You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Superman punches EVERYTHING of course his main string is supposed to be his best. The dude only THROWS HIS ENTIRE FIST IN YOUR FACE WITH ALL HIS MIGHT like hes supposed to. What? Are you telling me you want him to have his more
"graceful" techniques like his pressure point combat. Oh while you are at it lets give him the ability to vibrate his body as well so he can dodge projectiles like in the comics. >.< That won't cause any diversity issues *cough* Flash already has it. *cough*
Superman is an A, he fights like he should or do you really want him able to CONTROL THE SIZE of his lasers as well?
"graceful" techniques like his pressure point combat. Oh while you are at it lets give him the ability to vibrate his body as well so he can dodge projectiles like in the comics. >.< That won't cause any diversity issues *cough* Flash already has it. *cough*
Superman is an A, he fights like he should or do you really want him able to CONTROL THE SIZE of his lasers as well?