I take issue with it. Its one of the reasons Burton's film really hasn't aged well. Superman may have killed Zod in the comics also, but a lot of stupid stuff happens in the comics and it doesn't make it ok. Like I said, Superman had electrical powers in the comics for a period of time. Doesn't mean the movies have to repeat the same mistakes.Yes, plus he also killed Zod in the comics...but people don't know this, if they did they'd know Snyder took a page from the books.
Also speaking of which, I noticed nobody had issues when Batman in the first Burton film killed Joker...but yet people have issues with Superman killing Zod(a guy who clearly said he'd kill the human race)
This is flawed reasoning because it works on the assumption that what happened happened and couldn't have happened any other way, when the truth is that what happened happened purely because the filmmakers and writers wanted to shock their audience by having Superman break Zod's neck.But anyway on this Superman killing topic, I have no issues with it, I think Superman had no choice...what what he going to do? For those who have issues with him killing Zod, let him kill that family? Countless other humans? Give me a break....Superman did that as a last resort and saved the Earth, so I have no issues him killing Zod. In fact I'd have more issues seeing Superman watching or allowing Zod to kill humans way more then him snapping Zod's neck for the better good.
Now, I'm actually afraid to see Doomsday in a movie because god knows Superman "may have to kill him" I don't want to hear the fans crying "OMG Superman don't kill!!" read a comic...
Point is people didn't complain nearly as much with Batman killing but Superman, it's hypocritical. At least in the comics Superman HAS killed...so I have no issues with it. Stupid stuff is relative, what may be stupid to you may be enjoyable for someone else.I take issue with it. Its one of the reasons Burton's film really hasn't aged well. Superman may have killed Zod in the comics also, but a lot of stupid stuff happens in the comics and it doesn't make it ok. Like I said, Superman had electrical powers in the comics for a period of time. Doesn't mean the movies have to repeat the same mistakes.
This is flawed reasoning because it works on the assumption that what happened happened and couldn't have happened any other way, when the truth is that what happened happened purely because the filmmakers and writers wanted to shock their audience by having Superman break Zod's neck.
I respectfully disagree, the supporting cast gave Man of Steel more gravitas than pretty much any other film on your list. Crowe's Jor-el, Costner's Jonathan, and even Lara were huge. About Cavill he was hardly passable as Supes, he was brilliant. I will however agree with your opinion of his Clark not measuring up to Reeve's but that's mostly due to the nature of how they approached the story. He wasn't ready to play a role yet because he had barely any idea who he was to begin with. I thought it was an interesting take on the character as far as I'm concerned and you can't blame Cavill for it because as you can see towards the end that's basically the point at which he becomes the Clark we're familiar with from the comics or previous films.Man of Steel was a very average movie. As Superman Cavill was passable, but he was a dreadful Clark Kent. His acting is very one dimensional. Christopher Reeve was FAR superior playing both personas. Compare this Zod and his minions to the ones found in the original Superman Movies. These are far less impressive and memorable. These actors have no presence. No gravitas. There was nothing in the script to make you identify with the characters. It was targeted at a younger audience and it showed in the writing.
IMHO, the best Superhero films (not in order):
The Dark Knight
X-Men: First Class
Batman Begins
Iron Man
Superman I & II
The Incredibles
Blade I (Forgotten by most lists)
Batman I & II
Spiderman 2
Thor (Because of Loki & Odin, not Thor)
Then there are some sorta superhero movies like Kick-Ass and Chronicle which were pretty good.
Batman used to kill people left and right in the comics long before Superman did. Its not hypocritical, it just marks a change in what is expected by a general audience with these characters.....for better or worse.Point is people didn't complain nearly as much with Batman killing but Superman, it's hypocritical. At least in the comics Superman HAS killed...so I have no issues with it. Stupid stuff is relative, what may be stupid to you may be enjoyable for someone else.
No, you're not understanding what I'm saying. The reason that situation was set up is because the writer wrote it that way, purely so that Superman would be forced into a situation where he broke Zod's neck. It didn't have to be that way, but the filmmakers *wanted* superman to break Zod's neck and they wrote around that premise.It's not flawed reasoning, because again if you watch the movie and know what Zod has planned for Earth it's hardly stupid for Superman to take him out. Zod even tells him this at the end "Either you die, or I die" giving Clark literally few to no options, but hey to be fair what would Superman do exactly as an alternative?
Well to each his own, for a action movie and comic book movie I thought it was solid. To be honest most of the complaints were rather silly or petpeeving "oh the suits too dark, he's too insecure, he killed Zod etc" yet in the comics he's been darker, both costume wise and personality, fans forget this was a Smallville like Superman meaning he was unsure what his destiny was, wasn't always confident and finding himself and he's killed Zod in the comics....
But you see the mainstream "Superman fans" don't know this...they go by the 90's cartoon and the 70's and 80's movies...probably don't even read comics.
As far as goofy, it really depends on the writer, version etc. Example, we've seen "low profile Clark Kent" we've seen "goofy Clark Kent" "to himself Clark Kent" etc so that will depend.
I also have no issues with the whole trucker gig, it showed he could have killed him easily or hurt him but chose not too...so his humanside got annoyed, lol I'm sure most heroes would have plus ftr that guy deserved it......I saw him as more finding himself rather then running away, he ran away from everytime he saved someone...for obvious reasons. Til Lois caught on but let's face it most people aren't as smart, determined or persistent as Lois is. Plus being his GF don't hurt either.
I don't consider him a thief really(since I mean the guy only just saved a crapload of people holding an oil rig) so I think I can forgive him for taking someones pants and shirt...
One thing I will agree on is I didn't get why J. Kent said "maybe you should have let them die" that was way off if you've read the comics or watched any other medium of John Kent would never say that...he always told Clark "he believed he'd do the right thing" where as
Man Of Steel was crap for:
having bad chemistry between clark and lois
being unnecessarily bleak and joyless
taking itself entirely too seriously
having a blue/orange boring color palette
and most of all, betraying the character of superman
Seriously. Superman is supposed to have a deep caring for people's lives and safety. Meanwhile, he's throwing Zod through building after building, endangering and likely killing huge numbers of people. And then when he's done fighting, he kisses the girl.
I'm sorry. I'm not even a superman fan. But I know that's NOT superman. Superman doesn't stand infront of a crumbling destroyed city, and kiss the girl, while there are probably thousands of people trapped under tons of concrete. If you don't see that, then I don't know what to tell you.
I respectfully disagree, the supporting cast gave Man of Steel more gravitas than pretty much any other film on your list. Crowe's Jor-el, Costner's Jonathan, and even Lara were huge. About Cavill he was hardly passable as Supes, he was brilliant. I will however agree with your opinion of his Clark not measuring up to Reeve's but that's mostly due to the nature of how they approached the story. He wasn't ready to play a role yet because he had barely any idea who he was to begin with. I thought it was an interesting take on the character as far as I'm concerned and you can't blame Cavill for it because as you can see towards the end that's basically the point at which he becomes the Clark we're familiar with from the comics or previous films.
well im no movie critic but joyless uncaring melodramatic just sounds like you personally didnt like the tone of the movie. care to explain how the characters were idiotic and poorly represented? im not trying to be condescending i just havent seen the movie and a while lol so i dont remember many instances of blatant stupidityI dislike it because it's a joyless, uncaring melodramtic action movie where the main characters are kind of idiotic and just straight terrible based off of Superman. These characters were a poor representation of the ones they were supposed to be and the film was just nonsense.
He used Guns though, that version of Batman in the first movie was based off the post gun/post kill Batman...so yes it is hypocritical.Batman used to kill people left and right in the comics long before Superman did. Its not hypocritical, it just marks a change in what is expected by a general audience with these characters.....for better or worse.
No, you're not understanding what I'm saying. The reason that situation was set up is because the writer wrote it that way, purely so that Superman would be forced into a situation where he broke Zod's neck. It didn't have to be that way, but the filmmakers *wanted* superman to break Zod's neck and they wrote around that premise.
Well, I agree on the Smallville Superman but then that was also based on a SA Superman(Dr. Fate says this in one show) the MOS was more modern obviously and a slightly different take but I'm fine with it.Sure, everything is opinion based, doesn't mean we shouldn't discuss it especially when we have such differing views. For an action movie? It was fine. For a comic book movie? It was fine. For a comic book movie based off Superman it was not. If this was based off Aquaman (with a few things switched around) then it's an okay-good movie. As a Superman movie it's horrendous. Sure, there have been times he's been darker but that's not the Superman character, those are brief lapses in a mostly consistent character. Smallville Superman was, deep down, a good person and he showed it constantly (trying to steer Bart Allen in the right direction, keeping Lex from the darkness, believing in the good in the people he met, etc.). He was a confused teen in Smallville but he was still Clark Kent. He was a 33 year old man in MoS and was not Clark Kent nor did he "become" Clark throughout the course of the movie. Also, Smallville's Jonathon Kent was AMAZING. Ex: Lex gives Clark a car for saving his life and Jonathon tells him to take it back and the conversation, paraphrasing, went like this:
Clark: Dad, I earned this car, I saved the guys life.
Jon: So you think you deserve a prize?
Just great.
Mainstream non-Superman fans know what Superman basically is, for example:
We live in a world where Dark/Gritty = Realism = Good and MoS is a darker Superman movie, but the character is not a dark character. There are dark MOMENTS in Superman, as are with Green Arrow, but these are not "dark characters". MoS had a terrible Superman, Clark, Lois, and Jonathon.
He carelessly used his powers purely for revenge because some guy got on his nerves. He's a grown man and some douchebag messed with him so he went "well, I'm gonna mangle and impale his truck with power poles taking away his livelihood, forcing him to pay money to the company he works for, do a ton of damage to the town as some areas are gonna be without power and leave them to foot the bill cuz this guy was a dick". If a man of his power can get so violent over such nonsense then Lex Luthor is justified in his crusade. "Many heroes" aren't Superman, Superman doesn't do these things. Finding himself in what way? He traveled the World and settled in an area for a while and looked at a key he was given. He wasn't looking for answers, just reflecting on everything that happened and every time he did something super powered he left for the next town. He was a lost runaway, not a man traveling to learn more about himself. "Smart"? She did minute research, and I mean MINUTE. She saw he was super powered after she was saved and looked at weird occurrences, followed the trail, interviewed a handful of people, and it lead her straight to Clark Kent. This isn't so much as Lois being "smart" as Clark being incredibly sloppy which, again, he learns not to be from his childhood ventures but not in this movie.
He couldn't leave money for the taken clothes or anything? How does him saving people mean he still didn't just steal some clothes off a clothesline? If I save a bus full of people from a gunmen and then go purse snatch some women because I REALLY need the money does it make me not a thief because I just got done doing a good deed?
Edit: Looks like it wasn't power lines so take that part out.
Jonathon was TERRIBLE, Joe-El/Lara were fine and Cavill played a terrible Supes/Clark but that's because of the way they were written/directed.
So a changing of what Superman fundamentally is (not talking the goofiness but the kindness, caring, inspirational stuff) dictates a "refreshing" take. So, if Batman was suddenly a Spider-man esque character with Quips to villains it'd be refreshing because it's a different take on his darkness? Batman and Robin did that and it sucked LARGELY because of how "not Batman" Batman was. MoS Superman is NOT Superman. Again, Clark has not been a fumbling News Reporter in DECADES (not counting mainstream stuff) and the bumbling served the purpose of keeping suspicion off him. I never liked bumbling Clark but it was what it was.
That's like the equivalent of me saying its hypocritical for fans to be ok with an armored Batman but not an armored Superman even though the comics have them both sporting it today. There is no hypocrisy. Even if I agreed with your point, and I don't, you're still comparing two completely different characters. I don't think Superman or Batman should kill but I'm open to the idea of other superheroes who do. Would that make me a hypocrite?He used Guns though, that version of Batman in the first movie was based off the post gun/post kill Batman...so yes it is hypocritical.
No, see, right there, my emphasis, that's what you're missing. The plot was not a given that they had to go with. They could have done something entirely different.I'm hearing what you're saying, I'm saying given the plot and what Zod was going to do(despite who wrote it) that was Clark's only option at that point. I'm fine with it, but to each his own.
well im no movie critic but joyless uncaring melodramatic just sounds like you personally didnt like the tone of the movie. care to explain how the characters were idiotic and poorly represented? im not trying to be condescending i just havent seen the movie and a while lol so i dont remember many instances of blatant stupidity
How is armored suit/costume compare to a characters personality, ethic and moral code? So yes there is hypocrisy, that's a way off analogy. You're trying to compare costumes from different eras with their moral code...That's like the equivalent of me saying its hypocritical for fans to be ok with an armored Batman but not an armored Superman even though the comics have them both sporting it today. There is no hypocrisy. Even if I agreed with your point, and I don't, you're still comparing two completely different characters. I don't think Superman or Batman should kill but I'm open to the idea of other superheroes who do. Would that make me a hypocrite?
No, see, right there, my emphasis, that's what you're missing. The plot was not a given that they had to go with. They could have done something entirely different.
Question, have you played the Mass Effect series?
I don't think we watched the same film.I respectfully disagree, the supporting cast gave Man of Steel more gravitas than pretty much any other film on your list. Crowe's Jor-el, Costner's Jonathan, and even Lara were huge. About Cavill he was hardly passable as Supes, he was brilliant. I will however agree with your opinion of his Clark not measuring up to Reeve's but that's mostly due to the nature of how they approached the story. He wasn't ready to play a role yet because he had barely any idea who he was to begin with. I thought it was an interesting take on the character as far as I'm concerned and you can't blame Cavill for it because as you can see towards the end that's basically the point at which he becomes the Clark we're familiar with from the comics or previous films.
Agreed, or in Injustice punching people through what? 10 buildings, multiple floors etc lol I remember someone complained on comicvine with that "Superman was blowing up cars tossed by Black Adam, the people!!!" lol like sometimes in games, movies, shows etc(even comics at times) certain liberties are taken into account, plus Black Adam has electrical magic powers who's to say he couldn't just start up a car to drive to him by charging it...people don't even consider these things you know? It's like, people can't just enjoy a game or movie, they have to petpeeve over dumb shit.are you serious? have you ever watched any of the animated shows. literally on every episode he would throw someone through a building. don't even get me started about the justice league animated shows because in those the destruction was ten times worse. just go watch a few episodes and then watch man of steel again, it will feel like child's play.
As for the movie. I think the only problem worth mentioning is the chemistry between clark and lois, it felt bland and forced. I think cavill did a good job playing superman. and for those saying it was passable, superman isn't made to be like a character with a lot of intelligent lines, just listen to how he speaks in the animated shows and in the comics. I think cavill did a great job at playing what the character is. And I also like the movie taking itself seriously to me it's what seperates it from marvel movies which literally cram jokes down your throat every 5 minutes, to the point that when I've gone to see an ironman movie it was listed as a comedy. The serious side also make it feel like more of a reality. overall I give it a 8.5/10 I think if they capture a good chemistry with lois and clark in mos2 then I would enjoy it more, they also need to capture a good relationship with batman and superman.
he's programmed to save krypton, so he had to revoltFor the record, this is only the case because Richard Lester is an idiot and a hack. Richard Donner who was the original director actually filmed a scene with the authorities taking the 3 away that he chose to cut. Also, maybe I was just a stupid kid, but at the young age I saw that movie it honestly didn't even occur to me at the time that Superman had killed them because....well....superman doesn't kill. I think I just assumed they were frozen in the fortress or something.
For whatever reason be it in the comics or the movies DC has a bad habit of having Supes kill Zod...but I personally chock it up to the same stuff the writers were smoking when they came up with his blue electrical suit. It's always been a bad idea IMO.
I'm not comparing their costumes to their personalities/moral code, and for the record, I know for a fact Batman has killed within the last few years using a gun (although there were some mumbo jumbo time reset shenanigans used to undo it at the end of the arc).How is armored suit/costume compare to a characters personality, ethic and moral code? So yes there is hypocrisy, that's a way off analogy. You're trying to compare costumes from different eras with their moral code...
My point is not to compare Supes or Bats, but rather that Superman has killed people to save others(not counting the evil versions obviously) and even if you go back past 15 years or so you can find Superman killing someone or some thing, where as Batman hasn't killed in like what....over 50 years? Much less used guns. I see what you're saying but I don't think you're seeing my point honestly. We seem to be talking about two entirely different matters.
Except the opening also strongly hints that part of his motivation is his own personal ambition to control the bloodlines of Krypton's genetic future. No matter how you swing it, this idea that Zod is somehow a slave to his "programming" is overwhelmingly contradicted througout the story by his own actions. It just does. not. work. with the information the film provides.he's programmed to save krypton, so he had to revolt
I don't know what arch you can possibly be referring to that's not a 40's comic or alternate universe Batman because I assure you Batman has not killed anyone recently with a gun(the mainstream Earth Batman) aka in New 52 if it was something retconned then it's retconned. I'm referring to the canon, current however.I'm not comparing their costumes to their personalities/moral code, and for the record, I know for a fact Batman has killed within the last few years using a gun (although there were some mumbo jumbo time reset shenanigans used to undo it at the end of the arc).
Your point seems to center around the idea that because something is a certain way in the comics that makes it ok in the movies and people are being hypocrites. I'm trying to explain to you that that's simply not the case at all. Again, are people not allowed to complain if Superman shows up in the next movie with a blue electrical suit just because it happened in the comics?
Also, as far as me trying to compare "different eras", you're bringing up the reaction of Batman Killing the joker in 1989 to the reaction of Superman killing someone in a movie in the year 2013.
Except the opening also strongly hints that part of his motivation is his own personal ambition to control the bloodlines of Krypton's genetic future. No matter how you swing it, this idea that Zod is somehow a slave to his "programming" is overwhelmingly contradicted througout the story by his own actions. It just does. not. work. with the information the film provides.
His motivation would have made more sense in the context of the reeve era where the council didn't believe Jor-El and even sent security guards to stop him from causing a panic in spite of the evidence he had.
Well, I agree on the Smallville Superman but then that was also based on a SA Superman(Dr. Fate says this in one show) the MOS was more modern obviously and a slightly different take but I'm fine with it.
The thing I loved about MOS unlike Returns was, it was more realistic how the world would react but at the same time keeping that fantasy element. He didn't endanger anyone with the truck, in fact he did it when clearly nobody was around implying he was sneaky and careful....
Still, I just saw Clark (with the taking clothes, the truck etc) as finding himself, deep down he's a good guy I mean he saved those guys from the oil rig, the bus etc now if he had LEFT that chance because "he was confused" and said ehh not saving them cause I don't know if it's the right thing, THEN I'd totally agree with you but he did save them. It showed Clark being more human, even Smallville version did this with red K(choosing to take it at the end of second season) choosing to not listen to John or Jor-el etc sure he was younger but he's never done that in the comics per-se. Not that I have issues with Smallville, I don't...am just pointing out that other versions have also done the same thing.
How was the chemistry bad between Clark and Lois? If anything it was maybe rushed how they fell for each other, otherwise it was pretty solid chemistry. Maybe not as smooth as Smallville's but then that had more time to mature, a movie or game you have limited time to construct a storyline.
The age thing just blame the director, but still for overall movie and Superman movie for 2014 I thought it was good. A newer, updated take on Superman and change is something always controversial. Some people like it, others don't. It's always going to be like that. I really enjoyed MOS, I do agree with you that John Kent could have been better( loved Martha though) and Lois, and I wasn't that pleased with Perry...(aside from a black perry) not racist or anything I just hate it when movies stray too far from source material with looks of a character, I mean same thing with Marvel and black human torch? The rest of them look in their early 20s....? I think people worry too much about political correctness vs. staying true to comic course material.
But pretty much how you feel about MOS, I felt about Superman Returns...one you want un Superman like? He's NEVER leave earth for 5 years for a failed, random and pointless mission(Krypton was gone, so because a few Earth Scientists believed otherwise he leaves for 5 years? please...) Lois would NEVER go from "loving Superman to hating Superman" for any reason unless he maybe killed people for fun or something....(which he'd never do) and of course making Superman STUPID looking for Lex, "landing on his island without even considering hmm trap maybe?" Of course the whole hybrid baby thing but I could maybe get by that if not for the rest of the movie...even though two entirely different species.
I can just go into a hell of a lot more issues I had with Superman Returns over MOS....In regards to a general movie, Superman Returns was entertaining but it's obvious Singer should stick to Marvel films...another thing compare box office reception, MOS smashed Returns...and rightfully so. To me, Superman Returns wasn't a Superman movie, MOS was. Returns came off as a "chick super hero flick" saving planes, waving to crowds.....not even the older Superman films were that cliche, the guy fought 3 Kryptonians and a clone of himself but in Singers version nearly dies and gets dooped by Lex(who he already knows is smart and evil) just so dumb imo.
But that all being said, to each his own.
I'll gladly take MOS any day over Superman:Returns.
To be fair, and I don't know if this was already said, but Batman being dark and brooding is actually what he changed to from the "quippy, funny, humorous" batman from the 60's.
he doesn't have to be perfect to be a good guy