doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me.
since it has to be done with a counter breaker only sadira can really take advantage of it and at that point it doesn't matter if you see the animation or not. If they're smart they go straight into safe counter breaker while comboing shit anyway
Orchid and Glacius might not get punished but they drop the combo on the whiffed counter breaker and you at least get away
Yes glacius have to drop the combo but why just throw it out there without a combo breaker read? It's better to do if you need the armor.
Also the instinct can be instantly activated with no startup on safe counter breakers too.
This tech isn't meant to make counter breakers safe, It's meant to disrupt reaction time and to leave you at an advantage. This tech makes Sadira counter breakers safe whether it was a bad read or not due to the fact that this tech instantly transfer you over to instinct mode.
Of course it's dumb to just attempt it without setting it up the counter breaker safely.
Orchid is the only one who cannot do this tech. I don't know why.
It's better to do this tech off of an read combo breaker for characters like Sabrewulf and Jago
I've done this many of times on a read combo breaker and it gives me tons of damage with sabrewulf.
it does matter if you see the animation. The startup animation on Instinct gives your opponent about 2 seconds to think which is more than enough for a good player. This tech prevents that.
I did say in other threads that Sadira gets the most out of this tech anyway since she has the best instinct in the game. Just forgot to say it here.