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The Wolf Among Us *Spoilers yo*


Confused Thanagarian
Who's playing? I noticed something interesting (to kick off) and that was Faith and Narissa had the same ribbon around there necks. Thinking it's related to the privacy thing they can't seem to break. Also wanted to avoid big spoilers in post 1


Filled with determination
I don't think it's the ribbon, I highly doubt the magic mirror had any ribbon on him and his lips were sealed too. Probably just a spell. Is the little mermaids name Narissa and not Ariel in the actual original stories?


Scary Bat
I was kinda hoping having read all of the the comics would give me a slight edge.
It has not.
At all.


Confused Thanagarian
I don't think it's the ribbon, I highly doubt the magic mirror had any ribbon on him and his lips were sealed too. Probably just a spell. Is the little mermaids name Narissa and not Ariel in the actual original stories?
Not sure about the name, but I'm talking mainly about the whores and who they are sleeping with, seemed really serious about the privacy.

And I've only read the first trade back and the first novel, did ruin some things for me. Like Snow not dying and stuff from the comics I don't want to spoil. No way in hell it's Crane or Bluebeard but I'm curious about the Crooked Man Dee mentioned. I can see The Boy Who Cries Wolf showing up later on, anyone see the weird ginger who was everywhere chapter 1?


Confused Thanagarian
I like it, just hope they dont do a 2 month wait between every episode
I'm a little pissed the Walking Dead is being done at the same time. We'll be seeing shit come later, I think the plan is two months between episodes (Wolf Among Us and Walking Dead coming out every other month in opposite months)


Filled with determination
They fucked up with the timing of walking dead but I assume it's back in order now and we'll be seeing a new episode for one of the two every month, which should be cool.


Confused Thanagarian
They fucked up with the timing of walking dead but I assume it's back in order now and we'll be seeing a new episode for one of the two every month, which should be cool.
I dunno, I think they've bit off more than they can chew. They got those two, Vita port of Wolf Among Us and that Game of Thrones game all in the works and they aren't a big studio to begin with


Filled with determination
The Game of Thrones game is wayyyyy in the distance like end of the year or beginning of 2015, more likely the latter, it's probably still in the writing process and storyboard phase I doubt it's taking any time away from the two main games right now. A port is not gonna delay much hell it's probably a different team porting it.