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Xbox One or PS4...which should I get?


Average at Best
Can only speak for my situation so:

I would say it all depends on what titles you are looking forward to playing if you consider the launch titles for both platforms leave a lot to be desired.

I honestly based my purchase of an XB1 on KI being an exclusive at launch, Titanfall's release in March, the future Halo titles and the fact that the exclusives I'm looking forward to from Sony won't be out anytime soon.


Noob Saibot
I purchased both. So far the Xbox One is getting more play time from me. Here is what I have played on both.

Dead Rising 3
Lego Marvel
Killer Instinct
Forza 5

Battlefield 4
COD Ghosts
Killzone SF
AC Black Flag

Best Looking Game:

Favorite Game:
Dead Rising 3

Game Most Played:
Battlefield 4

Most Disappointing Game:
Killzone SF

Overall better experience so far:
Xbox One

I never thought I would say this, but the Onenis my favorite at this moment. It could change later this year or in the future but the overall package is better on the One.

Games im most looking forward to...

Halo 2 Anniversary

The Order 1886
Dying Light
MGS Ground Zeroes

Some are multiplatform but these are the systems I'm getting each for.

Sorry for the long rant. In the end, for now, the One is my favorite.


Average at Best
I purchased both. So far the Xbox One is getting more play time from me. Here is what I have played on both.

Dead Rising 3
Lego Marvel
Killer Instinct
Forza 5

Battlefield 4
COD Ghosts
Killzone SF
AC Black Flag

Best Looking Game:

Favorite Game:
Dead Rising 3

Game Most Played:
Battlefield 4

Most Disappointing Game:
Killzone SF

Overall better experience so far:
Xbox One

I never thought I would say this, but the Onenis my favorite at this moment. It could change later this year or in the future but the overall package is better on the One.

Games im most looking forward to...

Halo 2 Anniversary

The Order 1886
Dying Light
MGS Ground Zeroes

Some are multiplatform but these are the systems I'm getting each for.

Sorry for the long rant. In the end, for now, the One is my favorite.
Just based on an observation but do you prefer the playstation controller for FPS's?


Original OBS mbr/VSM/G4S
I agree with @ZAQTYM . I would hold off until next yr. I bought an xbone for KI and I saw titan fall coming out this March. If u have to buy one now I recommend looking at what games u want more or like. For me loving fighting games xbone wins. I invested my ps4 money to rebuild my pc which I have no regrets for and I do plan on buying a ps4 when a game comes out I want. Injustice for ps4 was not a must have after owning ps3 ,360 & the terrible pc version (online play sucks on pc).


Noob Saibot
Just based on an observation but do you prefer the playstation controller for FPS's?
I only played Titanfall on XB1 controller andnit seemed really nice from the few hours I played the beta.

The PS4 controller worked well for BF4, COD, and Killzone but I dont like the triggers. The sticks were also hard for me to adjust, but I mainly played all shooters on the 360 pad last gen.

The triggers are better on the One controller by far.


Both consoles got its share of exclusives, if your going to play a game that is in both consoles PS4 is by far better than the X1.

IF you like the exclusives from the X1 then go get it.


All Multi-Platform games will more than likely be better this generation on PS4.

The one major benefit the PS4 has over the XB1 now and probably in the future is that PS+ actually gives you decent games so at least you don't have to spend so much money on games.

However, if you want to buy an XB1, go to Target and buy it this week because it comes with a 50 dollar gift card.