AK coolcmcgee
The 3rd Weekly Scraps featured eight entrants for Injustice: Gods Among Us and nine for Killer Instinct. Pig Of The Hut would be looking to keep the youngsters in line with a repeat victory. Some highlights of the night include Saltface debuting his Lobo against Xenomorph, Home Lee vs Tyler Lantern, and Saltface vs Cyusstrike. top 3 was settled with Pig of the Hut and Xenomorph in winners finals and Cyusstrike waiting in losers finals. In Winners finals Pig's Zatanna would see its debut but scumbag Pig would switch to Zod after 4 matches to send Xeno to losers for the Emperors. Xenomorph would defeat Cyusstrike in losers finals after a grueling series of matches. In grand finals, Pig Of The Hut defeated Xenomorph once more to please his master Emperor of Outworld.
A second Injustice tournament immediately followed the first one. Results for both tournies can be seen below, thanks to @AK Pig Of The Hut.
- Article edited by AK/RM GamerBlake.
A second Injustice tournament immediately followed the first one. Results for both tournies can be seen below, thanks to @AK Pig Of The Hut.
------Top 8 Results(First Injustice Tournament)------
1. AK/EMPR Pig Of The Hut (General Zod, Zatanna)
2. AK Xenomorph (Green Lantern, Aquaman)
3. AK/C88 Cyusstrike (Killer Frost)
4. AK Tyler Lantern (Yellow Lantern)
5. AK Saltface (Harley, Lobo)
5. AK Home Lee (Batman)
7. CrashdummyX (Catwoman)
7. Akil (Batgirl)
Tournament Footage
Injustice Bracket :http://ags.challonge.com/injusticescraps3
------Top 8 Results (Second Injustice Tournament)------
1st: AK/RM Harold (The Flash)
2nd: AK/EMPR Pig of the Hut (General Zod)
3rd: AK elitegoomba (Wonder Woman)
4th: AK/C88 Cyusstrike (Killer Frost)
5th: AK Xenomorph (Green Lantern)
5th: AK RTD (Sinestro)
7th: AK TylerLantern (Green Lantern)
7th: AK IChokeOnCush (Batman)
Tournament Footage
1. AK/EMPR Pig Of The Hut (General Zod, Zatanna)
2. AK Xenomorph (Green Lantern, Aquaman)
3. AK/C88 Cyusstrike (Killer Frost)
4. AK Tyler Lantern (Yellow Lantern)
5. AK Saltface (Harley, Lobo)
5. AK Home Lee (Batman)
7. CrashdummyX (Catwoman)
7. Akil (Batgirl)
Tournament Footage
Injustice Bracket :http://ags.challonge.com/injusticescraps3
------Top 8 Results (Second Injustice Tournament)------
1st: AK/RM Harold (The Flash)
2nd: AK/EMPR Pig of the Hut (General Zod)
3rd: AK elitegoomba (Wonder Woman)
4th: AK/C88 Cyusstrike (Killer Frost)
5th: AK Xenomorph (Green Lantern)
5th: AK RTD (Sinestro)
7th: AK TylerLantern (Green Lantern)
7th: AK IChokeOnCush (Batman)
Tournament Footage
- Article edited by AK/RM GamerBlake.
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