Ok I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. What part of this setup are you claiming you can block? Are you saying the trait shot from Sinestro after a push block is not guaranteed or that the shackles after trait shot is not guaranteed? What character were you able to block this setup with? Give a specific setup, ie the exact strings you used on the character, if it was midscreen or corner.
Here was my test that agrees with what everyone else in the thread is saying.
Sinestro vs Flash in training.
Sinestro in right corner.
Record Flash standing for a moment > Walk forward > b2,2,f3 > hold down immediately for several seconds.
Playback recording
As Sinestro charge trait > Hold back > Mash Meter Burn > Trait as soon as push block comes out > Shackles after trait shot hits
If this was blockable by Flash he would not have been hit by whichever part was blockable. This is not the same as having the AI do it because it is literally just playing back human input. If you can provide a setup like this allows someone to block you'll be right, if not everyone else in the thread is right.
*Edit: left out step for Sinestro