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Video/Tutorial Catwoman Corner Combos (revisited)

KC H0oKsw0rds

iK A B A L
Hey Catwoman forums. iKabal here. I've never really posted anything big or this detailed before, so I'm a little nervous, but after listening to @AK Pig Of The Hut 's last solo Kryptonite Council Podcast in which he basically says: go for it and post, even if you think it's a stupid question or are unsure about something, I've decided to give it a go and share what I've been working on.

So I noticed there wasnt a real definitive section in the Catwoman forums about her corner combos, setups, and okies, so I wanted to share what I use and what I believe to be a more optimal corner combo formula. And while not "undiscovered", it is still worth bringing forward again and it uses @Under_The_Mayo 's CS1 launcher but with a slight tweak.

Why 12>112

Nine times out of ten I see people (including me up until yesterday) use 112 (regardless of 3 or 4 hit version) after f2UpWhip into CDmb. Then they follow up with either f3 OR 1f2 and then that's it. There appears to be an opportunity after a f3 ender to maybe get a d1 something, and indeed I have seen @GGA 16 Bit end his combos with f3 d1CD for example. But that leaves you in the corner and the timing for the d1 is quite strict. However, if we use 12 before the CD, the gravity is scaled much less, enough so that you can get a much easier st1 string, d1 trait, or d2. My new corner combo ends with f3 d2xxCS3 for a clean looking 1 bar 50%. Lastly and most importantly, 12 allows you to end with a f3 AND a HKD.

So basically using 12 in your corner combos will increase total damage output overall. Here are examples:

My New Corner BnB (non HKD): ji2 b12d3xxCS1 f2xxUpWhip 12xxCDmb f3 d2xxCS3=50%
-Leaves them in the corner
-Optimum range for ji2, low whip, or b3

Corpse Hop Out (techable): ji2 b12d3xxCS1 f2xxUpWhip 12xxCDmb f3 d1xxCD, dash out=48%+Oki
-Opponent can tech roll
-Use caution against option select wakeups

1F2 HKD: ji2 b12d3xxCS1 f2xxUpWhip 12xxCDmb f3 1f2=50%+j1/3 setup
-Useful with Krayzie's ambiguous j3 setup
-Use jb2 to bait WU's

12B3 HKD + Corpse Hop In: ji2 b12d3xxCS1 f2xxUpWhip 12xxCDmb f3 12b3=49%+Oki
-Use caution against option select wakeups
-Opponent must respect a virtual 25/25/25/25 (side switch or not+overhead/low) situation not including neutral jumps
-Dirty, dirty, and more dirty


@KH StarCharger
@AK/RM GamerBlake

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Smart. CS3 is such an awesome move too. I am emo I never use it.

Do not be nervous about posting ideas. I can tell you personally I am not a tech innovator and I don't know everything about Selina. I look into everything posted from other Catwomen.


Master of Quanculations
Smart. CS3 is such an awesome move too. I am emo I never use it.

Do not be nervous about posting ideas. I can tell you personally I am not a tech innovator and I don't know everything about Selina. I look into everything posted from other Catwomen.
Have we looked much into the frame data on whiff for CS3? Is it possible that we could use it as a mobility tool?

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Have we looked much into the frame data on whiff for CS3? Is it possible that we could use it as a mobility tool?

I have not.

Although I just thought of a swaggy scenario that would make PPJ dance. CW vs. Martian. Be in CS and when you see teleport do CS3. She would probably avoid it and then could whiff punish tele.


Master of Quanculations
I have not.

Although I just thought of a swaggy scenario that would make PPJ dance. CW vs. Martian. Be in CS and when you see teleport do CS3. She would probably avoid it and then could whiff punish tele.
I like the idea. 2014, year of CS3 changing matchups. Check out blocking From The Deep, immediately doing CS3, and see if you recover in time to block the next one, or even jump it.


Meow Hoes
I have not.

Although I just thought of a swaggy scenario that would make PPJ dance. CW vs. Martian. Be in CS and when you see teleport do CS3. She would probably avoid it and then could whiff punish tele.
I do this all the time. Its super effective. And I f you react you can use it to avoid pillars. Well not MB. And Ive nothiced when I cs3 to avoid pillars they think Iwas hit and the go ffor a tele and I think you recover in time to block and punish.

KC H0oKsw0rds

iK A B A L
Have we looked much into the frame data on whiff for CS3? Is it possible that we could use it as a mobility tool?
Sounds silly but when I test lil footsie things to add to my game I play matches against the expert AI to see what I can get away with bc it can punish things no living person can. Lately I've been looking into b2 wake up reversals. It's so easy to do after a 1f2 or f3. MU wise it can be devastating. Like batman can't do shit. He whiffs everything. I got so many silly gimmicks it's stupid.


I use basically the exact same corner combo as you, but I like to end mine in D2xxStraightwhip. It looks cool plus I like either dash forward neutral jump or dashforward B2 for the crossover.


I have not.

Although I just thought of a swaggy scenario that would make PPJ dance. CW vs. Martian. Be in CS and when you see teleport do CS3. She would probably avoid it and then could whiff punish tele.
She will avoid it and she can punish. Another thing VS MMH is after you do a HKD you can dash forward and immediately go into CS and if he wakes up with his push move you can full combo punish it with CS1 into MBcd. The CS1 will also stuff normals on his wakeup (maybe not all of them, not fully tested).


This is the corner combo that I have been using too minus the CS3 ender. I have different enders and setups based on diff characters and their wakeups. In addition to adding more dmg, the 12 also reduces the gravity on the overall combo. I will post my set ups with video once I get achance to record, hopefully soon.

KC H0oKsw0rds

iK A B A L
It pust you into a jump state so it's ungrabable, but it doesnt register as an evade and so you can't cancel into trait.
Correct. And although you can't cancel into trait you can still full combo punish. CS3 does the same thing. After 122 try CS3 vs WC. Because of the jump state hurt box, you can see yourself hitting through the armor but Grundy can't grab you. The result is what looks like a neutral trade but once again you recover in time to full combo punish.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Been using this corner combo, often with the d+2~CS3 ender, since this thread. If you watch GBS I've used it a lot.

KC H0oKsw0rds

iK A B A L
Been using this corner combo, often with the d+2~CS3 ender, since this thread. If you watch GBS I've used it a lot.
Good stuff.
I watched the GBS series finale live and did notice that. You were also ending with d2 whip. The point of this thread is to stress going for the maximum damage when possible. CW already has a hell of a time getting in so when we do, we gotta make the most of it. I changed all my midscreen combos to the ra Helios' claws, f2dash whiff and man does it make for a much cleaner match for me. Because I'm rewarded for spending that 1 bar in the most perfect way (hate to say it, but Helios tech man...) and I'm dishing out hella.

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
Great tech bro. I might use this for my gimmicks once I get back into playing injustice again. once I finally buy me a controller and take my spot as #1 on the throne again.