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Question Best/Worst stages for flash

lm Tweakk

I mean only use F2,1 instead of just f2 since f2,1 can be punished on block of the f2. Damage scaling is only slightly different between sonic pound and LK. To me it isn't worth it. LK I can add another layer if they block by either charging a moment then letting go to blow up a counter poke, back dash, forward dash, let go right away. Sonic pound can also be d2 by several characters if you do it without hit confirming.
All obvious stuff , I'm not talking about block , I mean b22 sonic pound punish is the difference between 63% and 55%


EDIT: Where the fudge did I mention background bounces? Anyone? Haha.
Wyyeeell Brob, background does count as an interactable...or noh? Hahahaha but yea, my bad for not thinking about the pig, dumpster, rockets etc... How the hell did I forget about the pig. Lol
So anyway, Arkham mess hall is a good stage for flash too since you can use all of the interactables (not background bounces :p) AND you can shake your way out of the pig! Flash top 5 hahahaha


I never meant or mentioned bgb's at all is what i'm saying so I don't know where you got it from haha. I legit was just talking about doing d1d2 or b22 into any interactable you're near. @AK Harold is 100% right about zoning people on Watchtower. I seriously think that is his best stage.

lm Tweakk

What a condescending reply. Thanks for contributing nothing but being smug about it.
Don't get butthurt I'm just trying to help , if your doing something silly and I don't call it how will you become a better player?


He only has to worry about the starfish, the big glass is easy to dodge and gives him + if he divekicks off and the teleporter he can mb f3 on reaction to any movement.
Does anyone know the exact frame data on the dive kick off of an interactable? I keep on hearing it's plus but never know the exact number... i'm assuming it's height dependant but does anyone know worst/best case numbers?


Joker waiting room
Does anyone know the exact frame data on the dive kick off of an interactable? I keep on hearing it's plus but never know the exact number... i'm assuming it's height dependant but does anyone know worst/best case numbers?
No such thing as height dependant when you only have one height to divekick from. I'd say it's near +10 from my experiences.


No such thing as height dependant when you only have one height to divekick from. I'd say it's near +10 from my experiences.
As in height where the dive kick hits the opponent... I was under the impression that a dive kick that hits the opponent's upper body might have a differnt frame advantage from one that hits the shins...