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"Quit while you can" Superman Guide

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Tactics & Strategies

OTG Dive Bomb 50/50
Superman can do an instant air Dive Bomb after a hard knockdown, regular knockdown, or interactable knockdown and if executed right, the dive bomb will OTG before the opponent can perform any wake up attacks. The Dive Bomb PENETRATES invincibility frames and can be made less negative or "SAFE" on block depending on how deep it makes contact and the character you are facing.

An example of how the 50/50 dive bomb works MID SCREEN:

To NOT cross-up:
Do f+2,d+1,3. Immediately forward dash and do an instant neutral jump into Dive Bomb.

To cross-up:
Do f+2,d+1,3. Immediately forward dash and do an instant forward jump into Dive Bomb.

When using the dive bombs in these set ups, you can make them look COMPLETELY ambiguous and turn them into essentially a 50/50 guess for the opponent since they cannot tell if you're doing an instant dive bomb from a NEUTRAL or FORWARD jump as they look too similar when executed right.

Best way to set up the 50/50 dive bomb MIDSCREEN:
f+3 hard knockdown

TIP: Create your own random dive bomb set ups mid screen to keep people on their toes:
Example 1: f+2,3, f+2,3~MB breath, b+3, dash forward, d+2, jump up with opponent and do a meaty dive bomb as they fall so they guess
Example 2: f+2,3 f+2,3~MB breath, b+3, j+3, jump up with opponent and do a meaty dive bomb as they fall so they guess

Best ways to set up the 50/50 dive bomb in CORNER:
3~trait against airborne opponent (can be rolled)
d+1 against airborne opponent (can be rolled)
1,1 against airborne opponent (can be rolled)
f+2,3~trait (can be rolled)
d,b+3 on hit (can be rolled)

Example of a Dive Bomb cross up set up in corner:


Using f+2,d+1 as an UNCLASHABLE String
The "d+1" after f+2 is unclashable, essentially making the entire string unclashable when using it RAW. Superman's meter burn breath is unclashable as well so hit confirming f+2,d+1~breath when hunting for unclashable damage is deadly.

Unclashable "up to 40% combo":
f+2,d+1~MB breath, b+3, f+3 into 50/50 Dive Bomb reset.

TIP: b+1 after jump-ins is also unclashable.

Using Trait off normals and Strings to create Frame Traps
Superman can link trait off normals or strings to grant him advantage on block.

f+2,3~trait is +1 on block.
f+2~trait is +6 on block.
3~trait is +22 on block.

Free Meaty d,b+3 Laser off f+3 hard knockdown
When the opponent is getting up from a hard knockdown animation that is similar to the one where you end in a hard knockdown f+3, you can time a meaty d,b+3 laser as they get up that CANNOT be ducked. They will have to wake up or block and take 6% chip (you are at so much advantage you get a free forward dash into f+2 check). Since the recovery of the d,b+3 laser is so MINIMAL, a vast majority of wake-ups will not be able to punish Superman in time, and can actually be counter punished on their recovery.

Guaranteed Forward dash into f+2 check on a blocked laser after knockdown:

Example of punishing a wake up using this set up:

Interactable Knockdowns where Superman can abuse this:
Lion Heads on Themiscyra
Missle on Bat Cave (when opponent is planted)
Insurgency Command Center Monitors
Insurgency Lab Lights
Watch Tower Drones
Gotham City Light
Stryker Island Cell Block Robot
Stryker Island Cell Block Machine Gun
Stryer Island Yard Barrels
Arkham Asylum TVs
Arkham Asylum Masks
Hall of Justice Body Statue
Hall of Justice Roomba
Wayne Manor Statue

KEEP IN MIND: Some wake-up attacks are quick enough to absorb the d,b+3 laser with invincibility and PUNISH Superman simultaneously. An example of this would be Raven waking up with soul crush.

OTG Interactable Command Throw Vortex
Superman has OTGs off the interactable command throws on both the Hall of Justice and Asylum stage which he can abuse in the form of a vortex. After performing an interactable command grab, you can go for either a LOW (b+1) or OVERHEAD (dive bomb) and your opponent will not be able to wake up out of this. Both options OTG so your opponent is forced to guess the mix-up every time. You can continue this vortex as long as you have meter on Hall of Justice.

Vortex example after an Interactable Command Throw is landed:

Tricking people with whiffed j+2 into Dive Bomb
Superman can do an aerial jump 2, and then perform a dive bomb afterwards. A lot of players try to trip guard Superman as he is on his way from falling down after a whiffed j+2, this is where the Dive Bomb catches them. Another example is when Superman is jumping back and keeping out with j+2, you can surprise opponents with an immediate Dive Bomb after. Just make sure to not become too predictable with this set up, and to use it sparingly.

3~Interactable on block for Guaranteed Damage
Superman's cancellable 3 grants insane amounts of cancel advantage. This can best be used by cancelling 3 up close into a quick interactable. Some notable ones being: The Pig, The Fire Button on Watch Tower, The Truck in Gotham Alley, The Robot in Stryker's Island, etc. etc.

TIP: An example of setting this up can be done by doing a f+2~trait and then using the frame advantage to go for 3~interactable.

Guaranteed Aerial Laser After d,f+2
This is not listed under the special in the move list. But any time you successfully land a d,f+2, you can perform an aerial d,b+1 laser afterward. KEEP IN MIND THE LASER CAN BE CLASHED.

Ice Breath Reset In Corner
After ending a big combo with the ice breath in the corner, Superman can choose to go for a reset for more potential damage. How it works is after your opponent is frozen in the corner, immediately do a stance change and then perform a D,B+3 laser. If executed right, the opponent is FORCED to block this laser and eat 5.5% chip. After they block the laser, you can either go LOW by performing b+1, or go OVERHEAD by performing an instant Dive Bomb. Both options lead to combos. The laser on block does 5.5% chip and grants enough advantage to go for a 50/50 mix up.

Example of corner 50/50s using this set up:

TIP: This scenario can also be recreated mid screen by immediately going for a forward dash and then slightly delaying your d,b+3 laser after an ice breath in combo.

Making Dash Punch Safe
Superman can make his dash punch (b,f+3) completely safe on block against 95% of the cast if spaced right. This is very important in some match ups where Superman needs to get in and close distance. Players who are unaware of this strategy will likely get thrown off in trying to combo punish the dash punch, which may result in counter punishing for some.

Example on how this looks: Put Lex Luthor in reversal Corp charge. Jump back two times from in front of Lex Luthor, perform a dash punch.

Characters that punish perfectly spaced Dash Punches:

Flash - d,b+3
MMH - d+1 (trait only)
Superman - Super

Background Bounce Into 50/50 Dive Bomb Mix-Up
Superman can end combos in a background bounce for a hard knockdown and ambiguous Dive Bomb set up. Background bounces give Superman more than enough advantage on hit to go for either a cross-up dive bomb, or a regular dive bomb.

Reversing Wake Ups in the Corner using Dash Punch
Superman can reverse wake-ups in the corner by using his dash punch after ending combos with either f+2,d+1,3 or b+2,3 string. Additionally, this will also "cross up" the opponent. Lots of wake-ups can be baited in this manner and whiff punished accordingly. Master this tactic to add even more power into Superman's already destructive corner game.

Dash Punch "Cross Up" Eample

Reversing Wake Ups in Corner Example

TIP: You can also make Dash Punch safe on block in the corner by making it meaty enough so the very last frames make contact on the opponent when it crosses up in the corner. This will shave off some of the recovery frames on Dash Punch making it safe if executed perfectly, or a lot harder to punish.

Abusing F+2,3 in corner
Superman has one of the most dangerous corner games and corner pressure with the proper use of f+2,3. When block confirming the string with breath in the corner, Superman is pushed back away out of range from most opponent's attacks, BUT he is still in his 8 FRAME f+2 range, so it can easily be abused over and over if played smart. Some players will try and read when a f+2 is coming and they will do their d+1 to hit Superman out of his f+2 since Superman moves his hurtbox forward as he does the attack. This can be beat by simply delaying your f+2 by a frame or two when you read your opponent may try to d+1 out of the corner, and whiff punishing it. Another tactic is they may try to immediately instant MB armor b+3 or f+3 after blocking a breath if they read continuous loop pressure, this can ALSO be countered by baiting and walking back to make the f+3 / b+3 whiff and then punishing with f+2 for big damage.

MAKE SURE TO ABUSE TRAIT in corner frame traps such as coming in with f+2~trait, then f+2,3 so you can make Superman's corner pressure even more ridiculous while taking away their option to armor! If you read your opponent is going to sit there and is SCARED TO MOVE after a f+2,3~breath, you can take advantage of this by going with a f+3 as soon as your f+2,3~breath is blocked. The f+3 does good chip on block and grants another guaranteed f+2,3 check on block. If you read your opponent MAY JUMP, you can anti-air them back in the corner with Superman's standing 3~d,b+3 (d+2 should take care of other jumps) which will take care of MOST jumps.

Options after a blocked f+2,3~breath in corner: (MINI GUIDE)

Opponent d+1s after breath?
Delay f+2,3 or whiff punish with f+2,3

Opponent jumps back after breath?

Opponent neutral jumps after breath?
just-frame f+2,3 clips them out of the air

Opponent jumps forward after breath?
just-frame f+2,3 clips them out of the air (ONLY DEATHSTROKE CAN JUMP OUT FORWARD DUE TO FASTEST JUMP FRAMES)

Opponent stays blocking after breath due to respect?
f+2,3 again or f+3

Opponent MB armor f+3 or b+3 after breath?
whiff punish with f+2,3 or have trait active

Opponent parries after breath?
whiff punish with f+2,3

Opponent uses low hurtbox altering attack after breath?
MB breath, b+1, instant dive bomb, or instant air dash in on read

Quick Example:

Opponent uses 9 frame attack (or slower) after breath?
just-frame f+2,3 beats them (excluding moves that go under f+2)
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Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
Cooperation is not optional ;___;

Also I love these guides and am very curious to see how many more we'll be getting, love how extensive these are and concise.
ESPIOHHHHHH no one cares about scrub's opinions.
I'm having trouble getting the f2 d1 3 into neutral jump dive bomb to not cross up. It either crosses up, or just doesn't hit at all. Any suggestions anyone?


Mama's Little Bumgorf
I'm having trouble getting the f2 d1 3 into neutral jump dive bomb to not cross up. It either crosses up, or just doesn't hit at all. Any suggestions anyone?
Yeah, I stopped doing it because I'm inconsistent with it. I'm going to start doing D3 Divebomb.


superman reset specialist
great guide! i'm having huge issues with the horizontal laser after they thaw out. they can duck it every time i do it... i'm doing stance switch, is there something i'm missing?

Glass Sword

I have a question is the 50/50 between b1 and dive punch see able or fuzzyable? If it's fuzzyable then it's a real 50/50 since you can delay the low.


A prop on the stage of life.
You could've saved a ton of time and just write f23 breath :DOGE
He could also save himself a ton of time by skipping the Nightwing guide. :DOGE

On topic: I really, REALLY like the presentation of these guides. Maybe its just me, but having a consistent format for each character would save tons of time. I hate to knock those combo threads, but seeing 30 combos with the same opener/mid-section and then changing the last hit with a different special for more or less damage seems tedious to sift through. Although they are combo threads, and that's what they are for I suppose. This is a very thoughtful guide, with great info on how to play the character which we don't see too much of.