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Shout outs and thoughts from Civil War VI

Ray Riazy

So another east coast tournament has passed and while I don't normally post anything on here but there are somethings I would like to share.

First Id like to thank @RenegadeVA for giving us a great space all the equipment needed and plenty of staff to help run our first 3/5 tournament. He gave us everything we needed without a hassle and It was awesome. I also wanna thank Arturo for the great stream and for giving us as much screen time as he did.

Second. I would like to thank @Mr Aquaman and @Mikemetroid for getting everything together and set up, and running the tournament with all the other staff. Without those two I don't think it would of run as smoothly as it did. They made the brackets which provided great match ups and had all the good stuff on stream to be seen. They also worked that day to run the pools and provide commentary for most of the day. They deserve a lot of credit and respect for trying everything and for getting 3/5 to happen at this tournament.

My last thing is that I wanna display my thoughts on 3/5 after this tournament.

At civil war we had a total of 55-60 players after everything was said and done. It wasn't the most we have had but we had a good amount so this was the perfect way to test the waters. I think it went very well because we had 8 set ups, and we had plenty of staff. It took 8 hours to run 4 pools of 3/5 only on 4 set ups with 4 back up setups in case things started to lag behind. Even top 8 only took 1 hr and 30 mins to run. Which spooky himself said that wasn't to bad for 3/5 . Every pool ended on time and it worked out very well. But this is also were my concern starts to kick in.

See, I think it ran well because of the turnout that we had. It was a smaller tournament, and we didn't get the normal 90-120 people that we have had for the last few tournaments. To run 8 pools, 3/5 seems like we would lag behind unless we had 8 set ups and 2 hours a pool and we still would have to run top 16, which if we did at 3/5 would mean to finish by top 8 by the end of the day we would have to run matches off stream and not on. Ive asked others and talked to Mr Aquaman and It seems that the consensus is that it would be a little much to run pools at 3/5 however, top 16 and top 8 would be very easily done at 3/5 which is what I would like to recommend to the community.

Now I don't know about NCR or any other tournaments since the Kombat Network group, doesn't normally run in that area so idk know what that means for them, so I cant comment how I feel about their decision to run 2/3 or 3/5

Butwhat does this mean for ECT?

Shock, Mike, Fran, Rapzilla and Myself will be running ECT and I would like to do it 3/5 as an even bigger test because I think the turnout will be much higher and will give us the best way to determine and petition for 3/5 for the life of this game. I have asked robin (aka renegade) If he would recommend it to @SweetJohnnyCage and LI joe. and I hope we can talk to john and joe about giving 3/5 another chance to see if it can truly be run as a 128 man bracket.

Which means that we need you guys to come to ECT fill up the brackets and give this a real shot, because if we really want EVO to be 3/5 with hundreds of entries. We need to show them it can be done at a big level.

Thank you for supporting all the tournaments that you guys do and continuing to bring the hype. Lets make this next year of injustice a great one and hopefully continue breathing great life into this game.

Ray Riazy

I thought it was fine. Combos do so much damage in this game and most good characters can get in with a meter or so.

Although in a 2/3, Oxygen would have upset SonicFox. :-D
They do, especially if you have MMH and Batgirl

I would of beaten blackula and possibly made it out of my pool if it was 2/3 :(
3/5 went well at Civil War? Let's run it at ECT.

Top 8 taking 90 minutes in 3/5 is indicative that a 13-16 man bracket will run just fine in pools on 2 setups. No matter how big the pool size, you eventually get to a point in the bracket where you can't run more than one match at a time. You run into that faster in a smaller bracket. It's 10:30am and I'm only one day off of PAX, so my thoughts aren't very coherent, but 3/5 will happen at ECT. Good shit all!


I hope ECT gets 100+ and people will actually travel for it
The only thing holding alot of people back is the fact that it falls on mothers day

If it wasnt for the fact that ECT is a 10 minutes drive from my house, I wouldnt be able not to see my mother on mothers day, without getting an ass whooping!

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Injustice players NEED to bring setups outside of the Tournament guys who run it.
If you truly want 3/5 bring freaking setups so that the MAXIMUM amount of games needed to be played can be.

Time to step it up :)


I write too much.
I know there's another thread of a similar name, but this is less about how 3/5 ran (I think it was a great idea) and more about my experience and shoutouts to awesome players/staff.
Maybe it's because of my days in the Smash community, but I do this after every tournament.


First off staff: @Mr Aquaman @RenegadeVA @Mikemetroid and anyone else I'm missing, thank you all very much for all the work you put into this. This was a great event and while it's not my first FGC major, it was my first Injustice one and it was incredibly enjoyable despite my poor placement (Which I would say is a sign of a well run event).
The prizes were awesome, the atmosphere was great, the Injustice room was incredible (Having a friendlies table even during pools was great, and being able to play those friendlies while still being able to look over and see hype matches on the big screens was amazing) and all of the staff was generally friendly and helpful.

I do apologize if I may have been a bit annoying on Sunday when looking to set up a station. I realize you guys had other things going on and I was actually just trying to help.

On a side note, since I assume you're all based in Richmond, there was an employee at the nearby Cane's Chicken who was really into Injustice; you might be able to recrute him into your scene.


Now for the players:

@SidTheHaze Great job on 9th! Your Flash is amazing and I really enjoyed the matches we played. So many 50/50s....

@SonicFox5000 Congrats on 2nd place! Shame we didn't get to play at all.
Also it was fun talking to you and @Krucifix about Divekick and PSAS, but come on, how are you going to say Big Daddy was broken when you played Fatty P?

By the way, GGs @Krucifix (What is your tag on here?!). Your Batman was legit and thank you for giving me all of those matches and helping me figure out the MU a bit more.

@PTH Agent: GGs and congrats on knocking me to losers. I was salty as all hell after that accidental super, but I have to hold that L. I wish I could have gotten more friendlies with you later.

@Darksteel23 @Ice Angel GGs and it was fun talking to you guys. Hope that Shazam MU advice I gave you helped in the team tournament. That said sorry, ToTFC is like a billion hours away, so not going to be showing up there any time soon :p
Oh and Dark, next time I got your number! (Thinking back, I keep thinking maybe I should have CPed Lex. Ah well, too late now.)

@Captain Oxygen Great job making top 8! Your Lobo is sick and your hat was awesome. I also quite enjoyed how you kept walking around and acting out moves you saw in various matches too.
I wish we had gotten some games in, but oh well.

@xKhaoTik Great job making top 8! I was rooting for you despite hating KF with a passion just because of how cool a dude you are. That said, IDK what happened Sunday but you seemed really off your game, which is a shame considering how solid you looked Saturday.

@Mr Aquaman You're a really cool guy. Thanks for helping run this event and I really liked how you seemed to go around the event trying to ensure everyone was having a great time. It's a shame we didn't get any games in, but I understand you were busy. Hopefully I can catch you next time; I really have no idea what to do in the Ares matchup.

@The group of guys who came together and all played me back to back: I forget your names, but I remember you guys played Bane, Ares and Grundy. In any case GGs to all of you guys; our games were hella fun! These were all such weird MUs, yet rather fun.
Tell the Grundy player to stick with it; the game is fun and Grundy is a fun character. Just tell him to grab a secondary for bad MUs and he'll be good to go.

@Mikemetroid I sadly didn't see any of your matches or play against you, which is a shame because I hear your Grundy is pretty badass.
That said, you and @Srryimwhte should probably cool it on hating the game (Or games in srry's case XD ) so openly at it's own tournament, especially if you're on staff and theoretically trying to attract people to your events.
I know it's spur of the moment matchup frustration or whatever, but the Grundy player in my above shoutout said he was going to quit the game because if Grundy made a good player like you hate the game so much then he shouldn't waste time playing it.
I'm not trying to be a dick to you, just saying it might be something to pay attention to since it may have made someone quit the game.

@Srryimwhte You were a pretty cool dude, and really knowledgeable about the game, but holy crap were you biased against anything that wasn't SF4 and unwilling to listen to anyone who might even potentially present a contrary opinion. That conversation/monologue we had where you asked me things then cut me off for like 10 straight minutes before saying "Exactly" and walking away was hilarious.

@flipkev You are every bit as cool in person as you appear on streams. Thanks for all the matches! I know literally no one agrees with me (Outside of my local Zod players), but I think Joker wins that matchup.

@EMPEROR_JUPITER Congrats on winning the tournament. You were absolutely on fire on Sunday! Shame that challenge never happened and I couldn't find you after the tournament; I really wanted to play you and maybe know where Steve0's and my playstyles differ.

@LanceMonsoon Sorry we didn't get any games in, but thanks for hanging out and talking with me for a while on Saturday.

I played against as many people as I could this weekend, and unfortunately I am terrible with names and have a bad memory, so I probably forgot a few. To anyone I forgot: I apologize, but thank you for giving me games!


Also, some shoutouts to people who won't visit TYM but were awesome during the trip:

-The employees at Cane's Chicken who struck up a conversation about Injustice when I walked by with an Arcade Stick and asked about competitive play vs casuals, tiers, etc.
I think the funniest thing was when I went up asking for napkins and they asked about the arcade stick (This is how the Injustice conversation got started). When hearing I was in a tournament for Injustice, the guy asks me who I play (This was before pools) and when I replied Joker, he shook his head sadly and handed me a big wad of napkins saying "Damn man, you need this and more".
It does make me question my character choice when a fast food worker says I picked the wrong character XD

-The homeless guy outside of Qdoba who was in a conversation with some random passerby yelling about colors. The following exchange took place:

While walking by I jokingly say "Blue?"
The guy spins around angrily and yells "BLUE?! FUCK YOU DUDE!"

I could not stop laughing at this and still am not quite sure what he was talking about. I just got cussed out by a homeless person, and I'm not entirely sure why.

Oh and this same guy randomly walked up to @VGMtheVagabond on our way out of Qdoba and randomly fist bumps him and says "Yolo". There was no context, it just happened.

-Speaking of Qdoba, dayum Qdoba just made high tier in the fast food tier list, with the Richmond one making top tier. Raspberry Coke is what God drinks when he gets thirsty (Since any reasonable deity knows that pepsi is NOT okay.)

-Shoutouts to people letting me get 3rd in TvC when I couldn't even remember the buttons XD


Oh, and congrats @AL Eevee for placing the best of our crew (Not by much, but still!) and for talking to me/helping keep me awake on the drive back.
Shoutouts to @VGMtheVagabond for being my teams partner and driving us there and part of the way back.

And yeah I'm done for now. I've written way too much already.


The Ignore Button Is Free
Jupiter used witchcraft on me. That's why I played so bad on Sunday.

But thanks man. CW was a blast and I had hella fun. I lost my voice from all the screaming I was doing on commentary lol. And it was fun playing your amazing joker too