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Injustice at FINAL ROUND now has a $1000 POT BONUS + NO SEEDING for non pre regs

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

@ShinBlanka is in no way affiliation or responsible for this pot bonus. This is a TYM community anonymous donation from two sources who wish to remain anonymous

Final Round just got even MORE HYPE with a $1000.00 pot bonus to be paid distributed to my understanding top 3 placers.


ALSO just confirmed with Shin Blanka in no way shape or form will anybody be given any type of seeding per location,results or skill if they do not pre register

In fact all that don't pre register WILL play each other

Example : the 33 +people who didn't pre register at WB by final round standards will /would have all played within first two rounds each other

Example: if Rico and Tom don't pre register they possible could play each other first round.

There's a slight chance shin Blanka will extend pre registering


@General M2Dave
@Mr Aquaman
@Tom Brady
@GGA 16 Bit
@Kitana Prime
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NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
So the overall theme that I've been hearing about Final Round for the past week is this:

"Oh, Semi Evil Ryu cannot come to Final Round? Let's go ahead and make this the BEST TOURNAMENT IN THE HISTORY OF TOURNAMENTS!"

........or something to that effect.

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
Now KDZ's gonna win again. One last Superman harah was great but lets not go back to the dark ages. :p


Scary Bat
As someone who pays waaaay too much attention to pools, I approve of the new rule.

Why should anyone get the benefits of reging late? I get what KDZ said about enjoying the fact that he gets to ruin someones day, that's funny as hell. But I find it funny sometimes you have all these "top 8 killers" who reg late because they don't want to give people time to prepare for them. If you're a "killer" why not play people on a level field?

I mean they still can do it, but I like they don't get seeded, have a longer climb and that this method doesn't discourage local/casual people who turn up on the day of or those who don't know if they can make it too much.