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Reset Kombat 9


Telling the person who is making statements based on reason and logic to "calm down" just makes you look more foolish than you already do.

I'm not trying to insult you or even make the conversation personal, I'm just letting you know that you look pretty retarded right now by trying to insinuate that I am in any way emotionally distressed by the discussion.

Rather than responding to the substance of my post, you resorted to a generic, out-of-place internet meme, and proceeded to exclaim that SF4 is a good game without any sort of detail as to why.

Perhaps we should draw the distinction between "good" and "I like this". You like the game, and that is most certainly your right. Does your liking it make it good on an objective level? No.


No one in here should be salty because Snolla wants to take an MK break, it's just another fighting game that deserves respect and he didn't say he was quitting anyways. Also though, I do agree with randomdps, but the thing is randomdps, is that Snolla is just being lighthearted about it. I guess all I'm asking is please please please don't let this turn into a SF vs MK or whatever else gets thrown into here.

Thankyou :)

EDIT: A mod should lock this as it's been completely diverted off topic lol. Not that I made it with a real topic in mind. I was just salty after Quan Chi stomped me the other day


I hate to state the obvious but these tantrums are a result of the atrocious netcode this game has. Can someone please start that petition to demand that NRS give us a playable Online mode? I'm genuinely concerned for my TYM brethren. At this rate we'll be having mass heart attacks by the end of the year from all these salt overdoses :rant:

On a side note, you can always do what I do: Quan Chi lag tactics ensue, start meditating whilst you gently start putting the controller down. After the match ends, highlight Cyrax and select his MK3 skin. Bomb trap, Bomb trap, Bomb trap, Bomb trap, in fact, only do bomb trap. When FINISH HIM! pops up: Teabag. Therapy complete.


I hate to state the obvious but these tantrums are a result of the atrocious netcode this game has. Can someone please start that petition to demand that NRS give us a playable Online mode? I'm genuinely concerned for my TYM brethren. At this rate we'll be having mass heart attacks by the end of the year from all these salt overdoses :rant:

On a side note, you can always do what I do: Quan Chi lag tactics ensue, start meditating whilst you gently start putting the controller down. After the match ends, highlight Cyrax and select his MK3 skin. Bomb trap, Bomb trap, Bomb trap, Bomb trap, in fact, only do bomb trap. When FINISH HIM! pops up: Teabag. Therapy complete.
You sir are a god among men
I respect both Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat 9 and even though I consider myself an MK9 player I do enjoy Street Fighter. I mean, there is no reason to dislike Street Fighter just because you play MK9. It's a solid game, it's fun and even though I enjoy MK9 more, I do believe that SSF4 has less problems than MK9. With that said, I find MK9 more enjoyable and am a bit better at it.

Now on to the point.

No one in here should be salty because Snolla wants to take an MK break, it's just another fighting game that deserves respect and he didn't say he was quitting anyways. Also though, I do agree with randomdps, but the thing is randomdps, is that Snolla is just being lighthearted about it. I guess all I'm asking is please please please don't let this turn into a SF vs MK or whatever else gets thrown into here.

I believe that people who play FGs, regardless of what they play should all support eachother's games for the FG community to grow as a whole. Nothing was more disgusting than those SF or Marvel players adding "sucks" at the end of the MK chant and it'd be just as disgusting if we did the same.
If that was in response to my remarks about the SF4 engine, I think you are misunderstanding. I have been a long-time SF player and I will always be a hardcore A2, ST and A3 player. I'm not harping on SF in general, I am remarking on the fact that SF has been reduced to schlock by comparison and serves as an appeaser for the lowest-common-denominator.

If you know a lot about high level play in previous SF games, you would get the feeling that the game has but 1/10 of the depth the series used to. Like I said, I'm not the only person who has this view, and I'm not even the most vocal. Alex Valle, Justin Wong, Choi, Killian, Sirlin, Daigo, BAS, Tokido, etc...all tend to agree for the most part.

As for booing at Evo, I have to agree that it is disgusting. Even booing Wesker was absolutely absurd. This generation of fighting game players makes me really sad.


I think you all should cut the OP some slack man! He's salty, He's had a miserable time online and wanted to vent and utter anything that came to mind. Don't tell me you all haven't done it or at least felt like doing it before. Now go on my brothers, hop online and go bomb trap a random. It'll help you feel better I promise.


I think you all should cut the OP some slack man! He's salty, He's had a miserable time online and wanted to vent and utter anything that came to mind. Don't tell me you all haven't done it or at least felt like doing it before. Now go on my brothers, hop online and go bomb trap a random. It'll help you feel better I promise.
Finally a fellow human being on these boards who understands what a bad day is lol jk. I love all y'all.. even you randomdps


PSN: KomboDrop
Wow, this thread went way off topic. First off, whatever game you prefer that's all it is, a preference. Enjoy what you enjoy and please don't try to tell people they're wrong for having fun with what they do. Also, this is a Mortal Kombat forum, why has most this thread been about SF? I support all fighting games, each of them inspire the other and encourage one another to grow and improve. No fighting game would have gone as far as they have without their competition, play everything you can, improve your game, share what you've learned and SUPPORT your gaming communities.
I don't mean to offend anyone or step on any toes.


Wow, this thread went way off topic. First off, whatever game you prefer that's all it is, a preference. Enjoy what you enjoy and please don't try to tell people they're wrong for having fun with what they do. Also, this is a Mortal Kombat forum, why has most this thread been about SF? I support all fighting games, each of them inspire the other and encourage one another to grow and improve. No fighting game would have gone as far as they have without their competition, play everything you can, improve your game, share what you've learned and SUPPORT your gaming communities.
I don't mean to offend anyone or step on any toes.
It wasn't a good topic to begin with lol. A mod should really just lock this before any more salt shakers get spilled
My question about Quan Chi's supposed resets are still unanswered. Again, I have seen combos into Trance, but no resets. Is it an OTG, is it a glitch that makes it unblockable? Is there a glitch that resets juggle properties and damage scaling? How is it a reset?

Otherwise, this thread was started because someone was whining about getting Tranced on their wake-up, or they simply do not know the proper criteria for an actual reset.


My question about Quan Chi's supposed resets are still unanswered. Again, I have seen combos into Trance, but no resets. Is it an OTG, is it a glitch that makes it unblockable? Is there a glitch that resets juggle properties and damage scaling? How is it a reset?

Otherwise, this thread was started because someone was whining about getting Tranced on their wake-up, or they simply do not know the proper criteria for an actual reset.
Me calling you out on being mad would have no bearing if you didn't take me seriously.
Me calling you out on being mad would have no bearing if you didn't take me seriously.

Sorry, man, but I really just don't know what you're even talking about anymore.

I concisely laid out a list of elements which make SF4's fundamental engine inferior by comparison, and you knee-jerk accused me of being "mad" simply due to the fact that I said something which could be construed as negative about a game you enjoy. Learn a new tune.

You are either projecting your own butt-hurt due in part to my reasonable remarks on the SF4 engine, or you are trolling.
Why are ppl arguing about SF4 on an MK board? Of course if you go in the MK General Discussion Section and post a thread complaining (valid or not) about MK and say you want to play SF4 people are going to give you shit for it. Why? Because they are protecting their game. Like SF and MvC fans do. So, arguing will get you two nowhere when we all know MK is amazing.[BUBBLE][/BUBBLE]
Why are ppl arguing about SF4 on an MK board? Of course if you go in the MK General Discussion Section and post a thread complaining (valid or not) about MK and say you want to play SF4 people are going to give you shit for it. Why? Because they are protecting their game. Like SF and MvC fans do. So, arguing will get you two nowhere when we all know MK is amazing.[BUBBLE][/BUBBLE]

Nobody is "protecting" anything. Nobody is even comparing MK to SF. My posts have been comparing SF to older SF.

Jesus, this place is worse than the scrubs at SRK who have no fucking reading comprehension.


The Coolinator
Are the reset combos getting out of hand?

Lately, every time I drop in to this site there's a new thread up in the character forums illustrating and detailing some ridiculously long reset combo that can effectively do more than 50% damage in one go.

Almost every character seems to have one and as soon as one gets fixed a new one is found. People aren't interested in learning match ups and counters. Most of the players here and online seem to only be interested in finding the easiest cheapest way to win a match. Any artificial advantage that can be gleaned from anything whatsoever is fair game it seems.

Are the resets going to be fixed or are we all going to incorporate this crap into our gameplay and play the "who can get their long ass reset combo off when the opponent has no meter to breaker" game?

How can such a good game devolve into this B.S.? And why in the hell has this become the norm for every single online game with a modicum of popularity?


A prop on the stage of life.
People don't play online to pull of combos. They play to win, and don't care how they do it. My perspective is if I can't beat some "cheesy" tactics then I deserve to lose anyway. Resets don't guarantee damage. You can block after an attempted reset. All resets do is put the person back in standing position so they have to block immediately instead of landing on the ground and rolling away.


Cyrax and Quan are the only one with 50% ACTUAL resets where the reset is most certainly guranteed. I know sub too has a reset but his is no where near gamebreaking it only works for select combos and it costs a bar for an extra 15% or so of extra damage..