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@GGA 16 Bit

@EGP Wonder_Chef

I kinda agree w chef. Bit will win free against chefs plethora of mains, simply because of more singular experience. I have an IDEA that could even things out if everyones down.

16bit runs a 1 game gauntlet vs the "complete meta". Chef assembles a team of players he thinks fits the meta, and sends them against bit. FT1 game, switch players if bit wins. Bit gets as many "lives" as there are opposing players.

Once again, just an idea. Would make more sense if u ask me.


Get over here!
Yeah imo bit beating a bunch of alts from chef is not as hype as bit playing the character specialists. Chef should be the pokemaster and put a team together for bit to go through. That would prove more of bits knowledge of the "complete meta"


Emperor of the Moon
Oh please, we all know there's no real rivalry and or hype. You guys will have all this pent up rage and words you would like to exchange NOW but when you meet in person and see each other face to face...

Calling it right now, both parties will run away from each other and seek refuge at the cheese cake factory.
Today I learned that @Rickyraws has absolutely no idea who @GGA 16 Bit is. Interesting.


I'm not blowing up Chef for making preemptive excuses, but if he thinks this first to 5 would mean nothing due to using multiple characters, why not just let him pick a character of his choosing (the one he feels the most comfortable with) and play? If he's blowing up DMS for saying "I know I'm not good," he shouldn't just say "Yeah, I play multiple characters and I don't have a main so that doesn't mean much."


I'm not blowing up Chef for making preemptive excuses, but if he thinks this first to 5 would mean nothing due to using multiple characters, why not just let him pick a character of his choosing (the one he feels the most comfortable with) and play? If he's blowing up DMS for saying "I know I'm not good," he shouldn't just say "Yeah, I play multiple characters and I don't have a main so that doesn't mean much."
That's a pretty bullshit comparison, considering Chef simply pointed out how the offer was stacked against him and accepted anyway whereas DMS is content to fling shit from afar while refusing to put his ego or money where his mouth is

At least if Bit were unhappy with Chef having that 'option select' he can simply offer a normal match and easily eliminate it. Chef is left with no recourse at all in the DMS situation, DMS can say whatever he wants or continue talking shit and Chef has been denied any opportunity to shut him up with gameplay. He has to respond to DMS verbally. Don't act like Chef's the one trying to dodge things or make excuses, it's 100% fair game for him to point out that the terms of the challenge are stacked against him
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That's a pretty bullshit comparison, considering Chef simply pointed out how the offer was stacked against him and accepted anyway whereas DMS is content to fling shit from afar while refusing to put his ego or money where his mouth is

At least if Bit were unhappy with Chef having that 'option select' to cover his ass if he loses he can simply offer a normal match and easily eliminate it. Chef is left with no recourse at all in the DMS situation
OK, shitty comparison, but valid point nonetheless. Chef is preemptively option selecting. He didn't mind using one of his alts when he challenged FilPops to a Lobo mirror. Anyway, the stakes should be whatever both players agree to, but there should be no excuses. Chef's earlier post about "let 16 Bit play with 5-9 characters and I play with one" is flawed since Bit is a one character specialist. Chef willingly chose to play multiple characters, which is impressive, don't get me wrong.


Ppl like MIT and King use multiple characters but I don't think they would use that as an excuse for losing.
Pretty much my point. If you talk about playing multiple characters at a high level, you shouldn't mind putting your money (figuratively) where your mouth is without any excuses.


What's a Smarrgasm?
LBSH if they played a non character lock ft5 chef would probly use 4-5 characters anyway. I see good points made by chef but they can do this and probly just another ft5 with regular rules as well. Not that hard.


This mean you don't like me?
Aww, now don't go gettin' butt hurt because you got made fun of.
"Butt hurt?" I wasn't insulting you with the gif. I use it all the time...
And I use Killer Frost. When aren't I being made fun of? :DOGE


OK, shitty comparison, but valid point nonetheless. Chef is preemptively option selecting. He didn't mind using one of his alts when he challenged FilPops to a Lobo mirror. Anyway, the stakes should be whatever both players agree to, but there should be no excuses. Chef's earlier post about "let 16 Bit play with 5-9 characters and I play with one" is flawed since Bit is a one character specialist. Chef willingly chose to play multiple characters, which is impressive, don't get me wrong.
This is still bullshit.

Chef is at a clear disadvantage in this challenge. It's 100% fair game for him to point that out. As much as he's 'making excuses' for if he loses you're taking away props he deserves if he wins by claiming he can't point out that disadvantage. It works both ways.
He's putting his pride on the line here. If Bit wins you know he's gonna pop off, and chew into Chef for his option select(despite the fact that he forced the option select onto Chef)

And the fact that Chef often chooses to play different character is completely irrelevant. He's probably never used 5 characters in one tournament before, I know he's never used 9(barring 3am random select tournaments in Arizona and whatnot), and he certainly hasn't used that many in a set this length in many cases. And the point of playing multiple character is so you can play match ups your comfortable with , play characters you're enjoying at the time, or help you adapt to character/opponent you're struggling with, forcing him to cycle through them eliminates all of that. There's a huge difference between having a rotating 3 characters tournament ready and being forced to have at least 5, probably closer to 9, at one time ready to go for a money match.
And all of this stuff about "Chef chooses to play multiple characters" is nonsense to. He chooses to PLAY those characters, not to use them when he'd rather play a different match up.

This is all stupid. Chef is taking up the challenge even though it's slanted against him. You can't expect him to not use the option select that's there by design. If 16 Bit wants his full props he'll patch the challenge to fix the option select


Mama's Little Bumgorf
That's a pretty bullshit comparison, considering Chef simply pointed out how the offer was stacked against him and accepted anyway whereas DMS is content to fling shit from afar while refusing to put his ego or money where his mouth is

At least if Bit were unhappy with Chef having that 'option select' he can simply offer a normal match and easily eliminate it. Chef is left with no recourse at all in the DMS situation, DMS can say whatever he wants or continue talking shit and Chef has been denied any opportunity to shut him up with gameplay. He has to respond to DMS verbally. Don't act like Chef's the one trying to dodge things or make excuses, it's 100% fair game for him to point out that the terms of the challenge are stacked against him

I go 0-2 at almost every Major. Do you really think I give a damn about losing? I'm just not going to give money to a jackass because he's better than me at a video game. I don't care if I lose 3-0, 5-0, or 20-0, I will still express my opinion because that's the purpose of a forum. When someone declares "I'm the best ____" and don't deliver, they open themselves to criticism. It's not 'flinging shit' to point out their flaws and cite what they can do to improve. 'Flinging shit' is to personally insult anyone on every form of social media because they don't agree with you.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Did @Emperor DMS ever say he was a better Injustice player than Chef?

If not, then what the heck is playing him in a set supposed to prove?


Did @Emperor DMS ever say he was a better Injustice player than Chef?

If not, then what the heck is playing him in a set supposed to prove?

The same as Chef playing this challenge with Bit proves. The dispute is over something completely different and this challenge doesn't inherently squash the beef or justify either player but this community is about playing the game competitively and superior gameplay is the goal we all strive for. Putting your ego on the line and playing someone means something, even if it doesn't prove or disprove either persons original points in the dispute.

Chef is accepting Bit's challenge despite thinking he's at a disadvantage and knowing the 'incomplete meta' beef has nothing to do with which characters he can beat Bit with because them playing it out will settle things. That's how this community works. All conflicts outside the game should ultimately lead to confrontation inside the game


Administrator and Community Engineer
The same as Chef playing this challenge with Bit proves. The dispute is over something completely different and this challenge doesn't inherently squash the beef or justify either player but this community is about playing the game competitively and superior gameplay is the goal we all strive for. Putting your ego on the line and playing someone means something, even if it doesn't prove or disprove either persons original points in the dispute.
The burden of proof is on the tournament; I'm pretty sure this challenge was just meant to be hype, since we all know that one of these guys plays random select and it's a well-known Cali joke.

If he wants to suggest modifying the terms, that's cool, but I still don't see how it equates to challenging a guy that barely plays the game.

DMS wasn't asking for diff rules; he was saying "playing you isn't going to accomplish anything because I don't play the game at competitive level".