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What made you choose your Tag/ Handle?


Salt Mine CEO
I actually had a lot of gamer tags. Started out with MischiefMakers1, because that was and still is one of my favorite games of all time. Then I moved on to SykoTehSykotik, as my early DDR tag. Then shortened it to just Syko. Then I moved to Enstrumental, because that was a point in life that every bit of music I listened to had no vocals. When I first got on the competitive scene, I played SSBB and used the tag Banhammer, because I played Mr. Game & Watch. Then I moved to FPS, and since Banhammer was taken (surprise surprise), I used TokyOkeyDoke. I remember the reason for picking that one was really stupid. Finally, I ended up as VGMtheVagabond. The Vagabond part is easy, since I always travelled and never really had a place I grew up in, since I moved every year as a child, so moving around was not new to me. The VGM part is always debatable, since I don't really have a definable phrase for the initials. It started as vicious grotesque malicious for my FPS style, then I used it as valiant generous magnificent, but now VGM just stands for VGM until I can define it later.


"On your Knees!"
The one I chose for TYM is b/c my favorite villain from Marvel is Venom, the "X" because I like X-Men and 90 is the yr I was born. "ShadowNinja90" is b/c thats the name that popped in my head when I created it. Well mostly b/c its an enemy class you fight in the Arc The Lad series and Ironically Its not from the Brotherhood of Shadow from MK.

Groove Heaven

I was walking and listening to music one day. At the time I had aspirations to be a competitive Smash Bros. Brawl player and I wanted a goofy name more than one trying to sound cool. I put my ipod on shuffle and this song came up.

Brave Fencer Musashi was an awesome PS1 game made by Squaresoft between Final Fantasy 7 and 8. The OST was insanely good too.


Ready to lose your head?
Akroma was one of the first angels I saw in MTG and loved her since. MANIACAL was the very first clan I was a part of so it was just a play-on words, and 27 is my favorite number

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
Back in 2003 I went by Jesus v.5.0. I played CS 1.6 in CAL and their rules said you couldn't have an offensive name. Thinking mine was offensive I asked my clanmates what I should choose and they couldn't think of anything. So I just became Name v.5.0 as a place holder and it stuck.


My name is a homage to my best friend that passed away in 2007. He always used the handle TelekineticGrid for everything so I adopted TelekineticBeing in his memory. I also always name all of my wifi setups TelekineticGrid for the same reason. This way I'll always remember him and the good times we had together.


7L & @Esoteric from Jedi Mind Tricks. Sadly my brother went to grad school so I'm stuck with the awkward name of 7L. I like the tag nevertheless.
Army of the Pharaohs, brother. Jedi Mind Tricks are also members of AOTP.

But either way, I'll be back someday. Graduate school doesn't last forever.
Reactions: 7L


Cold day in hell...
When it came out I loved the album Way of the Fist from Five Finger Death Punch. Pretty much all there is to that story.