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TYM Movie Thread?


Confused Thanagarian
Anybody pick up a Civil War vibe from Captain America 2's new trailer? Wondering if it's just me, them showing 42 on everything makes me thing I ain't crazy.

#Januarysucks #LegendofHercules4life


Stay Puft
If you like good movies and good music you should definitely watch Upstream Color, came out last year. By the dude who directed Primer. Gorgeous film, shot with a $2000 DSLR for a really low budget. Definitely requires a second watch to understand it all, but not as complicated as Primer. Easily in my top 3 films of 2013.


so I watched some movies over winter break.

The Wolverine - okay movie, better than Origins but still could've been better imo. 2 or 3 out of 5
Elysium - interesting story but had some weird characters. 3/5
Jack the Giant Slayer - I actually like this film a lot. I think it can be a good kids movie. 4/5
Resident Evil 2 - I thought this was the best RE film, really liked how everything played out. 5/5
Resident Evil 3 - this was okay though seemed really short and dull. Dessert movies feel dull to me. 2/5
Resident Evil 4 - better than 3 but too much slow motion and plot wasn't anything special. Had useless characters 3/5
Resident Evil 5 - sucked. plot sucked. music sucked. fight scenes sucked. my opinion though. 1/5


I would have liked it more if they cut out like 30 minutes. DiCaprio was fantastic as always. Do we have spoiler tags here? If not, I'll just say between the two artsy comedies that just came out, I liked American Hustle better. And was it just me, or did it seem like he was channeling his Gatsby for the role?
DiCaprio is a great actor but he will act certain roles very similarly, especially when he displays high energy, his performances become very similar, just my opinion though. Believe it or not though, the movie is actually 30 minutes SHORTER than its original cut. I liked the movie a lot, great acting and loved the premise, but I felt the falling action went too quickly into the conclusion. Great movie but I don't think it's Scorsese's best, and as a whole I agree American Hustle was better; just simply flowed better in my opinion even though I felt Wolf of Wall Street was more entertaining at times.


Confused Thanagarian
"HellblazerHawkman, post: 1251661, member: 24686"]I would have liked it more if they cut out like 30 minutes. DiCaprio was fantastic as always. Do we have spoiler tags here? If not, I'll just say between the two artsy comedies that just came out, I liked American Hustle better. And was it just me, or did it seem like he was channeling his Gatsby for the role?
DiCaprio is a great actor but he will act certain roles very similarly, especially when he displays high energy, his performances become very similar, just my opinion though. Believe it or not though, the movie is actually 30 minutes SHORTER than its original cut. I liked the movie a lot, great acting and loved the premise, but I felt the falling action went too quickly into the conclusion. Great movie but I don't think it's Scorsese's best, and as a whole I agree American Hustle was better; just simply flowed better in my opinion even though I felt Wolf of Wall Street was more entertaining at times.[/quote]

I think that was my biggest issue. I expected it to get serious, but it did it really fast and it kind of made me uncomfortable (scene with his wife and kid at the end)


Might be taboo to say but I think American Hustle would have been better if they didn't have Lawrence and Adams kiss in the bathroom; had no relevance to the story or point artistically and took the movie down a peg in my book.


Confused Thanagarian
Might be taboo to say but I think American Hustle would have been better if they didn't have Lawrence and Adams kiss in the bathroom; had no relevance to the story or point artistically and took the movie down a peg in my book.
I think it served to show Lawrence was unbalanced as was going to put the whole thing at risk. Wasn't long or sexy enough


Justice League War was weird. Between Batman smiling and Wonder Woman acting like a little girl I don't know what's more awkward.


I think it served to show Lawrence was unbalanced as was going to put the whole thing at risk. Wasn't long or sexy enough
I had felt that was pretty well established at that point, to me it just felt they were unsure how to end the scene and that was a way to stop the dialogue because both characters have the personality to get the last word in edgewise.


Confused Thanagarian
I had felt that was pretty well established at that point, to me it just felt they were unsure how to end the scene and that was a way to stop the dialogue because both characters have the personality to get the last word in edgewise.
Fair enough. Will say, loved the cameo that happened 5 minutes later :p

@ruff321 this one get leaked? I'm still iffy on it, Flashpoint was great though

And the Fourth Kind made me sad from potholes :(


Yeah just watched it yesterday and if you're expecting this to be as good as the Flashpoint movie well then prepare yourself. One thing that I like from JLW is the action. It's 15 minutes of talking and the rest is just a lot of explosions.


Best horror movie to come out in 2013 was "You're Next" it was pretty much a movie from the 1970's. I was skeptical at first due to all newer horror films sucking, but it was pretty fantastic from start to finish. A lot of the scenes still stick in my head and the soundtrack was pretty damn good.

Justice League War needed better voice acting, GL's voice got on my nerves really bad. Overall I thought it was good besides that.


Confused Thanagarian
Best horror movie to come out in 2013 was "You're Next" it was pretty much a movie from the 1970's. I was skeptical at first due to all newer horror films sucking, but it was pretty fantastic from start to finish. A lot of the scenes still stick in my head and the soundtrack was pretty damn good.

Justice League War needed better voice acting, GL's voice got on my nerves really bad. Overall I thought it was good besides that.
"They must be using a cell phone jammer, you can get them for like $30 on Amazon"- You're Next. Favorite quote, favorite scene being where a girl gets jabbed 30 feet through a glass door like Tyson hit her

And fuck yeah another fan of The Boys. Rereading right now actually. Butcher's one of my top 3 comic characters, dem feels when he talks about Rebecca.

@ruff321 if that's the case, I'll try and watch it tonight. Sometimes mindless action is enough for me :p


I should re-read through them again. I was so disappointed it ended but the ending was so good. Billy Butcher is definitely one of the best characters ever created.

Anyone enjoy the movie Only God Forgives? The director also directed Drive, Valhalla Rising, and Bronson. His movies get shit on by IMDB users, which I don't fully understand, since his films are phenomenal.


My blades will find your heart
Best horror movie to come out in 2013 was "You're Next" it was pretty much a movie from the 1970's. I was skeptical at first due to all newer horror films sucking, but it was pretty fantastic from start to finish. A lot of the scenes still stick in my head and the soundtrack was pretty damn good.

Justice League War needed better voice acting, GL's voice got on my nerves really bad. Overall I thought it was good besides that.
I loved you're next, similar to Cabin in the Woods in that it sort of makes fun of horror while being a decent horror film itself.

Also the evil dead remake was really good IMO. Took a totally different direction from the original and was disturbing af.


Neutral Skipper
Most recent non-animated thing I've seen is The Host (it's Korean, not that shitty Stephanie Meyer thing). Granted it was the fourth time I'd seen it or something but it's so good.

Also watched Justice League War and Superman/Batman: Apocalypse yesterday. Honestly I thought JLW was pretty ass, a lot of the voice acting and script was weird, it was 90% action and I'm still salty about Aquaman being replaced with Shazam, especially since all he did was annoy me throughout the whole thing. S/BA was great, though.


blink-182 enthusiast
Good scary/horror movies are really hard to come by these days. The better ones are foreign with subtitles.

I did like The Conjuring, but was expecting a lot more out of it based on reviews and the hype.

This Is The End was also a lot worse than I expected. Not really that funny and random as fuck. The best part was Emma Watson, but that's only because she's my dream girl.

Oblivion with Tom Cruise was actually not that bad. I enjoyed it in fact.

Saw this weird movie with Seth Green called "Sexy Evil Genius". Entire movie takes place in a bar, but it wasn't too bad imo.

The newest Texas Chainsaw movie was actually pretty good. I was pleasantly surprised. The main chick character is incredibly hot as well.

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters wasn't too bad. The special effects and make up were well done imo.

The Purge was pretty bad. It could have been waaaay better and definitely not what I was expecting.

I saw this 2011 movie called Ironclad recently. It was pretty good, I love movies like that.

All I can really think of right now.
I'm glad I'm not the only one disappointed in This is the end. That got way better reviews than it should have IMO, pretty dumb

I didn't like the new Texas Chainsaw, but it was better than the "straight to Netflix streaming" experience than I thought it was gonna be

The purge sucked absolute donkey dicks. That was such an interesting idea and then they played to every single cliche available and ruined any chance it had of being original


Confused Thanagarian
I'm glad I'm not the only one disappointed in This is the end. That got way better reviews than it should have IMO, pretty dumb

I didn't like the new Texas Chainsaw, but it was better than the "straight to Netflix streaming" experience than I thought it was gonna be

The purge sucked absolute donkey dicks. That was such an interesting idea and then they played to every single cliche available and ruined any chance it had of being original
Why did the bad guy have to look like Draco Malfloy?