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SCR Hype: NorCal's Ducky Hunt! $200 pot!


"You think you bad? Pffft, You ain't bad.."
What’s up you guys, I am Forbidden Donut. I’m from NorCal and you guys already know of my friends up here (The_SNKE and Ducky). I wanna keep the stuff about me short, so just know that I love NRS games, I love this community, and I really want to help contribute to making it even better. Oh, and I’m a top tier whore with my Green Arrow main. ;)

It’s time for some typical West Coast BULLSHIT!

Firstly, I need to say something that I should have said a year ago. I went to SCR 2013 and it was awesome. It was not only an amazing tournament filled with insane levels of hype but also my first major in any game. More importantly, however, is how shocked I was by the awesomeness of the community. I was not expecting to go to SCR and have players like @daddydab32ho , @AK Pig Of The Hut , @GGA 16 Bit, @RDK|Tyrant , and all of SoCal be so amazing to me. They probably don’t even remember me but that doesn’t change how cool they were. I was a no name and players like Pig were giving me matchup advice before my matches and guys like GGA 16-bit and Xblades were running casuals with me after inviting SNKE and me to their hotel room. My point is, it was an awesome experience and I will never forget it. SCR holds a special place in my heart, so it kills me to hear that there is no hype building for SCR 2014. NorCal is stepping up and bringing the hype train!

That leads me to the Emo Haired Cum Dumpster known as Ducky. This guy is not only a good friend, but he is OURS , as in NorCal’s. I’m tired of not only Ducky’s blatant self-prostitution in terms of what tag he rocks at majors (which is a semi-blowup for him and us :p) but also want everyone to know that he’s not just an online warrior that trained without a scene. WE LIVE! I remember walking into Ducky’s first local for MK9 back in February 2012, witnessing this emo prepubescent teenager bodying everyone with his Stryker and Scorpion in Grand Finals just for fun. That was the true birth of what we know now as our NorCal scene. We’ve been training regularly with this kid ever since, so I want to stop hearing about how he has no scene. Our support for Ducky as a player has only grown since our first encounter with him, and I hope that with this thread we can truly display how much we believe in him.

NorCal is challenging the entire community…

We present to you: The NorCal Ducky-Hunt!

NorCal is challenging everyone at SCR 2014 to a money match against Ducky. We have pooled together a $200 pot. That’s right, we’re running some Reno_Racks shit up in here!

The Setup:

· There are 2 pots, $100 each. That means there are 2 opportunities to try and take NorCal’s money.

· We will draw names from a hat from those who sign up in this thread, and they will challenge Ducky in a FT5. Winner gets one of the $100 pots.

· The challenge is not free though; once your name is drawn from the hat, you must put down $20 in order to play.

· If you lose, Ducky keeps your $20. If you win, you get $100 and your $20 back.

· We will play until either the pot is gone, or we have run out of challengers.

· Just to be clear, you don’t have to put down $20 UNTIL AFTER your name is drawn.

· Standard tournament rules regarding everything (Stage select and counterpicking)

· Last but not least! If you beat Ducky, there is one condition. In order to receive the prize money, the winner MUST perform a 16-bit caliber pop-off in tradition of SCR. If you do not pop-off (on stream) then you will not receive your money. We’re dead serious. Calling out Tom Brady is highly encouraged.

We want to make sure we’re clear of what this is for. We are investing in hype, nothing else. The $200 we pooled together is for the community, not for us. If nobody ends up defeating Ducky, then…you know what, Pizza is on NorCal that weekend in true Reno_Racks fashion.

This event will be streamed! We hope to see everyone at SCR, it can’t come soon enough.

Official Signup List:
1.) Stb Shujinkydink
2.) MF Slayer
3.) EGP_Krayzie
4.) Emperor DoomTurtle
5.) BiPolar Exxpress

NorCal guys:
@NRF Everlast

@EGP Wonder_Chef
@AK Reno_Racks
@AK/RM GamerBlake
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What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
what? i don't want to draw my name out of the hat!! i wanna MM blind ducky regardless for any amount of money!! i felt his pop off against me at NEC hurt my rectum so its pay back time!!!! also i will match the $100 to keep the hype!!!

@Blind_Man bring it, bitch!!


what? i don't want to draw my name out of the hat!! i wanna MM blind ducky regardless for any amount of money!! i felt his pop off against me at NEC hurt my rectum so its pay back time!!!! also i will match the $100 to keep the hype!!!

@Blind_Man bring it, bitch!!
Zyphox you are going to SCR?