I'll put my 2 cents in here, it is true that pausing a game can make you lose momentum and that a penalty for this occurrence must be in place. but also it should be judged accordingly by TO's or fair players with good sense of judgement.
Even tho Carl and I don't get along much these days, I didn't enjoy seeing him going down this way and find it a little Unfair that the whole match was taken from him.
This rule exist in other games but it is up to the players to let it roll or if the player feel affected by the pause he can take the round, we have seen this much in SF4 streams and you see the players keeping going and rarely some take the round, "The round no the whole match"
In this case PL was taken from his full match, I know Injustice is 3 rounds inside a big round but if you noticed FK was never gonna be affected or lose momentum by this because PL was the one executing a combo when the pause happened and PL was gonna be the only one suffering from this. I'm not sure who gave FK permission to make a decision to take whole match or keep playing because whoever did really made a poor judgement of what really happened and this shouldn't happened again in the future.
This has happened to other players before in tournament against me and I've never taken any rounds i'll just tell them to keep playing, as a competitor you should have some honor unless the pause was intentional or really messed you up when you were in the middle of a combo against your opponent.
Oh well guys I hope whenever this happens again the to's don't give the other player advantage just because it happened but make a better judgement about what should be done, if match should be reseted, or just let it roll, or give affected players advantage not only leaving it in the players hands because these will abuse of these opportunities to win a match.
sorry for spelling was in a rush =)