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Video/Tutorial Zod Video Guide to Command Grab Cancels - Safe Command Grabs /w Video Close and Far Hand Inputs

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

Video starts with hands kinda close

Repeated then with really close

Im too busy to do a voiceover, If you need a voiceover you need to just play Aquaman

This is a video made for all to see so they do not ask me again "How do you do this"

Also Extra tech ive included in the video
How to make Command Grab 100% safe always

A few Juggle combos w trait

How to 2413d4 f2 cancel creates ambigious fake and real ambigious cross up

NJ F2 Does the same (escapable)

I decided not to include my brand new zod vortex and resets for now, some things absolutely must wait and be mine.

Also I did not include yet RelaxedState's Pushblock setups.

Again somethings need to be used first in tourney so people get blown up,

Enjoy this for now

@AK/RM GamerBlake
@General M2Dave
@NRF Crimson Panther
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Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Regarding the safe command grab on block

Inb4 "Yo bro I can FTD you while you're dashing"

I had intended to do voice over explaining u swipe while dashing which is why I did do that vs lex and showed regardless grab hits and if he traited up or MB b3 it still hits
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Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
WTFF IS THIS SHIT!!!!??!?! I play on STICK!!!!!

I actually understood these cancels once I was told that the ability to cancel into trait grab exist only when trait slash is NOT available.
U mean after a swipe while swipe is recovering?

Stuck version could be done by @SimSim :)

I play stick too just not as proficient


The struggle is real.
can you only do a mixup into a grab setup when the traits been active for only a sec or two?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
WTFF IS THIS SHIT!!!!??!?! I play on STICK!!!!!

I actually understood these cancels once I was told that the ability to cancel into trait grab exist only when trait slash is NOT available.
U can do a cancel at any second trait is out

AK Harold

WTFF IS THIS SHIT!!!!??!?! I play on STICK!!!!!

I actually understood these cancels once I was told that the ability to cancel into trait grab exist only when trait slash is NOT available.
Yeah the cancels are much easier to me on stick too. But yeah once you get used to the timing to squeeze a regular slash in or do it raw from trait activate you get a few seconds that he isn't active so you can do grab cancels from the start.