the mb ground spark is good...but I find myself not getting blockstrings much unless i'm in staff. I guess playing pigs zod constantly isn't helping me there (chase!)
I tried to film this but was inconsistent and I got tired so I didn't. The tech I have been messing with is baed around safe jumps. Most of his hard knockdown setups are also safe jumps and can be very useful at baiting an unsafe wakeup attack. Safe jumps has historically been huge in fighting games and I'm going to keep trying to find ways to evolve the game around technical skills like this. This video will help people see who don't get it:
Examples of NW safe jumps...Staff Spin 4 empty jump:
zod will likely do Zod charge
Superman will likely do that rising grab thing
WW will likely spin...etc etc
Problem for them is that you can block easily all wakeups as staff spin (no matter what the gravity) is a true safe jump. Nightwing in fact so many safe jump setups that you are able to vary them constantly. This includes both Escrima and Staff. After some thought, I think I will figure out all safe jump opportunities and make a video about that.
Going on, last night, I was using a new BNB:
My new bnb (i don't know if it is new or old but its worth the meter to me):
f213 EF mb, b3, j2 j2, f2134 staff spin (39%) or 42% with a j2 first. It does just as much damage as any staff BNB and is easy while ending in a hard knockdown safe jump scenario. Why don't I see people use this more. NW builds meter all day during 90% of matchups with ground pound and ground spark...use it for damage!
I also was practicing stuffing wakeups when their invincibility runs out...this can be done consistently and will be the future of injustice in many MU. I was able to do it consistently against zod and aquaman against ALL their wakeup options except water shield and parry using f2.
I will make a video with
AK Pig Of The Hut about this later this week.
I'm not trying to find tech...I'm trying to learn the game and play smarter