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Titanfall - what the heck is it


Filthy Casual
"Using your own words, yes you farm the ai, but it's not useless as it helps with your titan."

Thanks captain fuckin obvious. I meant they are useless by not even trying to deal any damage to anything (except spectres which attack titans).

"setting yourself up so if you're being locked on to by a smart pistol you deserved to be killed by it."

Was that supposed to be an insult to my skill? If yes then try harder because u failed badly. Moving doesnt mean u cant get locked so your point is pretty retarded.
Here's a tampon, you're bleeding scrub.


Don't even get me started on jump kicks
I think I died more to shotguns than anything else. The range on them is surprisingly large and their fire rate is decent as well. But inside a building a guy with a shotgun should usually win. And I think the primary weapons strengths all come at different ranges. Shotguns are best close, SMG/smart pistol are strong close to medium range, then your Carbine rifle which is good mid to long range and finally the sniper rifles. And depending on what range you are fighting in with your opponents you will have inherent advantages or disadvantages. The key component really is how fast the game play is, if you are strong enough with the movement mechanics you can generally put yourself at an advantageous range for the kit you are using.


Supposedly a game where COD dudes will do bad in and unreal tournament players do good. I'd pick up that shit if I weren't getting Dark Souls 2.

Thanks for reminding me that I have some serious depression issues coming mid-March.
really the jump kicks? they seem like a reasonable nerf to the melee knife from earlier cod games which had like 0 frame start up and had lunging tracking
DUUUUUUUUDE THEY ARE A FUCKING HOOVER VACCUM. I got a dude to test with me, i ran backwards he ran towards me and jump kicked. I immediately did a double jump crossup (lol) and on the killcam, he fucking autotracked with a 180 degree spin and kicked me out of the air about 3 feet past where his foot reached. it's fucking ridiculous, the speed doesnt even matter

Maybe they're reasonable on x1 since you're playing with pad and aiming isn't as good as m+k, but they're completely retarded on PC

Either the tracking needs to be way shittier, or it can keep the godaim but make it a 2 kick kill. The execution is fine as is


Gaming4Satan Founder
DUUUUUUUUDE THEY ARE A FUCKING HOOVER VACCUM. I got a dude to test with me, i ran backwards he ran towards me and jump kicked. I immediately did a double jump crossup (lol) and on the killcam, he fucking autotracked with a 180 degree spin and kicked me out of the air about 3 feet past where his foot reached. it's fucking ridiculous, the speed doesnt even matter

Maybe they're reasonable on x1 since you're playing with pad and aiming isn't as good as m+k, but they're completely retarded on PC

Either the tracking needs to be way shittier, or it can keep the godaim but make it a 2 kick kill. The execution is fine as is
wow lmao that's ridiculous. I haven't experienced anything like that on xboner. In fact, I see kicks whiff more than hit


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
@AK Pig Of The Hut the beta is up for free on the XB1 store til Wednesday right before midnight I believe. Check it out if you have the time.
In terms of shooting, yes, it plays a lot like CoD; anyone expecting otherwise is an idiot considering it is made by the original CoD devs. That is pretty much the only similarity though.
"Balance" in the game is really awesome; that is to say, you have just as much fun on foot as you do in a mech, and if you play smart, it's not terribly difficult to take down someone in a mech (or at least make them flee the area) when you are on foot if you play it correctly.
The mobility is absolutely amazing, and you can do some really insane stuff once you get good at it.
The perks and attachments from the CoD series are still around as well, but as far as we've seen in the beta, they are all really reasonable, and nothing is crazy overpowered.
Even the melee system isn't stupidly good like in CoD with the knives; now you have a pretty slow kick animation that one-shots people, but will get you killed if you just trying running up to someone and going for it because they can easily step around it.
Definitely a solid step forward in the FPS genre, and I look forward to checking out the game in it's entirety once it's released :).

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
@AK Pig Of The Hut the beta is up for free on the XB1 store til Wednesday right before midnight I believe. Check it out if you have the time.
In terms of shooting, yes, it plays a lot like CoD; anyone expecting otherwise is an idiot considering it is made by the original CoD devs. That is pretty much the only similarity though.
"Balance" in the game is really awesome; that is to say, you have just as much fun on foot as you do in a mech, and if you play smart, it's not terribly difficult to take down someone in a mech (or at least make them flee the area) when you are on foot if you play it correctly.
The mobility is absolutely amazing, and you can do some really insane stuff once you get good at it.
The perks and attachments from the CoD series are still around as well, but as far as we've seen in the beta, they are all really reasonable, and nothing is crazy overpowered.
Even the melee system isn't stupidly good like in CoD with the knives; now you have a pretty slow kick animation that one-shots people, but will get you killed if you just trying running up to someone and going for it because they can easily step around it.
Definitely a solid step forward in the FPS genre, and I look forward to checking out the game in it's entirety once it's released :).
Ahh so I can try it on x1

Nice thanks I'll get tonight


Where's TJ Combo?
jesus fuck so many people are commenting about this game that haven't even fucking played it. I hate all of you. Stop.

I have 20 hours in this game already. It is absolutely nothing like CoD other than the fact that its a first person shooter WTF. Health/damage output is somewhere inbetween CoD and Halo, meaning that you aren't squishy like CoD but you don't have to gang up to kill eachother like in Halo, it's a very solid middle ground. Pilot vs Pilot combat (players outside of mechs) is going to favor those good at Unreal/Quake style gameplay. You have to constantly be maneuvering as fast as you can, and dodging erratically to stay alive. This doesn't mean "running around on the ground in and out of cover like every other game ever." It means you have to constantly be taking calculated wall jumps and ground jumps to keep the positioning you need. Two skilled pilots can end up fighting for a good 30 seconds before one of them actually wins, just because they are constantly trying to outmaneuver the other. It's extremely exciting to play, and nearly impossible to sit on a building with a sniper and try to pick people off. You have to get balls deep in this game, and it's awesome.

Titans are not CoD style killstreaks - everyone is going to get at least 2 per game no matter what. They are based on time, and killing enemies simply knocks seconds at a time off that countdown. You can be 0-10 and still get 2 titans. When you get in a Titan, your entire perspective on the game changes. You no longer have aerial mobility, however your ground movement speed is higher than that of pilots so you can still cover ground fairly quickly. The game turns into a mix of Halo/DOTA where you have to make calculated team pushes and counterpushes to make progress against an enemy team. You cannot go balls deep with titans, you WILL get destroyed. Hard. With everyone focusing on the push/counterpush gameplay, which is slow, some players are going to branch off to farm all of the AI grunts in the game. Killing them shaves time off your Titan's "Core Ability", which is constantly charging once you call in your Titan. Core abilities are tied to each Titan, and they consist of Damage Boost, Shield Boost, and Dash Boost (not positive on this name -- gives unlimited dashes). Once you get your titan's core ability up, the meta again shifts and helps big pushes happen. This doesn't even begin to include the Ogre and Strider titans which are not normally selectable in the beta, they will allow significantly different tanking and flanking strategies in the full game.

Once Titans start going down, the meta shifts again into Pilot vs Titan combat, and it's also hella balanced and fun. Without going into too much detail if a pilot gets the jump on a Titan, he can take out 1/4 of its health EASY, no problem. As long as the pilot can move around quickly, he can keep harassing a Titan and either lock it down in one area, or force it to retreat and take extra damage in doing so. If the pilot is sloppy though, or the titan is a crack shot, youre getting gibbed and knocking 30 seconds off the Titan's Core ability charge time... NOT SMART

This game doesn't reward CoD players at all. Everyone that plays this game like CoD fails terribly. The best comparison in basic skillset is quake, but really you can't compare this game to anything else. You have to be a good Titanfall player.

Oh, and on the topic of large amounts of ammo: Your reloads are based on magazines, not ammo left in clip, I guess? What I mean is that when you reload, you lose any ammo that was left in that mag. So if you have 11 extra mags, you have 11 reloads, whether you shoot 1 or 30 rounds out of that mag. Period. You get so much because a big part of the game is disengaging pilots and steamrolling through grunts/spectres. You chew through ammo really fast kiling those dudes.
Someone is passionate! Play KI3 pls:DOGE


Kono Dio Da
jesus fuck so many people are commenting about this game that haven't even fucking played it. I hate all of you. Stop.

I have 20 hours in this game already. It is absolutely nothing like CoD other than the fact that its a first person shooter WTF. Health/damage output is somewhere inbetween CoD and Halo, meaning that you aren't squishy like CoD but you don't have to gang up to kill eachother like in Halo, it's a very solid middle ground. Pilot vs Pilot combat (players outside of mechs) is going to favor those good at Unreal/Quake style gameplay. You have to constantly be maneuvering as fast as you can, and dodging erratically to stay alive. This doesn't mean "running around on the ground in and out of cover like every other game ever." It means you have to constantly be taking calculated wall jumps and ground jumps to keep the positioning you need. Two skilled pilots can end up fighting for a good 30 seconds before one of them actually wins, just because they are constantly trying to outmaneuver the other. It's extremely exciting to play, and nearly impossible to sit on a building with a sniper and try to pick people off. You have to get balls deep in this game, and it's awesome.

Titans are not CoD style killstreaks - everyone is going to get at least 2 per game no matter what. They are based on time, and killing enemies simply knocks seconds at a time off that countdown. You can be 0-10 and still get 2 titans. When you get in a Titan, your entire perspective on the game changes. You no longer have aerial mobility, however your ground movement speed is higher than that of pilots so you can still cover ground fairly quickly. The game turns into a mix of Halo/DOTA where you have to make calculated team pushes and counterpushes to make progress against an enemy team. You cannot go balls deep with titans, you WILL get destroyed. Hard. With everyone focusing on the push/counterpush gameplay, which is slow, some players are going to branch off to farm all of the AI grunts in the game. Killing them shaves time off your Titan's "Core Ability", which is constantly charging once you call in your Titan. Core abilities are tied to each Titan, and they consist of Damage Boost, Shield Boost, and Dash Boost (not positive on this name -- gives unlimited dashes). Once you get your titan's core ability up, the meta again shifts and helps big pushes happen. This doesn't even begin to include the Ogre and Strider titans which are not normally selectable in the beta, they will allow significantly different tanking and flanking strategies in the full game.

Once Titans start going down, the meta shifts again into Pilot vs Titan combat, and it's also hella balanced and fun. Without going into too much detail if a pilot gets the jump on a Titan, he can take out 1/4 of its health EASY, no problem. As long as the pilot can move around quickly, he can keep harassing a Titan and either lock it down in one area, or force it to retreat and take extra damage in doing so. If the pilot is sloppy though, or the titan is a crack shot, youre getting gibbed and knocking 30 seconds off the Titan's Core ability charge time... NOT SMART

This game doesn't reward CoD players at all. Everyone that plays this game like CoD fails terribly. The best comparison in basic skillset is quake, but really you can't compare this game to anything else. You have to be a good Titanfall player.

Oh, and on the topic of large amounts of ammo: Your reloads are based on magazines, not ammo left in clip, I guess? What I mean is that when you reload, you lose any ammo that was left in that mag. So if you have 11 extra mags, you have 11 reloads, whether you shoot 1 or 30 rounds out of that mag. Period. You get so much because a big part of the game is disengaging pilots and steamrolling through grunts/spectres. You chew through ammo really fast kiling those dudes.

Really I have never played neither Unreal or Quake, and I play it like it's Call of Duty, and I do excellent. Maybe I'm just that good then. Who knows?


PTH|RM Relaxedstate
It is kinda neat. I will play it casually until they try and make me buy EA DLC.

Forza is the best xbone exclusive


Mouth of the Illuminati
I think I died more to shotguns than anything else. The range on them is surprisingly large and their fire rate is decent as well. But inside a building a guy with a shotgun should usually win. And I think the primary weapons strengths all come at different ranges. Shotguns are best close, SMG/smart pistol are strong close to medium range, then your Carbine rifle which is good mid to long range and finally the sniper rifles. And depending on what range you are fighting in with your opponents you will have inherent advantages or disadvantages. The key component really is how fast the game play is, if you are strong enough with the movement mechanics you can generally put yourself at an advantageous range for the kit you are using.
I agree completely. I mean I don't think anything in the game is broken (that we know of) it's just some stuff is annoying (smart pistol /vomit). It'll phase out as I begin to wreck these nerds with my Quake 3 Arena skillset. Also Stim is amazing.