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The match I admit, I watched over MK...


your not alone. I watched it too

that matchup is probably the most classic matchup of fighting game history. Its like the Ali vs Frazier of fighting games


Zoning Master
I watched the match too.

Justin Wong (Rufus) vs. Mago (Sagat) was also full of hype.

Plus all final matches should be great today. I encourage everyone to watch all of them.

Dark Kobra

Hitbox™ Enthusiast
same here ^_^. looking up the prices on flights from the uk to las vegas scares me:wow: but i'm going to try my best to make it.
Know how you feel there fella. Really difficult for us Brits to get ourselves over there. Not sure how much the flights are but probably in the region of maybe £600 - £700 and then the hotel on top of that.

Hopefully I can and will make a trip there next year ;)


Twitch - 12DollarStreamMonster
I had both streams up on Friday and Saturday.. switching back and forth to see all the great matches.

This was one of the highest moments of EVO 2k11 so far. Valle was sooooooooooooooooooooooo close. Alex is becoming one of my favorite fighters. I was sad to see his Shang get knocked out but him beating Detroit was fun to watch.

That Detroit vs Alex fight IMO started a rivalry in the MK scene. We have something to look forward to for years to come now.

Cant wait to see them run it back.


Dojo Trainee
great match even though i have no idea what's going on or what's being talked about. just the commentary it self, the excitement of the crowd and the overall hype surrounding one match makes it so entertaining to watch.


Ya, I kept hearing all this screaming in the background of the MK9 stream so eventually I flipped both streams open. Mostly focused on MK9 but there were some really hype SF matches too. I wish they had put MK9 opposite MvC3 because that wouldn't have mattered to me at all.


Sinestro's might!
I really don't see what is so hype about the SF matches. The combos are not that big and it seems like its about the odd attack here and turtling and dancing around the screen.

At least MvC3 has big flashy combos and so on. SF to me is just boring.

But each to their own and I am not criticizing the game or its players.

Vulcan Hades

I really don't see what is so hype about the SF matches. The combos are not that big and it seems like its about the odd attack here and turtling and dancing around the screen.
Fighting games are not just about combos.

SSF4 is super technical and heavy footsies oriented. Something most MK players just can't understand and appreciate because, well.. there's just no real footsies in MK9.

All those random pokes you see them whiffing have a purpose, to fool the eye and make the opponent think they're going to throw a projectile or whatever. All those "buttton pressing" are actually well designed frame traps (poke pressure with bait gaps for counter hits basically). The focus attacks to absorb grey damage are done to build revenge meter. All that dancing (moving forward and backward out of sweep/jump range) is playing chess footsies. They're constantly checking and conditioning the opponent, making sure he respects your ranges and pokes. They constantly buffer motions because they're trying to fish for a special or super move (something you can't do in MK9 because you can't combo a crouching attack into a special move or X-ray in MK). Every sweep or throw allows an untechable knockdown which is more important than damage in SF because they allow safe jump Option-Selects, vortexes and counter set ups.

If all you enjoy watching in fighting games is big flashy combos then I feel sorry for you because there's so much more interesting stuff going on in high level matches.

I prefer MK9's zoning wars and meter management. But the mid-range and up close game is so much more interesting in SF because of the fluidity of movement and pokes.