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Feedback for King of Rebelos event + the possible continuation of pre-major events?


Just a thought, I don't know how easy a type of thing like this is but can NRS like Hotfix or something and add like a skip option of some sort for koth if someone is just streaming or if ppl just aren't playing. Kinda like in endless battle in SSF4.

But in reguards to the tourney, I think it went really well and I will probebly take part in all of these tourneys where winner gets to go to a major.


Blue Blurs for Life!
You have the original hd pvr? From what I heard it doesn't do well recording footage, doesn't Xsplit pick it up as a recording device or a screen region is the only possible way?
It does just fine recording footage, only not for streaming. XSplit does recognize it as a capture device, but the issue is audio desyncing randomly and the delay between your TV and your stream increasing to a very noticeable difference, impacting your quality. Screen region is the only way to avoid this.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Just a thought, I don't know how easy a type of thing like this is but can NRS like Hotfix or something and add like a skip option of some sort for koth if someone is just streaming or if ppl just aren't playing. Kinda like in endless battle in SSF4.

But in reguards to the tourney, I think it went really well and I will probebly take part in all of these tourneys where winner gets to go to a major.

A streamer mode or Spectate mode is an absolute must


Idk why this wasn't realized for this game


Blue Blurs for Life!
Just a thought, I don't know how easy a type of thing like this is but can NRS like Hotfix or something and add like a skip option of some sort for koth if someone is just streaming or if ppl just aren't playing. Kinda like in endless battle in SSF4.

But in reguards to the tourney, I think it went really well and I will probebly take part in all of these tourneys where winner gets to go to a major.
I doubt they will at this point. We are now four months after the introduction of the latest patch for Injustice and a little over three after the October 25th hotfix. Odds are, they've moved on to their next product.

A streamer mode or Spectate mode is an absolute must


Idk why this wasn't realized for this game
Me neither. -_-


Joker waiting room
Then you might as well not include us euros. The cost is very high to travel to the US and since it's basically the same amount, in the end it's just a question of "Do I wanna go to a lesser tournament or do I wanna go to EVO?" If I were to enter it'd be to play for someone else.

Mr. Mileena

I asked before hand, and was given permission to enter.

I did it to send Syknis to Final Round, as he is a close friend, and he proved himself at KIT that he is a worthy competitor.
The bottom line is, if in the future, only people who can 100% go can compete, that's fine too.

But it feels really good playing for people and sending them out to tournaments as well.
There may be a few who might not be as good, but who really want to go, and giving them the offline exp, memories, good times, etc feels good to me.

I'm sorry I can't go, but instead of disappearing from the scene, I can at least contribute to the game, and help out people both in game, and in real life.
Maybe in the future there can be one where people can auction/bid certain players to play for them (thus bigger pot) and if they win, proceeds go to the help the bidder go to a tournament. (maybe even some can go to 2nd and 3rd!)

It feels awesome knowing that Syknis can have a shot at Final Round.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
Yes, the quality was low because I have to use screen region to broadcast anything. As the Hauppauge HD PVR (my capture device) cannot be used as a compatible streaming device, I'm forced to circumvent the issue with a less favorable option. I'm sorry if it annoyed anyone...I'm trying to upgrade as fast as my funds will allow.

About your suggestion, I made a status update mentioning the idea of guest commentators last night, so we agree there. ;)
I'm down to commentate future events. I need my fix since I don't commentate GBS anymore.


Administrator and Community Engineer
The only real con I had for the tournament was something that's completely out of the control of the organizers: its just guddamn annoying how a psuedo KOTH lobby has to be made to stream the matches. I watched most of the matches on stream but I have to admit that at some point I got kinda bored with the interlude between each match and wandered off, and while I genuinely think 3 out of 5 is the way to play this game it did make some things kind of drag on.
This is something I've mentioned to Paulo a few times in the past. Hopefully with NRS' next game they will include a true spectator mode, that allows a bystander to be present in or broadcasting from a KotH without being queued up to play. I think this is critical for the future of online tournaments.

@colt <3


PSN: Skkra
I loved it. I love Injustice but (as my record showed) up until this point I've rarely ever played the game due to time constraints. I literally fought Catwoman for the first time ever about 2 hours before my match with StarCharger haha. I entered the tournament as a pot monster for fun.

But this tournament definitely got me excited and made me want to find the time to actually play and improve. It's a great motivator, and I hope there are more of them. I'll definitely keep entering.

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
I personally might be the only one that enjoyed the time in between matches, i didnt experience it but Id imagine at a really non stake online tourny the time inbetween gave the loser time to sit back and think. While the winner had to rape my ass for a minute. There were great matches but I am sorry for how long they did take, but there was alot of time waiting for them to actually start.
This event ran extremely well, Only change I will definitely make it Runner up automatically gets the prize. Other than that i feel this was perfect

@Mr Aquaman @astronout @Emperor DMS @AK/RM GamerBlake @GGA Max (saw him helping too) were all tremendous in helping this event and answering questions for others and so forth. Truly awesome guys thanks!!! Ill make it up to you guys

For future tourneys i need advice
- How can we get more entrants (More entrants = more money for winners)
- Who can help spread the word of future tourneys on other sites (but they'd need to come here to register)
- Should second place get money back or bigger cut?
- Should there be a player minimum
- Should @a f0xygrampa @Qwark28 be allowed to enter if they commit to come ?
- Should winners of each tourney be allowed to compete in next tourney?
- $10.00 buy in enough too much? too low?

I hope in the future @AK/RM GamerBlake will always stream. I love how he commentates every match w passion.

Id like to start planning soon Online tourneys for the following

EVO ($20.00 Buy in)
maybe Civil War
I think this concept is great. I was hoping for more after the one Madzin won. It's great for players who are otherwise unable to go to tournaments, specifically for financial reasons, to start going.

I hope this becomes the next big thing and I'll support it all the way.

For the things you listed here are my personal opinions:
-When I play randoms online, in my GG message, I ask them if they've been on TYM. If not, I recommend it to them to browse around and see if they like it. So if everyone did that we could get a lot more new faces on the site. So that plus making announcements a little more in advance would do wonders I believe in number of entrants. I can't tell you how many people had to cancel or just didnt' sign up because of work or other things.

-TYM is the only site I log into, but I can spread the word like I mentioned above. Plus there's always Facebook.

-Second place getting their money back could be good. Takes away from the winning pot, but it could work.

-I think there should definitely be a minimum. More incentive to spread the word to get that minimum so there will be money to be won.

-I say why not to Foxy and Qwark entering if they commit to come. That's more entrants. Connection might be a problem though.

-I was actually thinking about this yesterday, and I think the winners of each tournament should be collected up through several tournaments. Not competing in following tournaments, but competing in a kind of Battle Arena (like MLG top 8 Arenas). After the "Winner's Battle Arena" they can start competing the regular tournaments again.

-I think $10 buy in is plenty. If we get those entrant numbers up the pot size grows pretty fast. More for really big events like the $20 buy in for EVO you mentioned.

I hope this continues and grows. Props to you Pig, as well as @AK/RM GamerBlake, @Mr Aquaman for streaming and everybody else involved.


Mid Tier
And why not?

If the player in question who can't go to a tourney wants to play and sponsor another player with their winnings, why should we stand in the way of that?
Heres why not. And I'm not taking aim at Mr.Mil or anything because he did make his intentions known, and thats all fine and dandy.

But I think the idea of the tourny is to not only prove yourself good enough to compete at the tournament you are trying to win the money to get to, but to also play at that tournament.

Syknis is good, and we all know this, but he did have a kick at it in the XBLIVE tourny, and he couldn't win.

In the future whats to stop players from getting other players to play for them to win the money for them?

I think it takes away from some of the people that are playing in it to go to the tourny and compete. What about the people that Mr.Mil beat that would not have been beat by him if he was not in the tourny. Most of those people wanted to go to the tourny. Is it fair to them?

I just think clear rules and everybody being on the same page will avoid butt hurtness in the future (not saying there is any right now) just saying it could be a problem.

Here is another thought, does anyone doubt that Mr.Mil could make top 8 at Final Round?? Of coarse not. The rules of this tourny were no Top 8 players from a major. Well now you have him winning this one, and not playing in Final Round which he would most likely top 8 in, and it leaves him with the ability to play in the next one because he has not top8'd

And I honestly think it takes away from the hype when the winner doesn't go.


Mid Tier
I asked before hand, and was given permission to enter.

I did it to send Syknis to Final Round, as he is a close friend, and he proved himself at KIT that he is a worthy competitor.
The bottom line is, if in the future, only people who can 100% go can compete, that's fine too.

But it feels really good playing for people and sending them out to tournaments as well.
There may be a few who might not be as good, but who really want to go, and giving them the offline exp, memories, good times, etc feels good to me.

I'm sorry I can't go, but instead of disappearing from the scene, I can at least contribute to the game, and help out people both in game, and in real life.
Maybe in the future there can be one where people can auction/bid certain players to play for them (thus bigger pot) and if they win, proceeds go to the help the bidder go to a tournament. (maybe even some can go to 2nd and 3rd!)

It feels awesome knowing that Syknis can have a shot at Final Round.
It was def nothing against you man, this is just the suggestions for next time thread. Nothing you did was against the rules or anything. And grats on the win.


Heres why not. And I'm not taking aim at Mr.Mil or anything because he did make his intentions known, and thats all fine and dandy.

But I think the idea of the tourny is to not only prove yourself good enough to compete at the tournament you are trying to win the money to get to, but to also play at that tournament.

Syknis is good, and we all know this, but he did have a kick at it in the XBLIVE tourny, and he couldn't win.

In the future whats to stop players from getting other players to play for them to win the money for them?

I think it takes away from some of the people that are playing in it to go to the tourny and compete. What about the people that Mr.Mil beat that would not have been beat by him if he was not in the tourny. Most of those people wanted to go to the tourny. Is it fair to them?

I just think clear rules and everybody being on the same page will avoid butt hurtness in the future (not saying there is any right now) just saying it could be a problem.

Here is another thought, does anyone doubt that Mr.Mil could make top 8 at Final Round?? Of coarse not. The rules of this tourny were no Top 8 players from a major. Well now you have him winning this one, and not playing in Final Round which he would most likely top 8 in, and it leaves him with the ability to play in the next one because he has not top8'd

And I honestly think it takes away from the hype when the winner doesn't go.

I really have to agree with this. I think Starcharger should be the one going, not Syknis. No offense to him or anything but Starcharger really earned it coming in second. If there is another online tournament, I think the runner up should definitely be the one to go, not the winner choosing someone if they can't make it. Honestly, (and I mean no disrespect saying this) no one should be entering if they're not going at all. I got the gist and completely understand what Mr. Mileena was saying and I agree with him being allowed to enter since they stated he could...but.....the point of this tournament was to see if anyone online had what it takes to make it to an offline major event. Not trying to start shit or anything, just stating my opinion. I really do wish the best of luck to Syknis at Final Round.