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in development... you can tweet at me too @_P2W_ but please see post 2

We spend time, money and travel for huge events. This will not cover how a tournament should be ran, rather, the rules that we will all abide by. Decided by the community. There will be bullet points for all sections and elaborations below. Once we decide on all the main points I will get it in a pdf for TOs to have while running their event. There are multiple things that need to be covered in this rule set.

Tourney Structure:
- system, time, controls, game options, best of, et cetera

Stage Rules:
- as above, timer, stage select rules, interactables/transitions, button check standard

Character Selection:
- blind pick,

- program, format, deadlines/pre reg, registration names, late registration, seeding and who does it, double jeopardy

- monitors, controllers, sticks, button layouts, equipment malfunction and consequences, headphones, connecting and profiles

- player code of conduct, disqualification

Tournament Qualification:
- local, regional or major (objective data)

Tournament Season
- when? start/finish?
P2W's Community Injustice Tournament Rules (CITR)

Tournament Structure
  • All tournaments will be played to first to 3 wins in all rounds including: prelims, losers prelims, quarterfinals, losers quarter finals, semifinals, losers semifinals, winners finals, losers finals and grand finals.*
  • Game options vibration off, using the most current version of the game available from Neather Realm Studios
Stage Rules
  • Sequencing
    • Double Blind Rule: When two players sit down they are immediately to return to the character select screen (not main menu to avoid hot fix issues). At this time, the two players pick the character they wish to use and advance to the stage select. Both players select the stage that their cursor defaulted on. Exception, if the two competitors agree on a stage then that stage can be willingly selected.** Button check ensues. Once both players have agreed, the match is restarted and tournament play begins.
  • Stage Change
    • After a match is completed, the losing player may choose to return to the character select screen to change the stage. It must be vocalized that a change is desired to avoid a player returning to the select screen to "see what stage is selected prior to vocalizing the desire for a stage change" Once vocalized and players returned to the select screen they are to repeat the sequencing steps above.
  • Interactables and Stage transitions are to be defaulted to on at all times.
Character Selection:
  • Both players are to select the desired character prior to advancing to the stage select. You must pick the character you wish to play for the button check.
  • If players require/request a blind pick, each player is to secretly tell the bracket runner their pick. Once both players vocalize their pick to the bracket runner, it is then revealed who each player MUST choose prior to advancing to the stage select.
  • Once tournament play has begun, the winner of the previous match must continue to use his current character. The loser of the previous match has the option to change characters. If their is a character change, the Double Blind Rule must be appreciated.***
  • All tournaments are to be seeding and ran using Challonge or TIO Pro in double elimination format. No exceptions.****
  • All players MUST register with their Real name and their common Gamer Tag and provide proof of identification*****
  • Local Tournaments will not have pools, one large bracket, to be seeded locally.
    • The TO/bracket runner will be responsible to seeding, player separation, et cetera
  • Regional Tournaments will not have pools, one large bracket, to be seeded and developed after player registration is closed.
    • This tournament is to be seeded, preferably, by an unbiased party who is not participating in the event.
  • Major Tournaments
    • All major tournaments will Require Pre-Registration. Late/Door Registration with be funneled to a "Death" Bracket.
    • After pre-registration concludes, the pre-registered players are to be separated to 7 pools. Pool size is decided based on the number of pre-registered players. ******
    • Late-registered players will be grouped into pool 8. Pool size is determined by the number of late entrants. Players will be separated by region ONLY. Skill is not to be a factor when seeding this pool. i just had a thought... what if the fear of this works so well that everyone pre regs and there are like 2 late reg players... should they get a free ticket out of pools? this is a dilemma
    • Seeding will be determined by player accolades for the lifetime of the injustice game and current objective player standings noted in the "Objective Rankings Thread" (to be restarted and based on rules outlined below((similar to the objective top 10 thread i used to do)) )
    • The pools of the major tournament will be as followed:
      • Pool 1
      • Pool 2
      • Pool 3
      • Pool 4
      • Pool 5
      • Pool 6 (death pool)
      • Pool 7
      • Pool 8
        • Pool 1 winner plays Pool 2 Winner (placed/Starting at top of newly created bracket)
        • Pool 3 winner plays Pool 4 Winner
        • Pool 5 winner plays Pool 6 Winner
        • Pool 7 winner plays Pool 8 Winner
        • Pool 1 loser plays pool 2 loser (placed/starting at bottom of newly created bracket)
        • Pool 3 loser plays pool 4 loser
        • Pool 5 loser plays pool 6 loser
        • Pool 7 loser plays pool 8 loser
        • The above 8 bullets are the tournaments final bracket. When viewing pool 1 - 8 it is to be viewed as one giant bracket when considering seeding. Pool 1 gets number 1 seed. Pool 8 gets number 2 seed. Pool 5 gets number three seed. Pool 4 gets number 4 seed et cetera. The above 8 bullets losers matches are organized this way to avoid double jeopardy
  • All tournaments are to be held on Xbox 360 with display settings set to 720p
  • Asus 236 H or equivalent (http://www.displaylag.com/display-database/)
  • All equipment must be hardlined into the xbox. Absolutely no wireless connections allowed.
  • No Macros. If a player calls this into question, a TO must test the device in training mode to confirm inputs.
  • If headphones are provided, a player is not allowed to switch the setup for their own device.
  • If a player would like to hook up headphones, the equipment must not jeopardize his opponents ability to hear the game.*******
  • Equipment failure:
    • In the event of equipment failure and results in paused game, it is to remained paused until a TO comes over to analyze the situation. If your equipment failed, you lose a game. Exceptions ONLY include game pauses during super/throw animations. It is the player's responsibility to ensure their equipment is in full working order. It is the TO's responsibility to enforce this rule. Under NO circumstances is this to be put on the player's to decide the outcome.
    • If your equipment stops responding causing you to lose control of your character, play is to continue. After the match is concluded you may request to switch out equipment.
  • In the event that a console is determined not to be patched or currently hotfixed, play is to be discontinued immediately upon noticing the evidence and a TO is to be called to confirm. If it was determined that the console is not currently hotfixed and game play was stopped immediately upon noticing the evidence, the game does not count. In the event that a player brings this to the attention of a TO after the conclusion of a match, the match counts.
Player Code of Conduct:
  • A player may not have or utilize a gamer tag/name that is derogatory nor will this be allowed on stream.
  • Banter and heckling:
    • permitted
    • if a spectator physically touches a competitor in an active game that results in an interruption of gameplay or a players control the spectator is to be disqualified from tournament OR removed the premises at the discretion of the TO
    • No hate language or racism allowed. A spectator heckling in such a fashion could be subject to disqualification from the tournament an/or removed from the grounds at the discretion of the TO.
Tournament Qualifications: (under review... still thinking)
  • Local
    • less than 32 participants
    • less than 10% of participants are from surrounding states or further
    • require compensation for a number of players determined by the TO
  • Regional
    • greater than or equal to 32 entrants
    • require an entry fee per player that is to be disturbed to the competitors determined by the TO
    • >10% of participating players must represent states outside of the tournaments home state
  • Special Event
      • Pot Bonus of >$500
  • Major
    • To qualify as a major tournament
      • greater than or equal to 75 participants
      • >10% of participating players must represent areas outside of the tournaments general region (defined as states not immediately neighboring the tournament location's state)
Tournament Season's:
  • Start of the Seasons?
  • End of the season? an NRS Cup or like event? @colt
  • What events to include? majors? regionals? seeding points for the grand finale?
  • will need a player profile section outlining tournament accolades
  • will need ranking system
  • will need to revive my objective criteria for tournament points awarded and structure

* Rationale for First to three for duration of tournament: (elaboration incoming)
** Rationale for stage select rules.
*** Double Blind during character re-pick to avoid favorable characters use on the stage previously used. Rationale to be elaborated.
**** Challonge rationale for bracket consistency, viewership ease of access and continuity

*****To avoid players reg as an unknown name, showing up and not liking their bracket, then re registering with their real name for better bracket placement
****** To avoid shuffling and moving players at the event. We must set the standard and demand some sense of liability to players who procrastinate. It is unfair to punish players whom are not procrastinators and met the wishes of the tournament TO. THis also makes it much easier for staff running the event.
*******Some headphones will not allow another headset to be attached. Console must be in multiple audio out setting.
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what i want from u guys are suggestions. we will be making pools to determine the main points that are not universally agreed upon.

please let me know if there are anymore categories. this is taking some time but lets not be professional boxing and have some continuity to what we do! i don't mind posting this incomplete bc i want your guys/gals input.

can someone dig up the old thread i made (the true top 10 or whatever that thread was called) and link it. i am going to revamp it.

@STORMS i hope once we all agree on the objective rankings, what constitutes a local/regiona/major, do challonge brackets, establish rules that TYM can really be the driving force of the tournament community and take it over from me.
it will make the site the Event Hubs of injustice tournament scene and possible get NRS involvement.
i see an excellent opportunity here. look what srk did... and turned into

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
This layout is really well done. The hardest part will be enforcing it obviously. Who will be the one to make sure the TOs follow it, and what would the consequences be if they don't?
This layout is really well done. The hardest part will be enforcing it obviously. Who will be the one to make sure the TOs follow it, and what would the consequences be if they don't?
well... isn't KN the one who usually runs things? it will be up to us, the community, to enforce it. just like tekken said "screw everyone we want 3/5 rounds and 3/5 sets) its up to us, the players.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
well... isn't KN the one who usually runs things? it will be up to us, the community, to enforce it. just like tekken said "screw everyone we want 3/5 rounds and 3/5 sets) its up to us, the players.
KN runs Fr, Nec, SJ, ect, TFC

Not CEO, UFGT, Evo, scr , nwc, kit, etc


Administrator and Community Engineer
This layout is really well done. The hardest part will be enforcing it obviously. Who will be the one to make sure the TOs follow it, and what would the consequences be if they don't?
The thing is, as people considering attempting to bring things together into some kind of season structure, if you didn't follow the rules then your event would not be counted as an official major.

And if that was made clear, then people would have to decide whether or not they wanted to travel there.
The thing is, as people considering attempting to bring things together into some kind of season structure, if you didn't follow the rules then your event would not be counted as an official major.

And if that was made clear, then people would have to decide whether or not they wanted to travel there.
tournament classifications will be CLEARLY defined, ranking points objectively distributed, season start and end clearly defined with the last event of the year being evo. more to come