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Tech The True Power of Doomsday


Well, after a week of delay ,here it is . The thread that will showcase most of the stuff I have for this character .
As my last thread was about interactable combos , lets continue in the same fashion.
The combo show above is your regular DD BNB combo midscreen , but instead of finishing it , you let the opponent drop to the ground after the Ji 3 . You will be at enough advantage to easily OTG the misserable person unlucky enough to be playing you , for a nice 52-58% based on what interactable you use. And NO , the opponent can't tech roll in time to avoid the incoming damage.

When I began playing Doomsday I was amused by the animation of his forward dash. I found it kinda funny how he hopped around instead of just doing a regular dash like the rest cast. Well , turns out he really was jumping all this time.
Yeah. His forward dash really does act like a jump , going over things that are low to the ground , such as sweeps (every sweep in the game) D1(for the gadjet/acrobat characters + Ares & Bane) several noticable low starters like Aquamans B1 (does not work on GLs B1 , hitbox is too big :| ), Lexs mines ,Nightwings spark thingy in escrima and so on . And it does have an arch just like a jump would. For example , D1s you can jump over at almost every point of the dash after the animation has left the ground , but to jump over Aquamans B1 you have to time it so that you jump over at a later point of the animation , otherwise you will get hit. Oh it can also move around DS F3 , Batman B3 , Catwoman B3 and more. I have no idea how or why that works thou .
Note : The dashes from Super and Aquaman were added to make the timing easier on me for recording puposes , they are not needed in fact its easier in matches without them.

Lets take a look at more low crush tech ,coming from B231.
My god , this string is so underrated. Infact lets take a look at its positives and negatives.
Positives + :
Crushes lows
Immune to throws
+3 on block
Can lead into full combos ( If the first hit whiffs and the second is canceled into MB ES)
Can be easily hitconfirmed into any special on block.
Can be safely canceled into trait ON BLOCK (6f reversals hit you after the trait is already active )
Negatives - :
Slow as hell

But despite its start-up it can be a very powerfull tool and everyplayer should be using it more , especially post knock down in the corner for a guarnteed trait .

Next up is by far , one of my favourite finds with this character , his quick stand setups .
By hitting B3/F3 into F3 at the closest point to the ground your opponent will be forced to stand up , and often not be ready for more damage this quickly . This is good by itself , for unclashable damage when followed up with a throw , but lets think bigger .
JiD3 , 3 xx ES MB , B3 ,F3 = 36%
When you master the timing ( it is pretty hard , but its doable) for the cost of 5-6 % you get at ther very least a throw or a D1xxES or a full combo if the opponent is not ready . Ultimately this provides the best middle ground between damage and oki , and you should get onto learning that right now .

Warning the following piece of tech is still in development.
This is still nothing more than a concept . Its possible to extend your combo with a MB Venom if only the second hit lands , and at very last active frames. This is where you guys come in . I have no doubt that if I don't figure out a practical use for this , someone will . ( or there isn't one and im just talking out of my ass) I believe there could be more to this , so if anyone knows anything that I don't , please share.
Also there are more powerfull versions of this . You can replace the D1 with a 1,2 or a standing 3 .You can also use other specials. If I remember correctly the most powerful version so far is :
F3 , 3 xx MB Venom , 3 xx AS = 34/35 %

Thats all I can give you for now .
Note :
Watch the videos in HD.
Tag players I haven't taged.
Have a good day.
@GGA Jeremiah
@Immortal Kombat


Joker waiting room
All these are already known, the interactible and quick stand ones are universal. B2 is only useful as a throw immune normal, no BA/Frost or NW will throw a projectile that close. You can combo off of regular venom too if it hits them high enough in the corner.


Best Doomsday in the world
This character is a lost cause. The intractable combos are cool and the dash going over lows has been known for a while but it doesn't really have a practical use. I'll post more after SCR as to why I feel this way. But I'm pretty much done with Doomsday. This is really helpful to people that want to level up their doomsday tech though. Really detailed with lots if good info.


Jobbers are mouthpieces for gods.
no tag? :( . Personally known all of this, but good job for posting it.
first video. Ya adding interactable to his combo are really good. Helps with increasing his lowish damage.
second video. Ya his dash is awesome. Didn't know about lex part though. Know its good for going over zatanna puppet master.
third video. Ya this string is pretty good. @GGA Jeremiah opened my eyes to it and gave me really good uses for it.
Fourth video. I barely use this, buts its good and I should start to use it more.
Last video. Personally find it wasteful, unless trying to look cool.

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
I actually didnt know you could blow up grundy with that. Thank you.
Even though grundy players cancel that damn move all the time for pressure now it might come in handy


I actually didnt know you could blow up grundy with that. Thank you.
Even though grundy players cancel that damn move all the time for pressure now it might come in handy
I use b231 to punish Grundy players in the corner who are WC wake-up happy. Either that or 3, 3. But if you're playing someone who knows what they're doing and WCC a lot, you can really screw yourself up and eat a full combo.


blink-182 enthusiast
This character is a lost cause. The intractable combos are cool and the dash going over lows has been known for a while but it doesn't really have a practical use. I'll post more after SCR as to why I feel this way. But I'm pretty much done with Doomsday. This is really helpful to people that want to level up their doomsday tech though. Really detailed with lots if good info.
who do you play otherwise?


Best Doomsday in the world
who do you play otherwise?
I'm still going to play him for the time being. I've been in a character crisis for like 3 months trying to find another character because I don't think Doomsday is worth it anymore.

Also I hope all the people in here don't really think Doomsday is that easy. Because I almost want to pop off.

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
I'm still going to play him for the time being. I've been in a character crisis for like 3 months trying to find another character because I don't think Doomsday is worth it anymore.

Also I hope all the people in here don't really think Doomsday is that easy. Because I almost want to pop off.
Who do you feel gets DD beat in tournament?

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
It's a lot more complicated than that. I'm going to make a big post on it after SCR, but I at least want to be able to play him until then.
Good luck man. I bought a plane ticket to go but had commitments that kept me here.
I was gonna talk shop on DD with ya lol


no tag? :( . Personally known all of this, but good job for posting it.
first video. Ya adding interactable to his combo are really good. Helps with increasing his lowish damage.
second video. Ya his dash is awesome. Didn't know about lex part though. Know its good for going over zatanna puppet master.
third video. Ya this string is pretty good. @GGA Jeremiah opened my eyes to it and gave me really good uses for it.
Fourth video. I barely use this, buts its good and I should start to use it more.
Last video. Personally find it wasteful, unless trying to look cool.
I was gonna tag you but I forgot your username , my bad :(


@Qwark28 All this is know to you mb but not to everyone so ... ye i get it you are so good but to some ppl maybe this is actually helpful... Cheers