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Dear, Fighting Game Community 2014

So one of my friends thought this post I made 2 days ago warranted its own thread. I think we've been here before so I brought up new'isher... Information. You all be the judge. I'm out. Gotta beat scrubs in Blacklight Retribution.

The "FGC" is about as realistic as any of those old myths or fables you see portrayed on the big screen such as "Jack and the Beanstalk". Its a good idea, a solid theo ry, and something people liked to see. However right now it really isn't viewed like that on the inside. You have this community divided into so many different sub-factions its ridiculous. Let me pause and say look at American Government. Its only got 2 main sides and and the independents. And we see how their integration can slow down any sort of progress on the issues. Now some may say this comparison is ridiculous since there is no one "designated" leader of the FGC which is true but I'm going to explain this.

As of right now there seems to be more than just 3 parties at this point. (Capcommunity) (NRS/KI Community) (Anime Fighting Community) (Smash Community) ect.. ect.. and all typically only promote the games they're interested in and that creates a small issue. This "FGC" isn't a real united concept. You have people out there calling people "The NRS Fraudulent Scumbags" "Capcommunity Reacharound Elitists" "Tekken is Boring as hell" "DOA is still alive" "Oh you play Anime fighter? You must be a social degenerate" and things of that nature circulating around. So in a lot of cases there are some communities that would rather avoid meshing with other communities as much as possible. Also there's player base imbalance in the mix. I mean I don't know how many times I hop into a non Capcom stream and all I see in chat is "When's Marvel" "This game is ass" "Where's SF4?" "This game is a Street Fighter Clone LOL" "This game is ass" and I know it may be in good fun in some cases. But for any newcomer who sees it, just might take it as law. Which by proxy stuns growth. You see communities having "beef" with one another and each community glorifies the MOST ignorant of things. Hell if I told you right now "Chris G, Miles, and Yipes got into a real fight with Pig of the Hut, M2Dave, and REO". Some of yall would be going BAT SHIT INSANE for the footage and the "HYPE" and "Front page this!". Now you could say no you wouldn't but... wasn't it only a month ago there was a thread about a controversy with a girl on TYM and her SEX TAPE with another player? In which people were saying "Its okay girl don't be embarrassed you looked GOOD doing your thing." Yeah, that was the phrase they were using in her defense... Yep.

Not to mention top players can get a free pass at a lot of stuff. I mean if Average Joe player does some "fraudulent backdoor stuff" people talking about ban him/her from tournaments and deliver some swift judgement. However top player does something on the same level, all of a sudden its "adding to the hype". "Top player comes out and says he got robbed or lost in a fraudulent manner" a whole bunch of people come to that person's defense and start beefs with people jumping on the same guys back. Its ridiculous in some areas. However if some random gets to top 16 and makes an excuse. Oh the community is on that man/woman like flies on shit. "SUCK IT UP SCRUB" "FRAUD ASS" ect. Now its not everyone obviously but we are aware that a vast amount of them are serious.

The FGC is the only gaming community I've seen dysfunctional enough to damn near want to castrate some T.Os. have T.Os not deliver on promises "even pay outs". Then having T.Os and players screaming at eachother "FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR GAME FUCK YOUR MONEY" (see V.X.G. or UGFT9). Literally its like we're becoming WorldStarGaming... That'll be a YouTube channel in 3...2...~

Also a little difference in how things are ran is that there is no standard setups. Its a misconception out there with a lot of people I know who wanted to get into fighting games that "I need a 300$ Hit box too be good." "I need a 150$ Arcade stick." "They make 4 versions of the same game and charge for DLC on top of it" Outside looking in a lot of people see Fighting games as a money pit. So a lot of people don't jump in, but that's partly because the community doesn't advertise that kind of thing too much. I mean when you watch a lot of these Majors being stream its like "PROMOCODE FOR THIS HITBOX 60$ OFF ($240) or something to that effect. Also variant differences. Sometimes one game runs better on PS3 or better on Xbox 360. Then some play on PC at overdose frame rates. Some will soon play on PS4 or Xbox One which will be at 60fps. Also given many games "one frame links" sometimes even the MONITOR can limit your playstyle. Which isn't too common in any other competitive game type. Also to the average person Fighting games get boring real fast. I mean go on XBL/PSN/PC online. After the first 5 or 6 months of the game's release. Those rooms are damn near dead sometimes. Maybe 200 people or less. While in FPS, I can still find games in Modern Warfare 2... Hell I can still find games in Halo Reach.

Also there's always seems to be a large wave of bullying going on in the community that's tolerated and accepted as the way of the land.

Too Long Didn't Watch Videos about some bullying:

Cliff Notes: DarkGuyver_3 helps 3 other people get to EVOLUTION 2013. All he asks is that they chip in gas. He allows them to borrow his car (to go to eateries/restaurants around the venue) nice charitable guy. However the trio of strangers, accuse him of stealing, leave him to fend for himself in the desert (Guyver's car breaks down. The 3 of them get a ride with the police man and DON'T send anyone back for Guyver who stayed with his car to make sure the towing company would come through), the trio lied to this man's wife!... sounds like a captivating plot for the next Liam Neeson film. "Taken 3: EVOLUTION"

Probably seen it before, but apparently its okay to blow people up like this for a laugh.

Numerous other problems though. But I've wasted enough of your time. Thanks for joining me on BlackPreon In Space. See you next Post!​
Yo niqqa, where the cliffs?
Like Jarek in MK4 I'm falling off of them. Large black man with 3 letter name cast me down the hole. See you next tuesday. And besides. This is a BlackPreon thread... Coming here for short cliff notes is like going to Hooters for a women's rights activist dinner . . . and good food.

I'm always long winded. But if you want I can give you a piece of cliff notes . . . they're right under that video with the 4 people in each corner...

Cliff Notes: DarkGuyver_3 helps 3 other people get to EVOLUTION 2013. All he asks is that they chip in gas. He allows them to borrow his car (to go to eateries/restaurants around the venue) nice charitable guy. However the trio of strangers, accuse him of stealing, leave him to fend for himself in the desert (Guyver's car breaks down. The 3 of them get a ride with the police man and DON'T send anyone back for Guyver who stayed with his car to make sure the towing company would come through), the trio lied to this man's wife!... sounds like a captivating plot for the next Liam Neeson film. "Taken 3: EVOLUTION"

Probably seen it before, but apparently its okay to blow people up like this for a laugh.

Numerous other problems though. But I've wasted enough of your time. Thanks for joining me on BlackPreon In Space. See you next Post!​
See this reply was even longer winded than necessary. GG DERPTILE! =D


Confused Thanagarian
Popping off is fine, but that shit ain't right. Like the worst we should be seeing is some 16Bit shenanigans, that stuff up there is pathetic and I'd have some words to say if I saw anyone doing that shit #BullyBreaking

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Not too sure I understand the point, exactly.

Are you saying that the FGC isn't an actual community or that it's more of a dysfunctional one that much different than most people expect when they hear the title FGC?

I mean, regardless of how crazy, unprofessional, narrow-minded, vulgar, base, spiteful, rude, insensitive, disorganized or just plain bizarre it might be, it's still it's own sub-culture and community. Just an unusual one.


The Best.
I dont think its so much the community, but the amount of time level and skill it takes to goto tournaments. I mean, look at shooting games. There community is like 99x more horrendous then ours but they are still getting sponsored and stuff. I mean look at this shit:
I mean thats soo bad. Its just weird with fighters. Trust and believe, this is not the reason the community is falling. Its something else, but I cant put my finger quite on it yet
I dont think its so much the community, but the amount of time level and skill it takes to goto tournaments. I mean, look at shooting games. There community is like 99x more horrendous then ours but they are still getting sponsored and stuff. I mean look at this shit:
I mean thats soo bad. Its just weird with fighters. Trust and believe, this is not the reason the community is falling. Its something else, but I cant put my finger quite on it yet
But this is trash talk. Trash talk is fine. However I don't think the FPS community has many sex tapes circling their communities. Also as I said about the segmentation. Halo Guys support Halo games. CoD guys do CoD shennanigans. MK guys... support MK games...but have friction with Capcom guys.. while Anime scene does its own thing. The scenes are very "heated" to say the least. Also within the scenes there's a lot of "east coast / west coast" action. While in these bigger communities they typically don't split it like that. However in a lot of these FPS tournaments none of it gets the that physical boiling point, they don't have as much friction with their T.Os. And to cap that off they don't have collusion and players getting away with stuff because they're top guys.

Hell not to long ago two teams got DQ'ed out right from MLG Raleigh for Halo. And yeah they may drop a hell amount of F bombs... but all their games are Rated M for mature anyway so its nothing uncommon for them. Also there is a lot of bullying that goes on in the FGC, we've all seen our fair share. There's a lot of issues out there man.

Edit: You are still the king of YOLOness.
Not too sure I understand the point, exactly.

Are you saying that the FGC isn't an actual community or that it's more of a dysfunctional one that much different than most people expect when they hear the title FGC?

I mean, regardless of how crazy, unprofessional, narrow-minded, vulgar, base, spiteful, rude, insensitive, disorganized or just plain bizarre it might be, it's still it's own sub-culture and community. Just an unusual one.
I'm not saying its horrible, not saying its anything really. Just a lot of folks have asked "why is the FGC not as big as it /could/should/ be?" "What separates us from the League of Legends, Starcrafts, and the like" "Why don't our communities GROW as much as the FPS scene and MOBA scene". Just tossing food for thought. Slinging it really.

And yes the term "FGC" is an ideal thing. But we all know we're segmented with clashing opinions/styles and thus creating drama. Capcom priority and things like that. Its a part of the culture but it does show some flaws in the system in terms of "why aren't we bigger than we are now".



Probably seen it before, but apparently its okay to blow people up like this for a laugh.
i didnt get to read this yet cause im really busy right now but i did want to say that Bryan didnt care that he was on camera or he would of hid from it. he said even made a public statement about what happened in that video and many people respect him and know who he is now
i didnt get to read this yet cause im really busy right now but i did want to say that Bryan didnt care that he was on camera or he would of hid from it. he said even made a public statement about what happened in that video and many people respect him and know who he is now
I know this. BUT, people on the outside of the FGC who see things like this don't know that story. A couple of people who I got into fighting games apparently saw this video, the Unknown / Andre, and the Noel Brown stuff way back. They figured that all of this is commonplace in the FGC and didn't want any part of it. Also knowing that certain games get priority ect. ect. This isn't to target bullying or anything. Its throwing darts at a dart board to pull discussion. Since the thread this idea was mainly posted in was about "Why the FGC" isn't growing as rapidly as other games that adopted the E-sports culture. This isn't really of "This post is set in stone kind of thing as the facts".

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
I'm not saying its horrible, not saying its anything really. Just a lot of folks have asked "why is the FGC not as big as it /could/should/ be?" "What separates us from the League of Legends, Starcrafts, and the like" "Why don't our communities GROW as much as the FPS scene and MOBA scene". Just tossing food for thought. Slinging it really.
I just think it has to do with the type of game. While it may seem like watching two animated dudes punch the Hell out of each other could be something that's appreciated by everyone, it's honestly not that fun to watch unless you know about exactly what's going on. I just don't think fighting games attract enough players to make it grow, and they also don't provide enough excitement to be a spectator sport for casuals.

That, and I think there's been strong resistance towards growth from the scene, but that's another story. I just think growth is stunted by the popularity of the games. I mean, I like to play some online golfing games with my bros, but no matter how tight-nit the community is, no matter how well organized or professional, I don't think we'll ever see cutesy anime golfing on any major eSports streams or Television simply because it's not popular enough for a multitude of reasons. Some of which they share with the FGC.


I know this. BUT, people on the outside of the FGC who see things like this don't know that story. A couple of people who I got into fighting games apparently saw this video, the Unknown / Andre, and the Noel Brown stuff way back. They figured that all of this is commonplace in the FGC and didn't want any part of it. Also knowing that certain games get priority ect. ect. This isn't to target bullying or anything. Its throwing darts at a dart board to pull discussion. Since the thread this idea was mainly posted in was about "Why the FGC" isn't growing as rapidly as other games that adopted the E-sports culture. This isn't really of "This post is set in stone kind of thing as the facts".
yeah i was gonna add in that it still looks bad for people who dont know the story behind it.


I don't think this is really the reason why the fgc isnt that popular. Like sonic fox said the shooter genre is way worse when it comes to this, just look at iflyillina.
I just think it has to do with the type of game. While it may seem like watching two animated dudes punch the Hell out of each other could be something that's appreciated by everyone, it's honestly not that fun to watch unless you know about exactly what's going on. I just don't think fighting games attract enough players to make it grow, and they also don't provide enough excitement to be a spectator sport for casuals.

That, and I think there's been strong resistance towards growth from the scene, but that's another story. I just think growth is stunted by the popularity of the games. I mean, I like to play some online golfing games with my bros, but no matter how tight-nit the community is, no matter how well organized or professional, I don't think we'll ever see cutesy anime golfing on any major eSports streams or Television simply because it's not popular enough for a multitude of reasons. Some of which they share with the FGC.
I'm aware of that everything can't be loved by everyone standpoint. But you don't see League of Legends tournaments hosting DOTA and Starcraft tournaments in the earlier portions of the stream. They can all support themselves. They're self sufficient communities. With Fighting games you aren't going to see to many Blazblue only Majors and things of the like. Which is why I think its problematic for their to ever be growth. Everyone isn't going to buy EVERY fighting game, just the ones that are the most popular. Thus the Capcom side of things. Also it seems like the newest generation of gamers are used to having their games spoon feeding them everything they'll need to be "competitive" even in the smallest degree. Games overall have been becoming easier and easier than games of the yesteryear and the average gamer these days probably isn't going to care about learning matchups too much.

YOMI Reno_Racks

I have a dream...
Interesting write up Preon. It got my wheels turning a little.

I'm curious what highly decorated shooting games tournament veteran @Zyos has to say about in regards to this. He's very familiar with both communities so his insight would be better than most.
Interesting write up Preon. It got my wheels turning a little.

I'm curious what highly decorated shooting games tournament veteran @Zios has to say about in regards to this. He's very familiar with both communities so his insight would be better than most.
I've played Halo Competitively on and off for quite a few years. And the only couple of things I saw out of the ordinary besides "pop-offs" (some went a bit too far) and sometimes you get twitter rows. But we get that in the FGC too. However they don't have too much community interaction. Halo fans don't have to meet up with CoD fans to support the event. They have MLG but those are pretty separate events. Like even though the NRS and Capcom communities have had their share of friction in the past we still have to share the venue for the respective Majors. I mean people as I said before had problems with T.O.s at UFGT last year and problems with payouts at V.X.G. however from what I saw Kumite was ran DAMN well. How was it actually? I've heard good things.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
i always think the things you post are interesting, about that video of the guy crying, thats a good example of people being assholes and top players being diva's (wont waste time playing you unless its for money) and what some people have to do to try to improve their game, on the other side him crying over a video game is a little bizarre and if he's crying over the money well he decided to give it away in order for high level experience....all in all that video was uncalled for and he was just being humiliated for their entertainment