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An apology to Smarrgasm.


I only use characters with wakeup scoops.
This thread is solely for props to Smarrgasm and is by no means a jab at any other player mentioned. I love all of you.

About two weeks ago, I asked Smarrgasm why he never wins his locals anymore. He told me that Pig of the Hut prevented him from winning them. Then comes Final Round. Smarrgasm sends Deg to losers in a clutch fashion, earning himself an impressive scalp. The back of my mind said "great, this is another pattern where Smarr sends someone good to losers, and then proceeds to not make top 8".

After that, who does he have to fight for top 8? The man that prevented him from winning his locals for almost the end of time.

Kasey Stuart Smarr, you were put to the ultimate test in your tournament career to get top 8, and you did it. I apologize for busting your balls that you're a 17th place monster. I, and many other people owing you this apology is fully in order.

As a friend, I am proud of your accomplishment. It genuinely made my day.

Kick some ass tomorrow.

Best regards,

Jivan "Theo" Karapetian


I'm glad one last of the Wizard's warriors remain, and that of all people, it's someone I know who has wanted this for a very long time, congrats Smarr.


Old Member
He deserves it. A lot of the tournament placings this weekend made me genuinely, legit happy, this was one of them