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Who are the faces and heels of NRS community?


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
At first I was confused who you were replying to....

Then I remembered I have Myles Wrights set to "ignore" in my settings :)

Seriously... why am I the only one who has done this??
lolol, too true my brother


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I feel dumb for asking , but what the hell are heels and faces? Someone should should give me the rundown :p
Faces = heroes. People cheer for the faces. Also known as "posterboys". They are the "good guys" in storylines.
Heels = Villains. People tend to boo them or they do things that aren't high in consideration. Also known as "People you love to hate". They are usually the bad guys, traitors, etc in stories.

lm Tweakk

Faces = heroes. People cheer for the faces. Also known as "posterboys". They are the "good guys" in storylines.
Heels = Villains. People tend to boo them or they do things that aren't high in consideration. Also known as "People you love to hate". They are usually the bad guys, traitors, etc in stories.
Thank you :D your picture is the best btw

GGA Saucy Jack

The artist formerly known as ImNewbieSauce
The ultimate face is PantyChrist. Literally everyone in the scene cheers for him, even his opponent.

Relaxed State was in the running with PantyChrist for super face...but these Zod rumors....


Flash In Training.
remember when randy orton was a face? also i thought i was face after WB?
I think you're a heel bro.

16 Bit is a definite baby face. Always was. Being a baby face doesn't mean you can't voice your opinion and feel strongly about it. GGA in general are the baby face faction of the NRS community.

Tom Brady is a baby face, though some people dislike him. I guess he's like John Cena.

Darth Arma is a baby face, easily.

Ditto for Pig. He's had minor heel turns like that time after Final Round last year when he lost to Cat and PPJ, and a few months ago when he went apeshit on Paulo, but his baby face roots always come through in the end.

Theo is a baby face, and a very good one at that.

Tyrant is a baby face simply due to how much of a crowd pleaser.

Glass Sword is one of the biggest baby faces in the community.
LOOOOOOOOL Tom is like John Cena

Would Reo be a Stone Cold type?
Probably and PL is like Triple H

Filipino Man

Retirement my ass
I dream to be a heel because I'm face in the sf community but mr Mileena said I had the face of a face and even my call out thread couldn't make me heel :(


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Tom is like John Cena
Nah, Pig fits the bill for Cena. Nobody else is so thoroughly hated for winning with the same five moves of doom over and over again:

Spirit Charge, Rising Karma, Tele-Flurry, TKS and Reflect. Not necessarily in that order.
At first I was confused who you were replying to....

Then I remembered I have Myles Wrights set to "ignore" in my settings :)

Seriously... why am I the only one who has done this??
You're not, same thing happened to me! I set him to ignore after he insinuated on the "Is scorpion a dead character" thread that Scorpion was better than Killer Frost. It takes a hell of a lot to get an ignore from me, but that was the last straw. Nothing worthwhile coming from that one.


I am the uncomfortable fat pocket that some knows exists but has never played or seen...possibly stores candy. Also I'm out of the loop on this concept. Face = Cool; Heel = Not Cool? Something like that?
I think PL is a face, just like someone else said, love or hate him, he's the only person whose won multiple EVOs and back to back, behind like the Capcom guys.

And having him play for the NRS community is sorta nice I guess.


"On your Knees!"
For the record how can someone be a "Heel" in this forum if the staff moderators say "Please stay on topic" when you try to troll and if you continue to BS, they bar you from comment on a certain topic/thread. Basically "Heels" like to troll, and be off topic, stay on topic but post a imgae, gif, video etc. that indirectly makes fun of the topic. Plus MK is a mature rated game so you are gonna hear mature rated shit regardless on this forum.