I actually had a lot of gamer tags. Started out with MischiefMakers1, because that was and still is one of my favorite games of all time. Then I moved on to SykoTehSykotik, as my early DDR tag. Then shortened it to just Syko. Then I moved to Enstrumental, because that was a point in life that every bit of music I listened to had no vocals. When I first got on the competitive scene, I played SSBB and used the tag Banhammer, because I played Mr. Game & Watch. Then I moved to FPS, and since Banhammer was taken (surprise surprise), I used TokyOkeyDoke. I remember the reason for picking that one was really stupid. Finally, I ended up as VGMtheVagabond. The Vagabond part is easy, since I always travelled and never really had a place I grew up in, since I moved every year as a child, so moving around was not new to me. The VGM part is always debatable, since I don't really have a definable phrase for the initials. It started as vicious grotesque malicious for my FPS style, then I used it as valiant generous magnificent, but now VGM just stands for VGM until I can define it later.