Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
AE definitely did top 25k at one point. Marvel I'm not sure. Injustice capped at like 22.5k
It's Sp00ky of course (who told haters to suck it, Injustice is gdlk in the chat), so everyone was tuned in....and WB8 was promoted by Twitch. Front-paged and all.
The real thing here was that when AE top 32/16 finished, and Injustice finals started there wasn't a dip in viewers. Initially, we lost about 3,000...but we gained those back and another 2,000 on top of that. That is the real accomplishment. Injustice is defnitely holding it's own -- ON THE BIG STAGE FOR SURE.
We're here. Mufuckas are slowly but surely starting to accept it.
HYPE! See you at SCR!