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Lone Survivor


If you haven't watched this amazing flick based on a true story you're missing out big time. Best movie I've seen in a while unlike the BS we see today in hollywood



That Yung Big Body
>Reads "unlike the BS we see today in hollywood"
>thinks about how 12 Years a Slave came out in 2013
>laughs at the thread
>leaves a comment hoping others will laugh at the thread


>Reads "unlike the BS we see today in hollywood"
>thinks about how 12 Years a Slave came out in 2013
>laughs at the thread
>leaves a comment hoping others will laugh at the thread

That movie was alright

Most movies today are no different then the music today. Completely mediocre

>Laughs at you for stupidity.
>try again


That Yung Big Body

That movie was alright

Most movies today are no different then the music today. Completely mediocre

>Laughs at you for stupidity.
>try again
Bruh what do you listen to that you think music today is bad? Cant you see your view is skewed not because there is a problem with "___ of today", but because you are into shit music and shit movies? You can go to ANY time period and there will be great art and bad art, great music and bad music, great movies and bad movies, great writers and bad writers, ect. Its not that the time period is bad, its that you are looking at the worst of the generation not the best. I try to make a joke about the blanket statement "___ of today" that dumb dumbs on the internet use, and now the dumb dumb has to fight for his opinion. SHEESH
Most of the good musical talent is not going to be found mainstream. You're going to have to look for yourself.

@187x @Nonameformedude

Outside of that..
>Appreciates Movie
>Gauges Thread
>Makes This commment
>Laughs At Green Lantern Player
>Laughs at Bolded SHEESH


Average at Best
I thought it was a decent movie but hope people don't look past how bad of a situation they were in from the get go (As in the briefing room). You watch a bad situation grow worse and worse and as herioc as they are depicted to me it was frustrating watching them suffer because of communication issues, lack of resources and ultimately the ROE.


Bruh what do you listen to that you think music today is bad? Cant you see your view is skewed not because there is a problem with "___ of today", but because you are into shit music and shit movies? You can go to ANY time period and there will be great art and bad art, great music and bad music, great movies and bad movies, great writers and bad writers, ect. Its not that the time period is bad, its that you are looking at the worst of the generation not the best. I try to make a joke about the blanket statement "___ of today" that dumb dumbs on the internet use, and now the dumb dumb has to fight for his opinion. SHEESH
wrote a paragraph blowing your stupidity up once again but decided to delete it at the last minute *BTw i was referring to mainstream mostly on both subjects* Look what it has become today

>stay on topic


That Yung Big Body
wrote a paragraph blowing your stupidity up once again but decided to delete it at the last minute *BTw i was referring to mainstream mostly on both subjects* Look what it has become today

>stay on topic
Bruh im sorry I came into this thread you made trying to promote a movie you liked and started firing shots. Im also sorry that when you commented back, clearly saying "most movies" by the way, I wrote a paragraph to blow you up and called you a dumb dumb. Im an asshole and I dont know how to contain myself.

I personally dont think that most of any creative outlet is bad, sometimes its undeveloped(an example would be most trap music), but never flat out bad. If you want I can give suggestions of things I things reach a higher quality in the area of movies and music. I like many styles and genres so if you tell me what you like Ill not only suggest, but ill write out why I think its of high quality