sells too well to keep dead for long. I'll be stunned if it lasts more than 6 months.

All that said: it could still be a good story.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Regardless of why they are doing it for money or good storytelling, if it makes for a good story, screw it buy it and enjoy the read, at least its not like buying a new Capcom FG, where you just don't know how much extra cash the DLC is gonna cost, at least here you know what your getting, a good story with the death of a very iconic character, I bet it will be a very sad ending for him too. Every iconic character in comics gets killed in some fashion one way or another and then they are resurrected somehow. What is more interesting is when a character that everyone despises is killed and brought back as something everyone absolutely loves, like Jason Todd. I still find it ironic that Todd was killed off by the fans, the fans all hated that turd and then suddenly he is back as the Red Hood and everyone freaking loves the guy.

Anyway Marvel has done everything they can to Wolvie, including letting him die in other storylines. Hell at one point he had barely any healing ability and Magneto had removed all the metal off his bones and that still didn't end his story. I say let them kill the character and give him a break for a while, because when they bring him back he is likely to be something very different than what the fans remember.