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Community member nicknames


K "we'll edit that out" 7Leetha.
Tre "Stuck in the African desert, need help" Pound.
Tom "Jesus fucking Christ, I don't like you Pig" Brady (I can go through like 127 nicknames with nothing but Menoutis quotes).
Perfect "X character is like: Yeah bro!" Legend.
GGA"insert really perverted hypothetical scenario" Slips.
GGA "A man of 1000 catchphrases" 16 Bit.


7 "firearrows are useless" L
DR"Little Caesars" Gross
Kitana" Loyalty" Prime
Forever "Monotone" King

OG Mannimal

OG "OG Mannimal" Mannimal
I'm putting ALL of you on blast. These are not nicknames, you're just putting phrases in the middle of their names. nickNAME, nickNAME, nickNAME. No one calls Lebron "The tall guy who sometimes says things but also plays basketball" NO! Stop doing this if you can't think of a 1-2 word nickname


I'm putting ALL of you on blast. These are not nicknames, you're just putting phrases in the middle of their names. nickNAME, nickNAME, nickNAME. No one calls Lebron "The tall guy who sometimes says things but also plays basketball" NO! Stop doing this if you can't think of a 1-2 word nickname