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The match I admit, I watched over MK...


Random foreign guy
The difference is basically the community and history.

When it comes to balance, MK is vastly superior.

But I do envy some game mechanics.


Dojo Trainee
@Raging: Obviously so can you explain why there is this "Hype" for the game?
Because these are very high level players, top 8 out of 1500+ entrants, international players from all over the world coming. There is history with the players, rivalries, all of which create upsets and "hype"


When it comes to balance, MK is vastly superior.

But I do envy some game mechanics.
debatable. There aren't any 8-2 matchups in SSF4 that I know of. The whole Yun/Fei thing is being blown out of proportion and the game isn't even out that long ( 1-2months at most for console).
Because these are very high level players, top 8 out of 1500+ entrants, international players from all over the world coming. There is history with the players, rivalries, all of which create upsets and "hype"


debatable. There aren't any 8-2 matchups in SSF4 that I know of. The whole Yun/Fei thing is being blown out of proportion and the game isn't even out that long ( 1-2months at most for console).
Outside of hype whats so different about SSF compared to MK?

SSF seems boring to me when I watched the EVO stream, seemed like alot of leg pokes & hoping around and maybe a uppercut here and there? I don't have anything against it, I just don't see why SSF people don't play Mortal Kombat.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
wow....in mk michaelangelo brady and reo lose, in mvc3 justin wong lost and in sf DAIGO lost!!!! kinda pissed that he did man...


Random foreign guy
I don't think its a coincidence that mk had 8+ chars on it's final while SF got ~3. Also, SFIV (Not AE) is an old game, i think ~2 months is enough for great players to get some thought about tiers. Still, as you said, debatable. IMO MK would still be superior if players had more time with SSF4. I expect capcom nerfing yun, fei and maybe viper soon.


Dojo Trainee
I don't think its a coincidence that mk had 8+ chars on it's final while SF got ~3. Also, SFIV (Not AE) is an old game, i think ~2 months is enough for great players to get some thought about tiers. Still, as you said, debatable. IMO MK would still be superior if players had more time with SSF4. I expect capcom nerfing yun, fei and maybe viper soon.
ROFL 2 months is not enough time and I can't believe you think so. Why would Viper get nerfed? There was only 2 that I can name off the top of my head in top 32. Viper is a super technical character and one of the hardest (if not the hardest) character to play. Not even that long ago Wong claimed charge characters blow up Yun/Yang, and not to long after that NO Yun/Fei/Yang was in top 3 in team SBO west coast qualifiers. Not to mention Latif and Wolfkrone are one of the BEST SSF4 players, they aren't just some scrubs that FOTM their way to top 8.

3rd Strike tiers STILL change and that game hasn't been updated EVER and was released for more than 10 years. What makes you think AE tiers are finalized? lol?


Even that fei player is a top level Virtual Fighter player, a game that is all about reading your opponent. It is no surprise that those people hit top 8 and its not because of the character they chose.
Technical gameplay, consistencies, higher learning/skill curve, footsies, no garbage throw tech, yomi gameplay and a few more.
So more chess like fighting style compared to MK's aggressive fighting style?

No wonder more chinese people play SF over MK lol.

* MK9 has been out for 4 & 1/2 months


Dojo Trainee
sf is only more hype because people make dumbass mistakes, mk is so much better
ROFL? troll more please

So more chess like fighting style compared to MK's aggressive fighting style?

No wonder more chinese people play SF over MK lol.
uhhhh racist much? MK's aggressiveness is so dumb down compared to SF4. A jumping punch forces the opponent into a 50/50 grab attempt that in itself is a 50/50 break that you can't tell? LOL and on knockdown can lead into another 50/50 jumpin punch?
ROFL? troll more please

uhhhh racist much? MK's aggressiveness is so dumb down compared to SF4. A jumping punch forces the opponent into a 50/50 grab attempt that in itself is a 50/50 break that you can't tell? LOL and on knockdown can lead into another 50/50 jumpin punch?
Ok so it boils down to preference and no i'm not being racist, i'm stereotyping.


Playing: Injustice, Persona, Blazblue, and MK
ROFL? troll more please

uhhhh racist much? MK's aggressiveness is so dumb down compared to SF4. A jumping punch forces the opponent into a 50/50 grab attempt that in itself is a 50/50 break that you can't tell? LOL and on knockdown can lead into another 50/50 jumpin punch?
Ugh! Seriously why are you here even trying? -_-


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
ROFL? troll more please

uhhhh racist much? MK's aggressiveness is so dumb down compared to SF4. A jumping punch forces the opponent into a 50/50 grab attempt that in itself is a 50/50 break that you can't tell? LOL and on knockdown can lead into another 50/50 jumpin punch?
Umm, trolling? Thats the damn truth. People are either doing overly aggressive crap like poongko or they are getting some lucky reads. Mk is all up to the player not to do some dumb shit which is why so many people dont like it. Most of the technicality is pointless in SF. Look at the MK finals versus SF's. Perfect Legend won because of some precise reads and the fact that REO didnt react to certain things he did. SF's finals was Latif taking unnecessary risk that cost him the title (even though he is still a beast) and Fuudo turtling. Sf has never truly rewarded people for being aggressive unlike mk.

There is so much stuff giving to you in SF that people take it for granted, and is only relevant when talking about games side by side.


Dojo Trainee
Umm, trolling? Thats the damn truth. People are either doing overly aggressive crap like poongko or they are getting some lucky reads. Mk is all up to the player not to do some dumb shit which is why so many people dont like it. Most of the technicality is pointless in SF. Look at the MK finals versus SF's. Perfect Legend won because of some precise reads and the fact that REO didnt react to certain things he did. SF's finals was Latif taking unnecessary risk that cost him the title (even though he is still a beast) and Fuudo turtling. Sf has never truly rewarded people for being aggressive unlike mk.

There is so much stuff giving to you in SF that people take it for granted, and is only relevant when talking about games side by side.
You could say the same for MK. During the finals PL did many "guesses" with wakeup spin and a lot of them were blocked or whiffed.

lol fuudo turtling, not sure if we were watching the same stream. How does a character with no range attacks turtle against viper. MK is a game that purely based on aggressiveness, while SF4 has options for both aggressive and defensive play. You have to take risk if you're going to be aggressive, that is the payoff for that certain playstyle.

edit why are we even comparing the two games? shits different anyways.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
You could say the same for MK. During the finals PL did many "guesses" with wakeup spin and a lot of them were blocked or whiffed. lol fuudo turtling, not sure if we were watching the same stream. How does a character with no range attacks turtle against viper. MK is a game that purely based on aggressiveness, while SF4 has options for both aggressive and defensive play. You have to take risk if you're going to be aggressive, that is the payoff for that certain playstyle.
Fuudo was turtling or being defensive because latif was being aggressive, thats what i meant. And yes not everyone is perfect but its more evident in sf of guesses that are just random as hell. MK isnt purely aggressive, you must be defensive in short burst of time which is why i love mk, because it forces you to fight in a FIGHTING game. Though i do think SF's footises and some combo premises are superior, overall mk is just a better package.


Dojo Trainee
Fuudo was turtling or being defensive because latif was being aggressive, thats what i meant. And yes not everyone is perfect but its more evident in sf of guesses that are just random as hell. MK isnt purely aggressive, you must be defensive in short burst of time which is why i love mk, because it forces you to fight in a FIGHTING game. Though i do think SF's footises and some combo premises are superior, overall mk is just a better package.
Well if you say fuudo was being defensive because latif went on the aggression, then couldn't you say if fuudo went on the over-offensive to counter latif wouldn't that be "overly aggressive crap like poongko"?

SSF4 has flaws, nobody is going to dispute that but to say statements like
sf is only more hype because people make dumbass mistakes, mk is so much better
just reeks ignorance. I mean I don't even play SSF4 (I prefer 3rd strike), but I won't deny that SF4 is a solid fighting game, nor say MK9 is a bad game. Both are different and should be different but to make statements like "XYZ game is trash, because I think ABC is better" is stupid.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
Well if you say fuudo was being defensive because latif went on the aggression, then couldn't you say if fuudo went on the over-offensive to counter latif wouldn't that be "overly aggressive crap like poongko"?

SSF4 has flaws, nobody is going to dispute that but to say statements like just reeks ignorance. I mean I don't even play SSF4 (I prefer 3rd strike), but I won't deny that SF4 is a solid fighting game, nor say MK9 is a bad game. Both are different and should be different but to make statements like "XYZ game is trash, because I think ABC is better" is stupid.
1.)Thats not what i meant
2.)Thats not ignorance at all, im not saying sf4 sucks its just not my taste for tourny play and casual


Random foreign guy
ROFL 2 months is not enough time and I can't believe you think so. Why would Viper get nerfed? There was only 2 that I can name off the top of my head in top 32. Viper is a super technical character and one of the hardest (if not the hardest) character to play. Not even that long ago Wong claimed charge characters blow up Yun/Yang, and not to long after that NO Yun/Fei/Yang was in top 3 in team SBO west coast qualifiers. Not to mention Latif and Wolfkrone are one of the BEST SSF4 players, they aren't just some scrubs that FOTM their way to top 8.

3rd Strike tiers STILL change and that game hasn't been updated EVER and was released for more than 10 years. What makes you think AE tiers are finalized? lol?


Even that fei player is a top level Virtual Fighter player, a game that is all about reading your opponent. It is no surprise that those people hit top 8 and its not because of the character they chose.
Yeah yeah, i can imagine you rolling in the floor. Anyway, I never said tiers are locked. When I said "MK would still be superior if players had more time with SSF4" I meant that it would take some time until tiers change relevantly without capcom waving the nerf bat arround. Yun and fei would still be dominant. Also, I don't know viper that well and thats why i've said "Maybe".

Those people didn't make it because of the character they chose, but they do have enough experience to choose the best characters the game has to offer. Doubt they would all make it if playing T Hawk for instance.


Dojo Trainee
Yeah yeah, i can imagine you rolling in the floor. Anyway, I never said tiers are locked. When I said "MK would still be superior if players had more time with SSF4" I meant that it would take some time until tiers change relevantly without capcom waving the nerf bat arround. Yun and fei would still be dominant. Also, I don't know viper that well and thats why i've said "Maybe".

Those people didn't make it because of the character they chose, but they do have enough experience to choose the best characters the game has to offer. Doubt they would all make it if playing T Hawk for instance.
MK9 balance wasn't so great when it came out or even after a few patches. KL/Raiden rain supreme for awhile, Cyrax/Kano were up there, sheeva/baraka/stryker were all considered garbage pre-buff. Its the nature of a game to have changing tiers and patches plays a big role. Nobody thought they would see a Juri would be in top 32, prefer 2010 nobody thought adon was good, etc etc. I wouldn't be surprise if a T-Hawk blew it up and placed well, afterall there are "grandmasters" T-Hawks in Japan.

For example when AE came out, people thought Yang and Makoto were top 4. But not a single Yang in top 32? (not sure about makoto). Games consistently go through tiers, and MK9/SSF4 are no different. There shouldn't be a patch every few months (minus broken stuff like 8-2 matchups), just let the game play out and if needed make a good patch with thorough testing. None of this whole Kano/Cyrax patching.


Milly Vanilli
I was watching both streams, but thank you for posting this STORMS. I missed some of these thanks to some terrible internet at my work. That definitely is one of the classic matches in EVO history. Wow.