Let me shed some more light on this, The top 5 in MK discussion started because I was asking people who is the best with what respective character at injustice. THEIR personal list and no one can argue with them cause its theirs- then i got into MK9 discussion and thats when gross started popping off and talking shit to which me and @
Emperor DMS responded "say it to their face"(16bit and pig) aaaaand he got bodied by logic. "CDJR is my son."-Gross KIT2014
Anyway, I was THERE when gross challenged him which ORIGINALLY was for an exorbitant amount he said $200 i shit you not. I interrupted calling bluff to which he PULLS OUT HIS WALLET AND SHOWS A few $100 bills. King was like- Nah I am not gonna bet for so much and gross didn't wanna go down to $20 initially and they were going back n forth so we go back to the set up and hes playing, whatever. Then I start talking shit to King like dude I think you should at least do $50 in a FT5 or FT10 blah blah blah and after a while he finally agrees- I grab gross from playing SFIVAE with Kevin and tell him after the set with his brother i am putting MK9 in and the MM is on. Before they start they negotiate down $20 and my dude prime was sittin next to me gonna record it. Then ofc you see him ragequit and keep saying "you play this game still I don't" We tried to convince him not to dick king out because its the principal >_< theeeeen next thing I know all of KIT is askin' me what happened between king and gross (even my SF player friends! LOL)
Ps, Yes I am a girl and yes I talk the ill shit for hype. One day I hope to be as good of a shit talker as 16bit cause his pop offs are legendary. XD And kung lao players are scumbags >_> <_< @