get Kabal bro
>_>I want to see some broken shit with Doomsday now.
kablas pressure would get pushblocked for 40+ broget Kabal bro
Honestly? I think his MB Venom is broken. But this and BG's "tech" level of broken? Pft, hell no.>_>
Depends what you consider broken.
the guy at 3:03 in the red hoodie behind pig was wearing that exact same hoodie at SCR yesterday on stream lol #tradition?if cowboy managed to do this with shang
Imagine what he will do with sinestro, the salt will be glorious
thanks for my avatar
Zoop Zoop, bitches.
6-4 kabal I don't think its possible for sin to ever get trait out on our savior Kabalkablas pressure would get pushblocked for 40+ bro
Your sigLMAO6-4 kabal I don't think its possible for sin to ever get trait out on our savior Kabal
Exactly, you get it.Im ssure pushblock is not advantage on block. On reason it works is because sinestro can release trait while recovering. For example he does shakles you block it but he can use trait when you try to punish.
We probably need a new patch altogetherMan what the fuck. In light of characters randomly getting all kinds of new dirt I demand Grundy get unclashable trait grab back