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Kitana Prime

Top-tier at everything but the characters I choose
As far as the hotfix issue is concerned....

Step 1. Do NOT turn off the fucking system if it hasn't frozen on it's own (Why we're ever using non-360S models baffles me, but different issue)
Moving on, I know it's cool to hate on Microsoft, but getting the hotfixed loaded and everything works the same on both systems:
Sign in to profile and that's it. There's only one exception on the Xbox side because PS3 can not sign in multiple profiles simultaneously.
The player who signs into the main profile holding the hotfix MUST BE THE ONE TO PRESS START/CONTROL THE MAIN MENU (preferably player 1 side)

How big of a difference is that? Really?
When player 2 presses start, they choose to "continue without saving"
That's it. Really.

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
Can we talk about rules for stream announcers? Its been an unproffessional embarrasement for years. I think we should have a set group of people doing it (pre-determined) to keep it classy. I think people tend to forget that family members and friends watch the stream too. When we start talking about tym posts on stream its just terrible...theres a time and place for everything and its not on stream. Plus the casual observers are just confused about some random announcer calling out people on tym.


I think everything here is soild and like mike said we will be more then happy to enforce this at civil war and beyond to make it work.

My two cents. when it comes to how finals pools are done. I've notice less Double Jeopardy with the 1 plays 8, 2 plays 7 format etc. With how brackets are structured, if 1 plays 2 winners, who ever loses that match would then most likely play the the other person in their pools 2nd match of top 8/16 if said person wins. with 1 plays 8 2 plays 7 etc. the chances are much lower.

Our tourney season should start at NEC and end on EVO or TFC. if it ends on TFC we Get a 3 month break till NEC if it ends at EVO we get a 5 month break from a season. Which now that I think about. TFC would be a great start to a season if we end it at EVO. It would be a 3 month break.

I think for double blind, Totally cool, but not mandatory. If no double blind is declared then once a character and his/her costume has been selected there is no going back or changing characters. You are locked in from that point on until you lose. Kinda like how in SF4 once you select an ultra that's it you can't go back.

Paper brackets are gonna be the way to go unfortunately adding everything to challonge is great for top 16 and above, but we tried that at summer jam and got delayed by 3 hours which was a mess. (Im sure you remember haha).

And lastly, I think 3/5 is great choice. However, it is up to the Tournament Organizer to decide if we get 3/5 Because of time restriction and how they want everything formatted. I do believe though if we talk to Big E, John/Joe, Larry, Alex Valle and Jebaily about 3/5. They would be more then happy to see if its possible to run everything that way. We just have to be commited and invite them into the discussion cause as much as we would love to run things a certain way. Its there tourny and in the end they decided everything.

Everything else is great and I look forward to being part of the help to moving this forward!
SCR ran challonge for all games! some of which had 256 entrants, so it is possible. The problem is that we have late registration. Personally I think we should limit late reg to the night before the event and when preg is finished rough draft brackets should be made then add late reg into pools! Also have the pool coordinators actually watch the pools instead of running all over! For example arma should not be running pools for the pool right before his.

Ray Riazy

SCR ran challonge for all games! some of which had 256 entrants, so it is possible. The problem is that we have late registration. Personally I think we should limit late reg to the night before the event and when preg is finished rough draft brackets should be made then add late reg into pools! Also have the pool coordinators actually watch the pools instead of running all over! For example arma should not be running pools for the pool right before his.
The level up crew has a lot more resources to tech like that. They are very advance when it comes to production value


Administrator and Community Engineer
concerning taking matches and not. i do not feel a player should have ANY say in this at all. just like in football... a team doesn't have the option to not take a penalty.
In American Football (if that's what you meant), a team on the 'right' side of a call does have an option to decline a penalty and it's frequently used in certain situations. Basically if they feel like they'd rather just ignore the penalty and keep the momentum/field position and just keep playing, they can.


The level up crew has a lot more resources to tech like that. They are very advance when it comes to production value
Actually they only ran capcom games others were delegated the task for other games a la EGP. Most that ever goes on at once is 2 pools! Two smartphones or a single laptop with two windows open could do that! I don't think it takes too much work to do that! Hell our local WNF could do it for 100 man local for AE and marvel! I think it makes it easier fore people instead of asking who do I play next or not knowing who they at looking for! It's a time saver for sure!
In American Football (if that's what you meant), a team on the 'right' side of a call does have an option to decline a penalty and it's frequently used in certain situations. Basically if they feel like they'd rather just ignore the penalty and keep the momentum/field position and just keep playing, they can.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Actually they only ran capcom games others were delegated the task for other games a la EGP. Most that ever goes on at once is 2 pools! Two smartphones or a single laptop with two windows open could do that! I don't think it takes too much work to do that! Hell our local WNF could do it for 100 man local for AE and marvel! I think it makes it easier fore people instead of asking who do I play next or not knowing who they at looking for! It's a time saver for sure!
Yay sports


I have some thoughts on this. Before I talk about anything specifically or generally allow me to introduce myself to anyone reading this post who does not know who I am.

My name is Ian Davis and I am the tournament organizer for Kumite in Tennessee. This past January we ran out first tournament that included Injustice (or any NRS game). The turnout of the tournament was good considering it was our first time (64 entrants) and it was widely well received by the players who attended. I am going to run another 3 day tournament in January 2015 that will include Injustice. As a TO I am very interested in standards and structure and listening to the voice of the players, so I want to see if anything comes out of this thread. I want this to succeed. It is time for structure in the FGC.

I only control one tournament and I will speak to exactly how KiT will accommodate this, but I also have a feel for the FGC as a whole as someone in my position must if I wish to be successful. I can tell you how I personally would respond to this and how I think other TOs would as well. Take this into account to know what you will have to overcome to make this stick.

General Overview

First - the 10,000 foot view of what you wish to accomplish. Is this a list of demands or a general guideline? Do you expect every single TO to follow every single point in your outline? If the TO chooses not to, what is the recourse - to boycott? The FGC world we live in lacks any semblance of central structure, and each individual tournament acts as an autonomous entity making any decision it wants for any reason. Sure, most will go with very general commonalities such as running double elimination for all games, but big differences between tournaments are easy to spot. There is also Evo, the current largest tournament, that tournaments can easily point to as the de facto standard and justify violating your outline by simply saying it is copying what the biggest tournament does.

If you wish this to be a strict set of rules, I would first suggest you get as many prominent members of the community to sign off on it. A lot of what you do comes across as P2W vs the world and it is much easier to dismiss one voice no matter how loud than it is an entire community. Be careful of the way you present this. Second, give the TO a good reason he should follow it. I like the idea of a certified tournament tour that only the tournaments that follow the rules can be a part of that culminates in some large NRS event. As an example, there is a Road to Evo that most tournaments would jump at the opportunity to be a part of. If Evo says to be a part of the "Road to Evo" tournament series you have to do things a certain way then tournaments would do it. And the only tie-in Evo has with those tournaments are seeding points, yet their brand is so strong tournaments wants that seal of approval to help their own brand by association. That is what you need - to be associated with something bigger than the tournament itself you need to follow this outline. If KiT follows it and others do not, I absolutely want there to be some tangible distinction. Prestige matters to me (and other TOs) a great deal - so make it prestigious.

I would not come across as hostile or threatening when you present this. I would present this as a community backed suggestion at first. Your power as players is to not attend an event, which is not something insignificant, but the Injustice community at this moment is dependent on the established multi-game grass roots tournaments to exist as a competitive game. There is not a single one of them that can say it is historically an MK/NRS based tournament, so none of the established TOs have an emotional or personal reason to go above and beyond (which absolutely matters btw), and not every TO understands how building goodwill by adhering to community desires will help them long term. If you become more trouble than it is worth, tournaments will simply drop the game and continue on. I am not saying not to do this because I think it is a very good idea, I am only saying be careful of presentation - it matters a great deal. I also wish to affect change in the FGC, but I cannot do it overnight. I must build relationship first, and so must you.

Now that the philosophical stuff is out of the way, let me get to the specifics of what I want to point out:

Tournament structure 3/5 instead of 2/3
If you want this change, calculate how many setups are required to finish a 16 person pool in 2 hours - the standard currently in the FGC. Find the average game time for a 3/5 match and include button check time and player transition time. Keep in mind winner and loser's final of each pool bracket cannot be played concurrently. I would like to run 3/5 the whole way but do not know if it is truly feasible. KiT will definitely run the top 32 3/5 and have at least 8 pools (meaning I will a least do winner/loser final of each pools 3/5 just as this year). 3/5 the whole way is not out of the question - I have my eye on Civil War and UFGT for evidence.
Community wide you are going to run into resistance because Evo runs the game 2/3.
I would not include Tekken in your argument at all (unless just talking to me). No tournament runs Tekken 3/5 the whole way except KiT, and I am thinking of going to 2/3 for pools for that game due to time. Final Round is the only other tournament that does 3/5 at all and that is post-pools only. UFGT/BigE/CEO/ECT/Evo/SCR/TS/NCR all do 2/3 the whole way. Running Tekken 3/5 is something KiT does because I am a Tekken player and personally fought for the change (unsuccessfully). However, I see the power of adhering to the community wish for 3/5. I just dont know why you think Tekken 3/5 is standard and other TOs will quickly point out that it is not.

Putting all onsite registered players into a "Pool of Death"
For KiT, this is not applicable as I will not do onsite registration at all. Evo is the only other tournament to do this as far as I know.
For every other tournament I see this as being a huge issue. Take the case of KiT this year - we only had 5 people register onsite. That would unfairly make that pool easier to get out of. Take the other extreme - Winter Brawl had over 30 people to register onsite. That creates a logistical nightmare to finish that pool. The other reason - TOs just won't want to. It is physically much easier to just slot onsite registered players into byes in existing brackets and just deal with the unbalanced seeding it might cause.

Use challonge or Tio
For KiT, I will post challonge brackets before the tournament starts. What you see days before the tournament is what you will get. I've heard the counter-argument of you shouldn't be able to know exactly who you play first round, but I would rather run an effiicient tournament as a trade-off. I cannot guarantee though that each bracket will be run digitally as that would require a laptop or tablet for every single pool. If I use paper brackets they will mirror challonge and be updated after a pool ends.
Community wide, I just can't see this being a strict standard. It requires too big of a digital infrastructure to do this for all games, and I don't see TOs just doing it for Injustice while not doing it for other games.

For KiT, we will use all Asus monitors and 360s. We hotfixed games several times after we thought we already had. There needs to be a well-documented method for hot fixing a 360.
Asus and 360 are pretty standard community wide so I dont see this as an issue. The hotfix thing is a huge issue.

Seeding the tournament
For KiT, I plan to have established players I trust review and change the brackets. The initial draft can definitely use the ranking system, so I am interested in seeing that.
Community wide, a ranking system is the most objective way. You just have to get up a reliable ranking system first.

The label of the tournament (major, regional, etc)
I am not sure why this is in this outline. It seems like this label only matters after the fact for discussing player strength subjectively. Why does it matter in an objective rules outline?
If you want it to mean something, make it more than just the current perception war of what is major and what is not.
Create value - such as the Shoryuken ranking for Street Fighter. Am I proud that KiT is part of the SF rankings as a series tournament? Damn right I am , and I am motivated to make it into more just based off of that.

I wrote all of this because I see value and great potential in the Injustice/NRS community. You are known as high maintenance in the FGC, but I see a community that wants professionalism and does not settle for low quality. You are not afraid to challenge the status quo and demand attention. You want everything I want. You respect me because I respect you. We want change and it is coming, but we must proceed intelligently. I am here to help however I can.

Icy Black Deep

Still training...
As far as the hotfix issue is concerned....
Speaking of that, apparently there is some secret way to check the version of the game from some menu?
Can anyone who knows the details make this public knowledge so if there is any doubt it can be easily checked instead of people trying to go into training mode to test things?


i dont think locals or regionals structure, especially when it comes to pools, should be determined from above. i also dont think
these should Count towards seeding Points, at least not locals. earn your seeding Points at Majors, maybe on a list that takes the last 12 months results at preselected tournaments into consideration.

the late reg Thing might be the biggest issue, maybe late regs dont Need to be all in one pool but every pool Needs a Path where These people face each other before running into pre-regged top seeds? like no1 seed of the pool is on the top, nr 2 is on Bottom and late regs in the 2/4 or 3/4 area so they dont run into seeded preregs before like W3 round? if not enough late regs Show up to fill the free spots, matches from other paths get split up and Players get a bye in the free path.
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I write too much.
Could we maybe just put a full round of byes in each pool to be filled by late registrers? This would mean all pre-regged people start in winner's round 2 and non pre-regged have to play at least 1 match to get there (Unless there is an odd number of at the door registrations... hmmm...).


Monster Island Tournaments
This is a pretty solid post although I don't see anything out of the norm that seems game changing that isn't already in place aside from 3/5 or 2/3 and pre-reg vs at the door.

My take on the pre-reg vs at the door is pretty simple. Create your 8 or 16 pools with all the pre-reg people with the appropriate dividing of region and seeding on excel and then take all your at the door sign ups and plug and play to find the strongest balance. Creating a death pool or pools seems like it would be too much on the TOs since there are typically a solid amount of at the door sign-ups and could create crazy balance issues.