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the vaping thread


My blades will find your heart
Not to rain down on the parade but:

E-vapes are not confirmed better than cigarettes. For as many doctors that say they are there are an equal amount of doctors who say they are not. E-cigs are also not regulated by the FDA because when they tried to the e-cig companies sued them. That should raise suspicion at the very least. It should also be noted that cigarette companies have come out with the "Our lite cigarettes are better than old cigarettes" before, and it proved not to be true. There is definitely a chance that the e-cig companies are doing the exact same thing. There is no proof that e-cigs are safe or even safer than cigarettes, nothing conclusive anyway. Since it is an unregulated substance you really have no idea what you are inhaling, the nicotine and chemical composition could easily be understated by e-cig companies. Pig also has a point that they could be bad for public use. A lot of people with different health conditions have found the secondhand vapor irritable to the nose, eyes, and throat.

All this being said, I am not for or against e-cigs. I kind of hope they prove to be healthy, as I think it would be a great way for smokers to quit. However, there hasnt been enough testing for this to be the case, so you have to be careful. I just want people to be aware that it isn't an end all be all cure for cigarette smoking. It could actually be worse for all we know. So if you want to take that risk then cool, your body your business. But dont think it is a magical cigarette alternative without any health risks at all.
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Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
i was turned onto vaping by a tym member in a stop smoking thread last year.
fucking love it!!!! i was on 20+ cigs a day beforehand.

went from those cigalites (garbage) to a ego with a kanger t2 to what i use now the itaste mvp v2 with a iclear30 tank.
the double coils in the iclear30 REALLY make the difference and its sweet i can charge my vita off the mvp lol

ive tried some on the japan region juices and didnt care for them, yet to try a US made one yet.
vaping a irish brand called wicked and im a big fan of fruit flavors


PSN: Skkra
@AVN PTH jonnitti Whats the cost for this stuff? For the vap in the first place, then the consumables?

I don't actually smoke cigs, outside of wanting one when I get totally shitfaced, for which I pay a hefty price of "super annoyed wife." But I do enjoy smoking hookahs on occasion.


My blades will find your heart
@AVN PTH jonnitti Whats the cost for this stuff? For the vap in the first place, then the consumables?

I don't actually smoke cigs, outside of wanting one when I get totally shitfaced, for which I pay a hefty price of "super annoyed wife." But I do enjoy smoking hookahs on occasion.
Close to 200 dollars to start, or so I hear

Edit: Actually more like 100 or less. My bad on misinformation

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
@AVN PTH jonnitti Whats the cost for this stuff? For the vap in the first place, then the consumables?

I don't actually smoke cigs, outside of wanting one when I get totally shitfaced, for which I pay a hefty price of "super annoyed wife." But I do enjoy smoking hookahs on occasion.

the starter kit that i got was 55 dollars.


you can see a bunch there. i have the smok and its done good for me. i recently ordered an mvp2 but i havent gotten it yet. ill let you guys know how it is

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
As a smoker, this has always intrigued me as a good way to quit if I ever felt the need. I currently don't have one, but all of my friends who have switched are in the same boat as you jonnitti. They smoke when they're wasted or want poontang, but have basically quit. Now, I may not have an e-cig, but what I do have is a volcano vaporizer...but I don't think that's on topic :3


I've been trying to get more into it. I have 2 pens, I use miomi e-liquid in chocolate tobacco and dry carmel 4 with 18 mg of nicotine... I wanted 24 mg but the salesmen said that was for heavy chain smokers and I said yo that's me, but he knew me better I guess :rolleyes:

They're getting really popular around the arcade here and I kinda love it. Helps cover up the packed with gamers room smell, keeps people from throwing butts and trash all over the parking lot and isn't a risk to the already badly damaged carpets.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
I've been trying to get more into it. I have 2 pens, I use miomi e-liquid in chocolate tobacco and dry carmel 4 with 18 mg of nicotine... I wanted 24 mg but the salesmen said that was for heavy chain smokers and I said yo that's me, but he knew me better I guess :rolleyes:

They're getting really popular around the arcade here and I kinda love it. Helps cover up the packed with gamers room smell, keeps people from throwing butts and trash all over the parking lot and isn't a risk to the already badly damaged carpets.

18 mg is stil a good amount. i started on 18 back in november but now im down to 6!


blink-182 enthusiast
I hope these things end up being as good an alternative as they've been marketed, I've been trying to get my Moms to quit smoking for years and she actually really likes these


TYM White Knight
Not to rain down on the parade but:

E-vapes are not confirmed better than cigarettes. For as many doctors that say they are there are an equal amount of doctors who say they are not. E-cigs are also not regulated by the FDA because when they tried to the e-cig companies sued them. That should raise suspicion at the very least. It should also be noted that cigarette companies have come out with the "Our lite cigarettes are better than old cigarettes" before, and it proved not to be true. There is definitely a chance that the e-cig companies are doing the exact same thing. There is no proof that e-cigs are safe or even safer than cigarettes, nothing conclusive anyway. Since it is an unregulated substance you really have no idea what you are inhaling, the nicotine and chemical composition could easily be understated by e-cig companies. Pig also has a point that they could be bad for public use. A lot of people with different health conditions have found the secondhand vapor irritable to the nose, eyes, and throat.

All this being said, I am not for or against e-cigs. I kind of hope they prove to be healthy, as I think it would be a great way for smokers to quit. However, there hasnt been enough testing for this to be the case, so you have to be careful. I just want people to be aware that it isn't an end all be all cure for cigarette smoking. It could actually be worse for all we know. So if you want to take that risk then cool, your body your business. But dont think it is a magical cigarette alternative without any health risks at all.

Anyone else hate reading long paragraphs that can be summed up with "No one really knows if they are good or bad, so be careful."


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
I'd rather deal with an enemy I know rather than the one I don't.

I smoke cigarettes and will not quit unless I want to at some point. I tried everything and do not want to quit.

I've seen people who smoked for sixty years who have lungs as clear as a 12 year old.

I've also seen people who never smoke a day in their life develop primary lung cancer.

Approximately 40% of all lung cancer patients never smoked a day nor have they been around people who smoked.

I never see ads on TV criminalizing alcohol which has a higher mortality rate than cigarettes between drunk driving, cirrhosis, liver failure, hepatitis c, chronic renal failure, respiratory failure, etc.

No doubt smoking is bad for you, but don't be so ignorant to think that nothing else will causes the diseases/cancers linked to smoking.

I've seen it all in the ER/ICU/Rotations.

Just be careful with this vaping shit. Twenty years from now it COULD be worse than actually smoking a cigarette. We won't know for decades, just like with cigarettes the full effect of them.

Stay safe.
Sixty year smokers do not have lungs "as clear as a 12 year old's". Physically impossible.

Your statistic also says that 60% of all lung cancer patients have smoked - that's not really a plug for the safety of smoking.

Alcohol has potential to cause all sorts of problems - very few of those problems are because of alcohol itself but instead because of the choices people make due to abusing alcohol. This isn't to say that those problems directly linked with alcohol consumption itself aren't important, but using cigarettes directly increases the risk of the user and those around them, regardless of how much or often they smoke.

All I hear is excuses and attempts to justify your smoking habit. "Vaping", as far as current knowledge and testing goes, shows to be safer than cigarettes. That isn't to say there aren't risks involved as there is still nicotine in them which is addictive and could be a gateway to other drugs, as well as seem like the 'cool' thing to do which may cause kids to start smoking e-cigarettes which is major suck. We also don't know the long term effects of second hand vapor...however, we are deadly certain that cigarettes and their second hand smoke causes cancer, no doubt, in the user and in others along with a few other diseases and physical breakdowns that either would not occur without the help of cigarettes or, in the case of cancer, wouldn't occur 60% of the time.

I'm not sorry that @AK Pig Of The Hut is right - smoking cigarettes is simply a bad idea. There's mountains of empirical evidence (not to mention common sense) to back up that statement. There is no justification and while I personally feel safer around those using e-cigarettes, I still don't trust it and would rather not be around it.


My blades will find your heart
Anyone else hate reading long paragraphs that can be summed up with "No one really knows if they are good or bad, so be careful."
Im also trying to get across that e-cig companies are acting hella suspicious, which should kind of be a red flag.

But yeah, im verbose, sorry for making you waste 10 seconds.