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Worst Virginity Loss Story! (WARNING: NSFW LANGUAGE IS INCLUDED!!!)


The Ignore Button Is Free
Lol I don't have a clue. Growing up in NY going to an art high school makes one see just how many crazy outcomes there can be lol. In the school stairwells and basement you'd find guy on girl, girl on girl, guy on guy, guy on self....it was a very enlightening experience lol

That's not too cray lol. At least not for me. That was an everyday thing in my high school. We literally had a spot for sex lol


Ready to lose your head?
That's not too cray lol. At least not for me. That was an everyday thing in my high school. We literally had a spot for sex lol
Lol I know. Crazy and spontaneous is our norm :) but damn there wasn't just one spot in my school. There were the bathrooms, stairwells, in the theater(the drama club kids of course), and even in central park(outside of the school but IMO still counts lol). There's like a high mound there where you can't see what's going on unless you climb up. My friends and I caught people a few times late at night. It was known as Sex Rock lol


Dead Kings Rise
You are DICK! Just have fun with her body in escrima stance for a while. When the time is right, trait up to Staff stance and ground pound!! (MB it if she's a thug)
I really wish I could make this my sig ;_;

Also speaking of ordinary being bad, you know whats not ordinary? A TOP KF LOSING TO A NW PLAYER YEAAAAAA HOLD DAT SHOTS FIRED.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Well I guess since everyone is sharing a story, I can share one too lol. It's not about my first time tho, but it's pretty interesting.

Let me just get this out the way now. DONT JUDGE OR COME FOR ME AFTER READING THIS. Thanks.

Now, here's the story lol. I was home one night. Just chillin, minding my business and shit. I get a call from a girl who a "entertain" from time to time, and she was asking for entertainment. Usually, its not a problem, but it was this time for a few reasons:

-it was mad late (like 1am and shit)
-I was in bed
-she lives about 30mins away
-it was struggle° outside

Despite these problems, she somehow managed to be very persuasive (lol) and talked me in to coming (no pun intended). Before I leave the house tho, I asked her if she will get me out the way with gas money lol. She said yea.

So I'm like fuck it, why not? I make my way over there, do my thug-dizzle, and then chill for a bit. Before I leave her place, I asked her for the gas money lol. She laughed and said I deserved it so she Gave it to me.

As I'm driving home, It hit me that I just had sex and basically got paid for it. So does that make me a prostitute or nahh?!?! I feel bad lol. But I needed gas and I did her a favor!!!
You are so Hollywood.