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The most fun games you've played in 2013?



Ye, I know I am kinda late to the party, but hell since the last few TR games I have almost given up my hope
on the franchise. Just seen the TR reboot for 18$ on PSN store, so I thought, hey why not give it a try and hell
this game is so good its unbelievable. Having a blast right now with this game and I could honestly say this new TR game is more fun than TLOU, AC4, GTA5 and any other game Ive played so far in 2013.
Everything in this game like graphics ( ye Im playing it on PS3 and hell the graphics look like next gen ), gameplay, music,
story just everything is top notch in this game its amazing except the multiplayer. But who cares about multiplayer anyway since games like this tend to have a boring multiplayer.

But ye, now I am definitely looking forward to the next Tomb Raider game. This reboot is like the best game Ive played this gen. Lol I m still hella hyped how good this game is. Why was this game not GOTY anyway lol?
Ye I m kinda mad about myself that I havent given this game a chance earlier. Lol, but better later then never right?

Lets hope the Resident Evil and Silent Hill series are gonna make a huge comeback like this TR reboot one day.

Yay, this game is so cool.

2. DMC

First of all tbh I never expected this game being that good because
the last few DMC games I have played were kinda boring and not rly fun at all IMO.
But this new DMC game on PS3 is mind blowing and too epic to be described in words.
I feel like a total noob for not giving this title a chance when it was released.
I just had the chance to play it when it was released on PS+ for free and was like
WOW lol.

Hell yay cant wait for the next DMC game now on PS4. :)


The most fun fighting game Ive played since long. The only negative aspect I can tell ya about this game is when you play DS you will receive tons of hatemails lol.


Ye, not much to say here. Rly good game with an amazing story and cool graphics. Multiplayer is bad though.

5. GTA5

Imo it was ok, but not as good as I expected it to be. Still in the top 5 list of me.

Havent played Bioshock Infinite yet and maybe there are some other rly good titles I might have missed in 2013.


Average at Best
Taking the term FUN literally here is my list:

2. Pikimin 3 - Intense VS BATTLES with my son!
3. Pokemon X/Y - getting back into the franchise after a long haitus and teaching my son his first Pokemon game.
4. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Black List - Spies vs Mercs Multiplayer great mix of old and new
5. Injustice - learning the game from square 1



Bioshock Infinite
Tomb Raider
Assasins Creed 4
DMC (I'm so biased to this series, but I thought they nailed the reboot)
Arkham Origins
Diablo 3 for the consoles

As far as GOTY goes honestly I don't think anyone can really hold a candle to GTA V from a general gaming standpoint. Ridiculous what they did with that game.


Filled with determination
I find hatemail to be a positive aspect. Anyway my list, the two telltale games TWDS2 and TWAU are not complete yet so I'm not gonna list them also I have not played Bioshock or The Last Of Us (well I played a little)

1. Injustice- I've been hooked onto this game since April and after going through half the cast I haven't played a single character that I haven't had fun with.

2. Tomb Raider- basically for the same reasons as the OP I played this game late too but boy was I surprised with how good it was, as well with how damn brutal it was some of those death scenes made me wince and that's hard to do.

3. Fire Emblem Awakening- so I feel kind've bad about this one I had to go on a five hour trip to Houston to see my sister and I asked a friend if I could borrow his 3ds I wanted pokemon but obviously I couldn't overwrite his save so he told me fire emblem was good so I borrowed that and I proceeded to play the game through the entirety of my stay somewhat ignoring my family. The characters were fun, the gameplay was addicting, the story was interesting, I got hooked into the support conversations as well as getting my army laid lol. Spent 40 good hours on this game and man it was a ride.

4. Brutal Legend- Another one I was late, on a great tribute to metal and Tim Schafer deserves so much more respect WHY DIDNT ANYONE BUY PSYCHONAUTS!? Anyway the game was hilarious Eddie Riggs was super likeable as a matter of fact every character is, Tim Curry is the villain what more needs to be said. And of course the soundtrack was amazing when Through the Fire and the Flames kicked in at a certain point in the campaign I went nuts with the hype.

5. Dead Space 3- I actually haven't played much else I would consider a great game so I guess this is here by default, but DS3 was a really fun coop experience me and my friend humble bundled at the same time, I did t particularly care for the story (Which is unfortunate since the first one is amazing) but the carver bits were interesting and I liked when my friend was seeing birthday stuff while I saw coffins. I also got to give it credit for a very good crafting system which I don't say much


Noob Saibot
1. Ryse
2. Metal Gear Rising
3. Killer Instinct
4. Lego Marvel Superheroes
5. Dead Rising 3
6. Knack
7. Injustice
8. Resogun
9. Battlefield 4
10. Biosbock Infinite

Great year for games.


Dojo Trainee
In no particular order:

Pikmin 3
Super Mario 3D World
The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD
Sonic & All Star Racing Transformed

AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
Top ten:
1: Bioshock
2: Last of US
3: Tomb Raider
4: Metal Gear Rising
5: Injustice
6: Batman: Orgins
7; Killzone Shadow Fall
8: Zelda: Link Between Worlds
9: DmC
10: Killer Instinct


Mama's Little Bumgorf
1. Injustice
2. GTA 5

The thing I didn't like about GTA 5 is the lack of being able to conquer gang territory like in San Andreas. Also, no interactive casinos or Las Venturas was a heartbreaker.

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
Lets hope the Resident Evil and Silent Hill series are gonna make a huge comeback.
It's dead OP. Dead.

My favorite games I've played this year are:
Silent Hill 1
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure
Pokemon Emerald
Resident Evil Remake
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Ghouls n' Ghosts
Killer Instinct
Dark Souls

Screw 2013. Shoutouts to Infinite and GTA V for being good for at least an hour.


Drops combos
Injustice and MK obviously

Dark Souls
Walking Dead game
Diablo 3 PS3 4 player coop with drinking rules (this is awesome btw)
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix