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Video/Tutorial Introduction Video On How/Where To Use Joker Parry

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I can be patient in the mean time, I keep refreshing now and then, excited to check it out, I have lots of trouble deciding when to use Joker's trait, Has been pretty useful just to beat out the occasional meaty attack.
Youtube messed up video apparently, reuploading :(

Will update OP

please stay tuned
Very useful, and thanks for the training tip on how to practice parrying. As we identify popular pressure strings, we'll be able to tell which strings we should focus on. That'll be funny for characters whose best pressure strings are easy to parry: either risk a parry, or use sub-optimal pressure strings.

To my knowledge, you cannot parry any overhead, be it from a jumping attack or a grounded attack. That true? I don't have the game, so can't test :(.

Also, what if you throw teeth, and then parry? Does it work similar to a throw, where the teeth interrupt the throw?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Very useful, and thanks for the training tip on how to practice parrying. As we identify popular pressure strings, we'll be able to tell which strings we should focus on. That'll be funny for characters whose best pressure strings are easy to parry: either risk a parry, or use sub-optimal pressure strings.

To my knowledge, you cannot parry any overhead, be it from a jumping attack or a grounded attack. That true? I don't have the game, so can't test :(.

Also, what if you throw teeth, and then parry? Does it work similar to a throw, where the teeth interrupt the throw?
Ooooooo :) idk that's a great idea man ill try it tomorrow
Cat u know?

And yes u cannot parry overheads
The whole match! well maybe not but those HAs go away pretty fast. maybe they can go away after joker gets hit or knocked down or push blocked, but the whole match will put him over the top. He will have them die laughing ;)


So Just for practice I ran through a training session to parry what was mentioned in the video, the ONLY thing I can;t parry is GLs back+1,3. I can easily parry the back+1,2 . So I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.. Other then that I love the video haha :)


Est In Harvey 1989
I'm going to shamelessly bump this old thread to say thank you PIG. This gives me some inspiration even though the patches have changed what can and cant be parried.




Hopefully you guys join me in finding more ways to use joker's parry rather than criticize anything you feel it may lack. Please take a moment and check out this video that showcases ways and uses of his parry that maybe you haven't considered yet.

FINALLY, someone exploring the parry! Next we need low parry options, and HA setups