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Because Zatanna's normals and attacks have really crapy range, sometimes her pressure game can be difficult to use because it's a little difficult for her to get in. Usually she doesn't really need to get in because of her amazing zoning game, but I really think Zatanna's pressure after she ends a combo is being seriously under-used. I know that Zatanna's best game play comes from her zoning and traps, so what traps and pressure do you use when finishing a combo?
So far these are the ones I can think of and use:
@Mr. Mileena
So far these are the ones I can think of and use:
- Deg and Mr. Mileena's smoke and mirror tech for a vortex every time a character is in Puppet Master MB. Still working on pulling it off consistently.
- End a combo with F2,1 and follow up with a j1 then either B1,U3 or B2,1. Or even 112 Multi Kick. I find this is effective but sometimes they can armor, perry, or occasionally jump out of the trap.
- 223, Fire Kiss MB, Trait.
- 223, Teleport Behind, F3 (cross up)
- F2,1,1 Trait.
- Trait, (1, 2, or 3), teleport behind MB, 112. Or teleport behind, F3.
@Mr. Mileena