Hey guys for those of you that don't know me I go by Gweedo in the community and you can ask a lot of people @AK Pig Of The Hut or @AK SaltFace and @Kitana Prime I love this game. Since moving to Nashville i have noticed that there are a few of us that actually play this game but we are not organized nor sure whats going on in the community. I know that AK and GGA have come down on a couple occasions the most recent being KIT last month (Which if you watched PandaxGaming's stream you have seen the hype this game brings). Well myself and Richard aka Slowjamzmixtape are trying to change that. We have a space to play either At Game Galaxy Arcade in Antioch (now you can see why we didn't call ourselves anything that comes close to our Chicago Brethren lol ) our some of us are willing to host at our houses and possibly run streams in the near future. So if you are from the Nashville or surrounding area please let us know we would love to get some games in.
@Emperor DMS
@GGA 16 Bit
@GGA Saucy Jack
@Emperor DMS
@GGA 16 Bit
@GGA Saucy Jack